What are some games that allow you to become a God of fitness?

What are some games that allow you to become a God of fitness?

Would be more impressive if he started as a fat slob and didn't use roids.

Would be even more impressive if he didn't keel over before the age of 25 from massively awful genetics.

>heart attack is genetics

that's a lot of steroids

holy shit

>getting killed by steam

being prone to them is.

>tfw scooby's never coming back

He became kind of arrogant when he got /fit/, but I guess when you've made an incredibly transformation like that, it's hard not to let it get to your head.

Did Zyzz take GH? How did his facial structure change so much in like 5 years?


>ywn bring shame to your family by overdosing on cocaine and steroids while fucking ladyboys in a Thai bathhouse

even with roids he still pushed himself way to far and his heart gave out because of it


i think it's mostly the angle

Nah, even head-on his face looks wider and more square. I don't think he got plastic surgery but I wouldn't doubt it considering how much shit he was taking.

How did he die again?

Heart attack presumably caused by taking steroids?
He looks pretty silly, may just be because he's a shitskin.

This dude's appearance is so overrated. He should have bulked more and cut less.

>Heart attack


steroids. his genitals had also shrunk up like socks in a dryer

who /bulking/ here? i fucking hate all the eating

He used roids. It's not like you still don't have to work hard to get ripped, even on roids, but it's less genuine and mattered for nothing cause he died at 25 with no children.

>shit genetics
>no cardio
>massive amounts of steroids

Steroids combined with doing no cardio at all made him die like a fucking useless bitch in a sauna from a heart attack lmao

Heat stroke then heart attack kick in, kind of sad he's a good inspiration.

don't you dare talk shit about zyzz brah, i would fucking own you.

RIP zyzz

He died at 21 or 22, it was 2011 bro

I'm cutting early for summer cause I packed on a lot of weight recently. Keto is at least fairly easy cause you're always feeling sated.

Zyzz videos were pretty good, reading about him and memes got me into fitness so regardless of all the hate I still appreciate Zyzz


GTA San Andreas lets you get /fit/

Exactly. His gains are zero now that he's a skeleton and mine are even better.

I feel like his lack of cardio had something to do with it.

And I place cardio in fitness.
Death Road to Canada if you get a good run. Contemplate if one can be too swole to control as you starve near the end of your run.

i remember a video where he was flexing to some shitty ass tiesto song

good riddance

Fable 1 and 2 start you out as a scrawny fuccboi/fuccgurl and by the end of them when you max out all the Physique stats you look like the fucking hulk


nice man. I'm only a bit fat so gonna try and pack on weight for 3 or so months before I do my first cut i think

He had actual surgery iirc.

Not to mention all the drugs he did.

>good riddance


sounds like the best way to go out tbqh fampai


>do steroids
>get shrunken genitalia
>look ugly as shit
>die at 25 when men naturally peak way after that

Truly an idol.

>perfect amount of thiccness and muscle
>those thighs
>erect nipples
>>>>you will never marry her


He died at 22


>I'm only a bit fat
>first cut

If you're just starting out, I highly recommend a meat focused keto diet. You can cut and make gains at the same time, but the gains are pretty slow. It's a great way to get really lean though, especially if you do IF and lots of cardio.

He had a heart defect from birth.

>that bounce at the end
oh my god

I'm 6,5 and 210lb so i look pretty skelly but I'm not and do have some fat. I've heard a lot of good stuff about keto and love meat so will give it a look.

Real life.

Did he have a brain defect from birth too?

If not, then it looks like his death by stupidity wasn't inherited.

You mean Gay ?