A few hours in, and I think it's pretty damn good. Tell me why I'm wrong and should neck myself.

It didn't manage to make me care for the characters at all until more than halfway through the game, and the start of the game was forced "cinematic" gameplay shit with obvious arenas and obvious zones around objects npcs will eventually interact with. Just follow people around all day .
The only good thing about the gameplay was the ammo balancing, it always felt like I had to be careful.

Story was solid 6/10 zombie movie tier, but kind of disappointing considering what people kept saying about it.

All in all it's an inoffensive, mediocre game that I could enjoy while playing but probably wouldn't have remembered if people didn't keep bringing it up.

You are not playing a game, you are watching an interactive movie!
Also stop having fun, it's not real fun, it's fake, objectively wrong kind of fun so stop having it.
Did I mention it's a movie and not a game?

You forgot to call me a normie faggot casual and tell me to go back to plebbit

The Last of Us is a stunning technical marvel. It really manages to capture the aesthetic and production values of a real blockbuster, which is impressive and the closest the video games have come to doing so. It has some real great setpieces like the opening sequence which slowly immerses you into a zombie apocalypse. Its budget was put to good use and feels like a AAA movie.

...which is also a flaw. It's clearly a game for which the goal is to emulate a Hollywood hit, not to do something cool and original on its own. Its gameplay is adequate; not good or bad, but does nothing new. The only thing the game has going for it is "Wowowow the graphics are good and it's so realistic!", even the story is painfully mediocre and would be called cliche shit in another medium by critics; the plot is pure award-bait but only by the low standards of the video game industry.
Now being story-driven and cinematic isn't inherently bad, it's just that The Last of Us does NOTHING interesting. Look at the Metal Gear Solid series, that's cinematic as fuck but it has tons of originality like its unique gameplay conventions and charm with things like Psycho Mantis shenanigans, roaring mechas and nanomachines. TLOU is just an emulation of a movie with an ok game attached to it.

It's a 6/10 game

I just quit this myself. The controls are fucking awful and the stealth sucks. This compounds the fact that there are 1 hit kill enemies. I got to Pittsburgh and I just didn't give a shit.

>the plot is pure award-bait but only by the low standards of the video game industry.
Worked for Witcher 3 and Sup Forums is sucking CDPR's dick.
Fucking double standards.

Sorry, it won't happen again.

if you enjoyed from the beginning, it's only going to improve at literally every step of the way

I almost wanted to throw the game into the trash during the initial 4 or so hours, but after a certain character dies it was smooth sailing onwards

I loved it. Naughty Dog always delivers when it comes to great voice acting and they go up and beyond with this one. Fantastic performances that really make believe the characters. I hope you're playing on hardest difficulty for the best horror experience.

I honestly can't.

>playing TLoU on survivor
>mfw Hotel Basement level

multiplayer is fun, single player is so fucking mediocre. i'm talking in terms of gameplay. story is trying to be a movie which is lame

The game is fine.
Sup Forums just hates on it because it is a Sony exclusive. Mind you this board is full of PC elitist and Nintendo fags.

Not him but the witcher games are boring. I didn't like tlou either because it was very glitchy when I played it. The sniper sections were gosh darn awful and I was upset that the bullet shot from the direct side. And it was silly when everyone ran around like hey had no head.

I found it extremely tedious.

Clunky gameplay with a TV tier story (no idea if the PS4 version smoothed it out, but Id imagine 60fps would help).
If it was a mutation of the cordyceps that infected her, why didnt they just get her to bite everyone? Unexplained shit that made the ending feel incredibly forced.
The fact that theyre making a sequel (with the same damn characters at that) over a new IP is disappointing to say the least.

Is there any point in playing the game rather than watching a playthrough on YouTube?

Glad I'm contrarian enough to pass your test. I think both are boring as fuck and only do their graphics right.

I disagree. I only played the remaster version and even that one felt unpolished as fuck. Tons of invisible walls for objects npcs are supposed to interact with, scenes of main characters acting entirely out of character, little negro kid sleeping in an entirely different room for no apparent reason, the way the game segments the different gameplay styles feels really artificial, the AI of both enemies and allies often breaks down, hardly anything about the game feels polished and smooth like you'd expect of a high budget AAA blockbuster movie game.
I can't even agree that it did the polished turd blockbuster thing well. It failed at a almost every turn to keep me immersed

Because there's no indication that she's contagious.

when you have to pull the generator and run to the door gave me the spooks