Post best TF2 comic jokes

>He thinks its actually coming out this week

I believe.

I do wonder what they were doing in the mean time though.

I love how the issues covers for TF2 are parodies of actual comic books.

Bit lazy really.

Every comic has to parody the Crisis on Infinite Earths cover at least once, same with Days of the Future Past, Spider-Man no more and Action Comics 1.

Dead Game

I played it yesterday.
It's still alive and fun

It's either this or every single page with soldier and zhanna

Lol medic dead. Rush the tank.

These comics got me to respect Heavy a lot more than I did back when his character was less explored.

They really have made Heavy sympathetic, and even characters like Demoman and Soldier to some extent.

>still playing TF2 after what it's become

Maybe not Soldier. He's still the batshit insane madman we all know and love.

Yeah but at least with Zhana we know he's never been bad in any way.

Just a patriotic soldier for his country. Who happens to be an idiot that's never fought in a real war.

I play with my brother back home. Its a nice relaxing game.

I still haven't given a single cent to the game since I bought the orange box way back when.

Just enjoy what you have man

The only issue TF2 has right now is Casual will sometimes dump you into a 6v6 or 7v7 server which dies after people leave from losing and it turns into a 3v3 or some shit. A good populated server is still great fun.

God, these comics are so well written.
This page still gets a little snicker out of me every time.

I play all the time with my community server bros. You aren't a filthy casual mm pleb are you?

>letting blizzards marketing team lead you by the nose

TF2 is a casual game though, which is fine, but you can't call others casual plebs if you play it

>if you don't play TF2 then you must play Overwatch!

The same projection retort every time

"You hear that merasmus? I own your house of ostrich horrors!"

A line is crossed when someone is so casual they don't even know how to work a server browser. Valve servers have always been inferior to good community servers and a frightening number of players either don't even know they exist or are too scared to step outside of the kiddy pool.

I know how to work a server browser, I just hate the way the game has changed over time starting with the F2P update. I tolerated it up until a little past Meet the Pyro but after Valve's false promises and shitty updates were in full force I had enough.

>anti-tf2 memes not forced by blizz and regurgitated by (you) and the other idiots.

its just a theory

>Post best TF2 comic jokes
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I stopped enjoying TF2 2 years before Overwatch even came out.

The Blizzard boogeyman is the lamest attempt to deflect criticism or differing opinions ever devised


Thanks matt

Heavy was always misconstrued as crazy.

>tfw no Zhanna gf

>playing either game
>fighting over which turd is the smelliest

The comics are the only good thing about TF2 anymore. How the mighty have fallen.

>I stopped enjoying TF2 2 years before Overwatch even came out.
oh, so you're in a tf2 thread because you're not a shit posting idiot

>The Blizzard boogeyman is the lamest attempt to deflect criticism or differing opinions ever devised

>>still playing TF2 after what it's become

nice criticism earlier. hard to deflect those well thought out talking points.

>you can't post in a thread unless you only have positive things to say about the game in question!
You're clearly fresh from Reddit.

I haven't played this tired piece of shit game in about 3 years, but I still enjoy the comics which is what the thread is about.

>not liking what TF2 has become makes you a Blizzard shill

Oh my TF2 really is a dumpster fire of a game if it's shriveled community is this defense. Also just for the record Overwatch actually manages to be even shittiers than TF2 so there is that.

imagine being so shitpost you look at games

One good thing Overwatch has done is transform every single TF2 thread into a [s4s] general.
Both games are garbage and both communities should shitpost each other to death.

>reddit boogeyman

Are there any good populated servers still around aside from Furpound?

Difference being my claim has actual backing, because on Reddit only positive comments are allowed most of the time.

I could say why I don't like the game anymore but you're more interested in accusing me of being an "overshill" or whatever words you use nowc

>knows reddit rules, accuses others of being from reddit


Heavy never made any sense to me
>Holding sasha
>Bloodthirsty psychopath who has a bigger gun fetish than /k/
>Not holding sasha
>Level headed voice of reason of the team

Scout best main

He loves his job but knows how to act normal off the clock.

>you can't tell from the screencaps people post making fun of the website
Again, you don't care about differing opinions, just shitposting against them

Killer rage

In his meet the heavy video, hes not autistic as everyone thought he was going to be, hell he even did the mathmatical equation for the cost vs rate of fire while making it into a punchline of a joke

And the director comic added even more depth to it by showing him using the talk about his gun to deflect the director's questions about his family.

God you people on v are pathetic. Tf2? More like TFGAYYY

>looks for "reddit screencaps" to learn the rules

we get it man, its ok.

It's a comic book tradition to parody the cover of crisis on infinite earths at least once.

>tfw no good scout replacement in overwatch

Tracer is a shitty not-fun version of a scout


You take that back

He served his terms overseas killing nazis in Poland until 1949

>Her hand got cut off.


Im new to this, link to the previous comics?


Oh neat I thought it was just some random fanart

I like the subversion of the idea of Heavy being big and stupid and he's actually pretty intelligent. Just one-track minded and doesn't speak English that well.

God no. Read the big comics first, they're absolutely worth it and will take some time.