What do I need to know going into this blind? Any mistakes I should avoid or builds I should go for?

What do I need to know going into this blind? Any mistakes I should avoid or builds I should go for?

It sucks

No, it doesn't.

Don't level up any skills or abilities before you reach the academy and pick your real class. ALSO LEAVE THIS THREAD NOW BEFORE YOU'RE SPOILED!

Combat sucks, characters suck, story sucks, level design sucks, 'moral choices' suck

It sucks

Take Persuade as a class skill. Not absolutely necessary, but should still open up a few dialogue options.

It's best to save as many levels for after you get off the starting planet but leveling up to lvl 5 should not hurt you and depending on if you picked scout or scoundrel, it will actually help you.

t. Disney shill

I've been noticing a lot of you shitting on it lately,probably hoping people wont play it and realize it's better than anything disney will ever produce.

Being better than disney's shit doesn't mean it's good

Nothing really. Obviously you're gonna want to be a Jedi so just focus on those abilities instead of things like two handed weapons. You'll have to use swords for a bit until you get an actual saber.

Go on blind, do what ever and have fun. It's not a particularly hard game. Remember to make lots of hard saves so you can always go back if you fuck up or want to do something different.

I'm currently in the middle of 2 myself but contemplating just starting over with 1 since I started 2 like 2 years ago. I've beat them both but it's been a while and I never finished either on PC.

Also at least disney's shit only takes 2 hrs to get through instead of the 30 hours you'll spend with this turd of a game

It's almost impossible to fuck up, game is pretty easy. However I would suggest only lvling sparingly while on the first planet.

Don't bother with ranged weapon feats on your main character

It's part of the last good bioware rpg's and there's really nothing you can say to refute that.

I refuted it right here faggot:

Why would anyone listen to your opinion, you clearly couldn't handle the game.

Saying it sucks and not why is not a refutation.

Keep leveling at a minimum until you reach Dantione, don't you are Revan and they whiped your mind witht he force.

Saying it's good and not why is not a refutation of my refutation

Burden of proof is on you. You accuse it of being bad, so prove it.

Does choosing the dark side come down to being a reatrded sadistic jerk like in every other star wars-related game?

Just get off Sup Forums and play the best fucking game ever you faggot

In 1, yes.
In 2, that's an aspect of it but not the entire thing.

In KOTOR 1, yeah. Less so in 2. Mostly because 1 is wayyyyyy more black and white than 2, but that's the kind of story they're giving.

>Try not to level up a lot till you end Taris (saving points for the Jedi powers)
>Blasters are SHIT
>Mind trick is LIFE


Funny enough, I did play the second one, but never really got to the first KOTOR. I asked because in the sequel it already felt like being sith just meant being a cunt, and my autism doesn't allow me to play as a jedi

One night I started playing this game.
Played until 6 AM.
Never played since.

Why Sup Forums?

You are sheev

It's not very engaging.

In 2, it's more about being selfish, seeking personal power and revenge, and also being a cunt and general evil deeds.
In 1, you're just an asshole all the time and then turn into a zombie. It's clear they wanted the player to be either light side or a grey jedi in 1 with more freedom in 2.

do not level up until after you get off taris. save all those points, you will know when the time is right to spend them

I honestly was really into it, but I don't remember why I didn't play it again.

not sure if trying that on a first playthough is a good idea though. I have seen people struggle with taris before even leveling normally.

Well do you want to go in blind or not, faggot?

Double lightsabers best

Save all your money to buy the unique crystals from the guy at the Yavin station

Never use hacking chips or whatever because you use them to get the endgame armor and items

>autism doesn't allow me to play as a Jedi

delete this

delete this

I basically like the Sith way too much

Skills are really important in kotor 1 so the build that will give you the most options is scout->sentinel

One think that kinda sucks to do on a first playthough but will maximize the amount of force powers you will get as a jedi is to deliberately stop leveling before you become a jedi so that you won't miss out on powers because the level cap is 20.

With scout/sentinel you usually level scout to 4 and stop until you become a sentinel.

dex is important on all builds

This. You become a Jedi after the first planet. If you save the 3 or 4 levels you get from that planet until you’ve unlocked the Jedi class, you’ll have 3 or 4 more force powers for the rest of the game. In a game that maxes level at 20, this Is a HUGE difference.

This will make the first planet much harder, but you’ll learn to use your party members better, and you’ll have a better idea of what skills and feats are useful by then.

Persuade is also an extremely useful skill.

This one does the sith way worse than 2

You are Revan.

Don't go to the Sand People Enclave until after you've started Mission's personal quest to find her brother.
There's a bug where that causes him not to spawn if you get there without first getting the quest to find him there.

I have the steam version, is there a good way to get it to run in 1080p? Every where I search for they all say to install some software, I'd prefer not to

High resolution fucks some things up anyway. Like the racing is next to impossible at high resolutions because all the boost pads are too small.

Dont play nuanced or gray, the game really isnt set up for that. Think of light and dark as 2 seperate routes and fully commit to one or the other. KOTOR2 is a bit more flexible in that regard but not much. Also dont leave quests unfinished or items uncollected because lots of zones are only accessable once. Even some of the Hubs become unaccessable. Level up persuade on the PC or you will miss content, but if its not a class skill at first then hold off a bit. Do all the swoop races for credits so you can buy expensive gear (not as important for dark side).

>Any mistakes I should avoid
Yeah, don't make the mistake of playing it. It's as generic as Bioware can get, fuck light/dark side dialogue bullshit. Kotor2 was better but suffered from other problems, such as a load of cut content that is barely restored in a mod and an ending that doesn't only feel anti-climatic but very fucking rushed and deflated. You're gonna sit there and go "that's it? where's the rest?"

The combat for both games is just bad. Real-time-with-pause only ever works out for JRPGs, when cRPGs attempt it the entire fucking thing falls flat. All you have to do is spam your strongest force power or attack or grenade your way to victory. They should have either gone full turn-based or action, not in the middle.

you need persuade early to be able to complete the good ending of the game.

Combat sucks in every D&D influenced game though. D&D system is made for pen and paper, not actual gaming.

You are Strelok.

Whats the best Jedi class?

Persuasion is good, otherwise do whatever the fuck you want because game is easy. Long as you don't gimp yourself too hard with stats(so read what they do etc) you should be golden after the first planet.

Your life sucks, better end it now.

KotOR2 would have been so much better off without the slider. There's always going to be a clear divide between the normal force (aka "light side" despite it not really being a thing) and the dark side, but having some arbitrary slider that forces the game's writing to bend around it in order to make it clear what is and isn't an LS/DS option? Awful.

Sentinel because you get the most skill points for content and immunity to mind stun which is the most tedious part of combat. The other classes are better at straight up fighting but combat is pretty easy so you dont want to miss out on skills just to be a little better with the lightsaber.

For autoattacking shit to deatgh: guardian
For skills: sentinel
for powers: consular

Kotor 1 Sentinel is probably best since party members can't do skillchecks for you

Kotor 2 Consular is probably best since force powers are more fun and powerful than lightsabering

For lightsaber choice you probably want to go double-bladed for guardian or sentinel (dual sabers is fine, you just need more crystals and it's better to just have one saber with all your best crystals in it than two with your best crystals spread out) and single blade with dueling for consular to have the most defense in melee

Level as little as possible before becoming a Jedi.

More levels in base case gets you worse stats than more levels as a Jedi.

Get Jedi buffs. Read skills thoroughly some sound like they work with x weapon when they don't.

Boils down to buffing everything and afk wrecking.

Force speed is the best power for almost any character because it lets you run around the map faster and triples your combat rolls

Sentinel because you get the most skill points for content and immunity to mind stun which is the most tedious part of combat. The other classes are better at straight up fighting but combat is pretty easy so you dont want to miss out on skills just to be a little better with the lightsaber. In the end it comes down to playstyle though, none of the classes are gimped.

go for dual wield/flurry/master speed

>tfw light side in kotor 1 feels like shit because no force enlightenment

If you are saving levels for jedi, then make sure you loot/buy as many grenades as you can. Will really help you against groups. Also, Zaalbaar the wookie will be a good meat shield, give him a melee weapon and let him tank for you.