Saw this on a another thread

Saw this on a another thread

>G-Man is salesman for a interdimensional PMC. He ventures trough dimensions, taking shapes that are inconspicuous for the current dimension, and 'evaluates' individuals, and if they turn out worthy, he hires them trough illusion of choice, or outright forcing them to slavery, then trough subtle manipulation sends those individuals to do his (or his employers) bidding. Possibly Eli paid for Gordon's freedom in HL2 to fight the combine, after whoose defeat, Gman detains Freeman again. However vorts (perhaps allied to Eli) free him again, for which Gman is visibly upset, and in EP2 mentions that someone will have to pay for Gordon's prolonged freedom. This 'payment' could be slaying of Eli, by tipping off Advisors in end of Ep2.

Was he right Sup Forums?

Does it matter? Valve will never release HL3 so any theories are just pointless conjecture.

That's an old theory, and it's the most obvious one if you played HL1 and its expansions (the same thing happens to Adrian Shepherd - put in stasis by the G-Man due to exceptional combat effectiveness). I feel Valve won't completely go with it because it makes too much sense, or will turn a wrench into it somehow (maybe with Aperture and Portal playing into it?)

Releasing HL3 would just completely end in disappointment at this point.
They're better of with people propagating the
>gaben cant count to 3 XD
meme as its basically just a form of advertisement.

>his greatest assets to fight the combines are a guy that can shoot good and another guy that can shoot good and has a crowbar
Sounds like a fantastic pmc

the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world

oh really? I haven't played either of the expansions, I've wanted to but never had the money and thought come to mind at the same time.

Kek, they WILL do something with HL someday. Even if it's just selling the IP after Gabe gets too old to care

People thought Star Wars was done after the prequels. It took over a decade of hiatus but here we are, new Star Wars movies coming out

I think that a Neutronium Golem in the center of the combine empire would make a big fucking difference.
Might just be me though.

>that model


>ardrian shepherd rips out of a portal in the middle of some relaxing cutscene in the next game after killing the entire wrong choice army

feels too doomlike but goddamn that would be something

Star Wars was a somewhat self contained story though.
We know that the rebels beat the empire.
Thats how the story of the movies end.
Ep2 ended with a cliffhanger, so people naturally expect something new.
Furthermore, film is a "simpler" medium than games.
The gameplay is just as, if not more important than the story, so unless there's a significant imporvement in the gameplay of HL3, people are going to ask why the fuck we've been waiting centuries for a sequel.
Star Wars just has to rehash the same fucking story a couple of times to rake in autism bucks.

Shepherd's probably not Doomguy levels of combat prowess. Probably not even Gordon Freeman levels

>Geek with a MIT degree
>adapts to the situation in minutes
>wrecking black ops mercenaries and ayy lmaos despite no training
>perfect usage of every weapon he comes across despite no training

Gordon literally survived Black Mesa through sheer talent, high IQ and undisclosed G-Man influence

What the fuck would be the new gameplay gimmick for HL3?

It has to be something groundbreaking just like the 2 latest installments

My guess is something related to VR

Yeah same

My absolute dream that will never ever come true is eventually some sort of bodysuit gets made, where limbs are on some sort of "powersuit" so it can sense movement and also move your legs etc (to simulate standing on ground, gravity etc)

>so it can sense movement and also move your legs
Thats retarded
t. someone with working limbs

No it would move your legs against you, like if something grabbed it ingame

>ep3/hl3 comes out
>it's the best fucking game ever
>last part of the game is gordon wrecking havoc across combine overworld
>in the end gordon stands on the pile of dead advisors still in first-person view
>suddenly camera pans out to show gordon standing there with a crowbar and alyx cuddled on his leg
>he opens his mouth: "after all these years, finally... i have become half-life"
>voiced by nolan north

I know what you meant.
Its retarded.


it will be the peak in vidyagayem evolution debate me

It wont, because its retarded.

>tfw when Valve won't make hl sequel because they stopped believing in free will

>I feel Valve won't completely go with it because it makes too much sense
Or because it will never happen.

Ideally there would be some sort of crossover with portal, as Black Mesa and Apeture were competitors, and the scientist dude made a reference to the Borealis or whatever.

So far, Gordon has helped close the portal the combine was using to get to earth, and shut down their main base of operations on earth, so they'll either have him go to combine world and fuck shit up, or bring in concepts from Portal. Maybe the combine is trying to get their hands on the portal technology Apeture had developed? I thought they had hinted at that in the Half-Life series at some point.


>so unless there's a significant imporvement in the gameplay of HL3, people are going to ask why the fuck we've been waiting centuries for a sequel.

Other than the gravity gun there wasn't much change gameplay wise from HL1 to HL2. And from what I hear most were too stupid to figure out how to use the gravity gun effectively so just used the conventional arms instead.

They made a physics engine.
Thats why they made you do the
>put a bunch of shit on one side of a scale so it goes up or down or whatever
""""""puzzle""""""" a million times.

There were quite a few changes in the variety of weapons available, and in the physics in general. HL1 was more Quake-like, with the potential for bunnyhopping and shit like that, HL2 in generally a lot slower, with implementations like limited sprinting. Speedrunning glitches notwithstanding, HL2 was trying to be more of a serious story driven sci-fi FPS game with minor horror elements.

>Valve made Havok
u wot

There are literally only like, 2 of those in the main game. Yes, they're shitty, but it's not a common puzzle.

Hell, "unplug the energy field" was a more common 'puzzle' mechanic.

What exactly are you trying to imply here friend?

Don't you mean the
>here's a gap you have to cross so find something long and place it over it so you can walk over

I legit dont remember a single one of those.

You can strafejump for quite a while in HL2 if you manage the sprint meter. Play HL2DM against someone experienced and they're flying around 90% of the time

He's trying to imply that Valve didn't make the Havok physics engine, which is true. They used a heavily-modified version of the Havok engine for their physics.

Exactly, shit was so common you remember it just the same as running. As in you fucking don't.

It's possible, yes, but just the "feel" of the game is a bit slower paced than HL1. There's more tight places, "cinematic" moments, cover-to-cover shooting, etc in HL2, not to mention the NPC interactions and expositions.

Can you recall any notable "stack a plank across a gap" puzzles?

There was only the antlion beach part, where the "gaps" were sand but you never had anything that long

Dr. Freeman, I presume

wtf is this disgusting bullshit.

*attacks police*
