The best mil-sim FPS game ever made

Prove me wrong

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F.E.A.R. exists, as does Halo 2

>FEAR and Halo 2 are now mil-sims
Wow holy shit my eyes have been opened

Hello, sir. Can you do with weapons what you can in EfT? I don't think so.

>fps survival

Is it a meme to shill EfT now?

>paying 70$ for a 50% chance to play the game

ill pass on that Russian pay model thanks

Is this game even anything like STALKER like it was advertised as?

Why are these slavs the only ones to make a beautiful Unity game? It looks stunning

In rubles it's cheaper.

Isn't this early access

because unity is an engine used by lazy indie devs and only eastern european devs care about graphics.

At this point it looks like any other survival/battle royale/deathmatch game.

>The best mil-sim FPS game ever made
>doesn't even have vehicles
Arma laughs at you pleb

>No Man's Tarkov

Does Arma have 9 custom animations for reloading? I don't think so.

This game is so good because the animations were done by real Russian soldiers

The streams of it prove its not some fake vaporware game people make it out to be. The game looks fun and tense and not the type of game that will be super popular as camping like a little bitch and hiding in a corner for 15 minutes on big map are some of the best strats if you really want to do well. The game seems pretty badass but at the same time after 2-3 weeks theres gonna be 9,000 youtube videos explaining how to loot the place as fast as possible and to do this 1 mission over and over so you can get loot with little to no worries and it will become boring and repetitive pretty fast imo.

Probably gonna buy it once its out

That isn't gameplay so I don't really care.

Arma exists, you are wrong.
>implying EfT is mil sim
>with unity

You cant talk about arma and then complain about a game engine. Arma is the jankiest shit ever made, a good game but dont be a dumb faggot

It's part of the gameplay. Custom animations help the immersion.

What's EfT?

I feel like this game is going to flop hard without any supernatural element. Why don't they just go full circle and throw that shit in? There's only so much fun I can have in a regular human on human fps setting. Also is it single player or multiplayer focused?

From what I have seen it looks great, like STALKER just without all the spook. Which is kind of dissapointing.

what the fuck are you talking about son

Nothing will ever top Arma so fuck off shill
in b4 you try to tell me you're not


Sort of. The game is fun, but people are coming on here and shitposting so that all the tismos on this site get really pissed off at it.

Not mil-sim, not even out. Also stop shilling.

Escape from Tarkov
I think what he's on about is the fact guns jam and stovepipe, as well as there being like 3 different ways to reload your gun.


Successfully baited.

Fuck no, not even a little bit. It's just War Z/The Culling/Day Z/H1Z1/etc. Pretty sure it's actually another scam by the War Z aka Infestation Survivor Stories "devs".

>3 different ways to reload
Will I need three keyboards to manage all this shit?

If you are patient you can be rewarded. But you could also be fast and still make it out with lots of loot. I see lots of crazed axe players stabbing the shit out of fully armored players.

no its simple stuff really like double tapping R to do a quick mag drop reload and standard reloads along with some "movie" tier reload when you get extremely familiar with a weapon.

>Good mil-sim

Just because its the best mil-sim out doesn't mean its good. There are dozens of ways it could be improved but that would require actual work from BI.

Different dev teams. The EFT guys were working on Russia 2028 previously. And I'm still waiting on that, for fucks sake.

ARMA still exists.

It has already been done to death. It's just a worse version of ARMA 3's Battle Royale mod or H1Z1 King of the Kill.

not made by those guys but okay.

Arma's not even the best mil-sim out there. But the point that EFT is neither a mil-sim, nor is it even fucking out yet still stands.

Just because it could be improved doesnt mean its not good.

Can you customize your weapons in Arma? Can you adjust your stance? I don't think so

just so you guys stop this mil-sim fighting I'm going to tell you that only having infantry combat does not equal mil-sim. That being said the combat in this game is some of the best I've played in a while.

well i havent played either of those and those games look like ass compared to this

I mean ffs arma is a good game but compare the best looking building interior to the shittiest looking interior of EFT. Or a majority of the animations or interactions with things.

Name a better one.

Yeah no shit. The codemonkeys change. The mastermind doesn't.

in arma 3 yes. not to the extent of tarkov but it is still there.


Uhhh, yeah actually. You can customize weapons, and adjust stances. Bave you even played ARMA?

That's exactly what they did with Nether. Granted, this game looks miles better, but it's still Russians and how many Russian devs can there be?

Your right, but my point was that ARMA could be good with improvements. As it stands, it's mediocre. A control system that didn't require autism would be a good start.

You can't change buttstocks or grips or handguards

Stop being so defensive, like a fucking shill. It's embarrassing. Cкoлькo тeбe зa этo плaтят?

Out of the ones that you can get ahold of publcily,
Other than that, the ones that military use in training.

enough out there that there are the good ones still. The shitty devs are still working on the shitty games because normies are dumb and will buy the shitty games.

This game is made by Contract Wars devs, which was a very good free2play game.

Dont forget to compare map sizes. Tarkov right now is just a bunch of 2x2 km maps, while ARMA is doing 20x20 km maps.

>it's still Russians and how many Russian devs can there be?
Enough to hack US elections.

Actually you can change grips, you can add and remove verticle grips, angled foregrips, ect.

>just infantry
>not even military, just random slavs and mercs

You mean the simulator ARMA is based on made by the same guys you cant even get if you dont have a government contract?

>You mean the simulator ARMA is based on made by the same guys
Yes. Does that somehow dispute my claim?
>you cant even get if you dont have a government contract?
There's quite a few versions floating around the net. Stop being a scrub.

The simulator is based on Arma and it's made by different guys. Get your facts straight.

Jesus christ, if you guys want muh-realism so bad just join the fucking military.

>Live in a EU country under NATO
>He thinks I'll willingly join the military and die for the jew
Tip top kek.

Or play Squad and get the best of both worlds. More arcadey than ARMA, less casual than battlefield.

you are punished if you shoot unarmed people in most military
you are rewarded if you shoot unarmed people in video games.

Other way around, but yeah, same engine, same devs, same company.

How do people even play ARMA with those god awful controls?

Would it kill them to make some actions automated or contextual so there isn't a hotkey for literally everything?


Well technically that user is right that it's different guys. You have multiple teams in one company working on different projects.

you are punished if somebody out of the military find out you shoot unarmed faggots irl
you can brag about your sick mlg 360 skill when somebody find out you shoot unarmed faggots in vidyas

But is it shit? Early videos looked like it was trying to hard to be Stalker and later videos looked pretty shitty.

where is the torrent for this shit?

Different branches of the engine since about 2008. Different devs. Different company.

Thread on Sup Forums
>first few post reek of marketing speech
>handful of anons express their doubt about paying more than the price of a triple A game for a early access
>gameplay doesn't look interesting, only saving grace is the customisation
>some anons somehow get extremely defensive about these opinions
>turn into a shitshow of shill-calling and said shill digging a deeper hole

Thread on /k/
>first few post reek of marketing speech
>handful of anons express their doubt about paying more than the price of a triple A game for a early access
>gameplay doesn't look interesting, only saving grace is the customisation
>some anons somehow get extremely defensive about these opinions
>turn into a shitshow of shill-calling and said shill digging a deeper hole

I find it amusing how much you would defend yourself from breaking the rules of this website.

They're pretty fast once you get used to it.

>Gameplay doesn't look interesting

Speak for yourself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to buy it until it's released, but I think it looks good so far.

The fuck? Isn't that BF Hardline?

I think it just meant awful, as he said.
Not a good design.

>how to move at different speed
>how to shoot and switch to different firing modes
>how to open map and compass

that's it. the rest is go where some autists with 1000+ hour in the franchise tell you to

BF Hardline, but Russian. Basically Stalker 2

>devs shilling on Sup Forums again

no its psychonauts 2

>gameplay doesn't look interesting, only saving grace is the customisation
I dunno mane, I like slow paced stuff. The only thing that I'm sceptical about so far is the damage system, aside from it just being another cash grab scam.

>no mutants
>no environmental hazard
>no mystical sci-fi undertone
that sure is stalker up in here

>Basically Stalker 2

You use this line in every thread and no one falls for it because most people have actually played STALKER.

You're unselling me on your shit game with these shitty tactics.


The fuck are you trying to tell me Sergei

It's actually the other way around.

>Wahh I don't like the freedom of being in complete control
>I want the game to play itself via 1 button

I bet you drive an automatic with cruise control too you useless cunt.

having actually played, it gives me fucking anxiety. But in the same swing it's probably one of the more fun realism shooters in recent years. night time is the same spooky shit as stalker only no mutants and just a bunch of angry slavs with shotguns.

>Online only pvp battle royal shooter

Wasted potential

Also it's an online TDM.


They can't even shill right.

>Basically Stalker 2
This is so retarded. It only shares some similarities with Tarkovskie's movie STALKER, but even then the similarities are very small. Fuck off with your bullshit comparisons already.

Also you're paying an upwards of $130 USDs for early access.

>wander aimlessly around open area for 5 minutes

>find some worthless trash

>get shot from behind by a guy i couldnt see or hear and die instantly, losing all of my trash

am i having fun yet

the devs never claimed stalker just a shitposter who wants to ruin shit. if you want to find the devs to the "Stalker successor" look at the mess that is survarium.

The problem is that the game try to impose itself in a niche genre, with a niche community, that still has "active" games.

Everytime i see one of those thread, everytime i read the posts within them, i am reminded of Black Desert Online, and how forgotten it became.

What is Tarkovskie? Tarkovsky's retarded Polish brother?

>but even then the similarities are very small.

I would go as far as to say the similarities are essentially non-existent. The only similarity I can name is that they're both played in the first person and you occasionally shoot an AK variant of some sort.