Who wins in this fight?

who wins in this fight?

master chief or doom man?

they all have their weapons from games

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>BFG 900 + Quad Damage + Invulnerability

>Scarab gun + Invincibility(stolen from a Brute Chieftain)
Golly gee, sounds exciting, don't it?

BFG only works on demons.

>doom man

Nice b8 faggot

>they all have their weapons from games
Except this doesn't matter to Master Chief since he can only carry two weapons at a time anyway.

It really depends on how much cover there is, because Chief has regenerative shields.

When was that confirmed?

They have their weapons, but no power ups

Master chief is a demon.

>doom man
>doom guy

I prefer "Doom Slayer"

Doom 4

But at least the other weapons should still be useful right?


Kind of weird because that logic at least makes more sense with 64's Unmaker

What about chainsaw?

I am the biggest Halofag I know and I can guarantee you it's Doomguy.

Why do I see this thread every time I come on this site?

Inb4 he gets BTFO, tries fighting back with fanfiction, gets BTFO again, then complains about doomfags being worse than soulfags, then making this thread once more to try again.

Mario could beat both of them.

>Decide to watch the Doom guy vs master chief death battle on YouTube
>Doom guy is slow as fuck
>Master chief is lucky!!11

inb4 they do a round 2

There are people take Death battle seriously?

I don't take death battle seriously but I wanted to watch doom guy kill chief

People publish review/rant videos over Death Battles and they're known to get hundreds of thousands of views-


Yes, people are that autistic.

Christ alive.
I would have thought people would have twigged after the time they had Tifa lose against a nobody because said nobody was owned by their parent company.

This is not a fair fight at all. It's like asking who wins in a fight between Vegeta and an Oblivion Imperial Guard.

>not realising that the level scaling would make the guard nigh impervious to anything he could possibly throw at him
Vegeta might minmax, but he's leveled up so much that even his slight deviations would spell his downfall.
The last words he'll ever hear are

>blue armour is plasma resistant
have they ever played doom before?

i don't think the kind of people who work for this show would even try to learn how getting the game for free with source ports even works, so they'll get the BFG edition instead.

That's a good joke but the guards don't scale. Random bandits and monsters do, but the imperial guard stays at the same level the entire game.

Why do people still rage over the whole goku vs superman thing? Superman outclasses Goku in literally everything. I mean goku can't even lift 1000 tons and almost died to a ring laser.

weebs are natural salt mines

Who wins - Doomguy or the Material Defender?

Material Defender gets his ship.
