Darkest Dungeon thread?
Darkest Dungeon thread
Darkest Dungeon thread?
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>collector spawns
>stun him into submission in 3 turns
Thanks for the puzzling trapahedrazoidonagon fag. Hopefully the fanatic will actually be a threatening boss.
Boshwom, my son
yuo are men now
yu must chose
have normal life with family
or miserable existence and die a violent death
How do you get all the ancestor's trinkets? They just stopped appearing as quest rewards for me, now the long champion quests only give heirlooms and money
DLC when?
Fight the shambler
Snuff the torch and prepare your anus
What would you improve about this game?
what's the worst thing about it?
I want to blow a huge load deep inside the Plague Doctor's rectum.
daily reminder
>Fighting hag
>got a hellion ready to swan her
>buffed her at campfire for position 1
>She probably has 20%+ crit
>lmao 4 corridor battles in two corridors
>okay whatever we can still do this
>She takes my worthless booty hunter
>Alright lets do this IRON S----
>Bounty hunter kicked out right before her turn
>okay buff up
>takes my man at arms
>he has a lot of hp this will be okay
>gets kicked out right before my hellion turn again
never have i ever been this cucked before.
Less grind.
I tried to like it but it was a bit much RNG for my liking. I loved the aesthetic and feel of the world tho. I might give it another shot cause of this thread.
how2add musketeer
Remove or rework PROT because it is literally 'anti-fun: the stat.' Don't make me grind to fight the same fucking boss three times. An option to remove the Arbalest and keep only the Musketeer, having both is just pointless.
Make debuffs more effective
too much has debuff resistance
If you can have brothels as a way to reduce stress, why not let your party members have sex to reduce stress or heal in dungeons
this kinda I've only logged 2 dozens hours so far but it's really trying my patience, there's no real progression, and more, I get "muh hopelessness feel" but I still would love for a rare few heroes to go above and beyond and not succumb to darkness
w-what do you mean?
What kind of skins do you want to see?
worst thing about the game is that when i'm in a hard dungeon i want to get out of it asap, but once i finally finish it there isnt a whole lot to do in the estate so i immediately get bored and want to go back out into the dungeons, its a vicious cycle
also hate not being able to carry home loot because of limited inventory space, i hate letting go
Make hallway hunger make more sense, and be less random. I would also support another healer, since the harder excursions basically require a vestal or occultist to heal more than you're taking. Also, either get rid of the 3x boss fights, or at least give them new moves and slightly modify their appearance each time you fight them to be more intimidating.
Giant dad works as well
so i played this game for the first time yesterday and i had the knight dude, the plague woman, some one-eyed mace man and a man with a gun, they all find a group of mushroom men that can't hurt the party even if they tried but somehow everyone thought this was the scariest fucking thing in the entire universe, despite having 75 light for fuck's sake, and all went from 100% health to 0 in one turn as they all had heart attacks for no fucking reason
this game is fucking stupid sometimes
Jesus, that looks even more mignola than usual. I wonder he he knows about Darkest Dungeon.
>relying on a single hero to focus on doing damage
Gender inverted for every class, for shits and giggles
Only way I can play darkest dungeon is by doing 1-2 dungeon runs at a time and then I get bored
Celerity already pointed out all the giant flaws this garbage game has but he got called an autist because he wrote more than 3-4 phrases about it.
good ones.
Pineapple themed jester
Make dungeon navigation more challenging and involved, have 3 bosses for each area that you fight once each
backer only class, its just a reskin of the arbalest though
they should have just made it a unique character and let everyone have access tbqh
>tfw no friendship / rivalry system
Hey modfag, why not add a skin for every class that changes, once the heroes attack/get attacked
You know, with the Darkest Dungeon quests and the final battle - when Cultists attack, they change from a human into abomination and then revert back to human.
>There can be no hope in this hell
Also to those who haven't gotten to the darkest dungeon yet, i'm afraid it's a bit spoil-ish
It would be cool if when their armors and stuff got upgraded, their appearance changed too
>Celerity already pointed out all the giant flaws this garbage game has
This sounds fucking gr8
I will not hate you, user.
>argue with plague doctor all day
>have hot angry sex with her after dungeon
>The most autistic review ever
Its a struggle just to read it. Decent criticism marred by autistic screeching tier wording.
It would make deaths more meaningful
I drew porn with that in mind
Where are my skyrim mods with darkest dungeon theme?
Die horsefucker die
Yeah if only Darkest Dungeon was more like Dragon Age 2.
I want to take the Offering.
because whether a feature is good or bad is obviously based on whether or not the game its from is good or bad
Oh hey I happened to pick up this game recently.
What's a good party comp?
I'm running man at arms, hound, bounty and vestal with moderate success.
The bounty hunter is the star with those disgusting melee hits on marked targets. Considering switching the vestal out for a sniper and the MAA for a self-heal tank. Not sure how I feel about occultist RNG heal.
Mechanically it sounds pretty tough, we'll need to see how they balance it.
Fire emblem has that feature too
Grave Robber, Occultist, Jester, Abomination
You can use the Crusader as a healer as well, or the Arbalest if you want to go that route. Keep in mind, both can't heal rank 4 though.
A resolve 6 antiquarian with trinkets can function fairly well as a healer, assuming the rest of your party is stun based so damage doesn't pile up very high. I think the best solution though would be to have some expensive tonics or potions or something to buy before dungeons that could only be used out of battle though to make non-healer parties more viable for long runs (I wouldn't dare not take a healer in a long dungeon, and even medium can be a risky proposition).
What's a good party comp?
that depends on what you are doing...
>game about the futility and fragility of life and sanity
>but what if it stole systems from a 40 hour, character based RPG
Yeah no it's a perfect fit.
You need multiple comps. Dont grt too attached to one. Be flexible and yet focus your comp. Bleed or marking or buffs/debuff skills are all good to stack on each hero. Bleed seems a lot more effective when you can drop three stacks of it and marking is way better if everyone can take advantage of it.
Why grave robber? Seems pretty shit.
Is it because of that self bleed heal?
It is, indeed that's a shit party but those are my favorite characters.
Everything works for dungeons level 1, 3
For 5, however, different compositions work differently in the areas Weald/Warrens/Cove/Ruins
One composition may fail, the other may be virtuous.
I suggest trying out the Jester - offensively and as a support.
The offensive moveset is only good with a Shuffler party - heroes that can do almost anything at whatever position they are at.
GL m8, a long path awaits ahead.
I had no idea that such a system was in DA. I just think it would make sense if the game acknowledged the time characters spend together.
who /rampart/ here?
Shes top tier. Play around with her. Shuffling and marking parties.
Inventory space.
Inability to find secret rooms after exploring an entire dungeon.
I would personally love it if you had a chance to find non-Vestal, Leper, Crusader religious units, and in that same vein, be able to find non-religious units of these three, although rare.
That's all I would change/improve. About 40 hours into it, so I'm not sure if I just flat out don't have any room to talk or what the fuck ever. But I absolutely adore this game, there's nothing I don't like about it so far. Complaints of RNG anything are widely exagerated. 90% of the game is within your control, if something went wrong it was more than likely your fault.
Grave robber is actually pretty legit - High Crit chance, can attack at any position, has 【move 2】. Be creative with her and other moving hereos
you can wreck shit with a position 3 Highwayman and position 2 Crusader using the Dualist's Advance and Holy Lance. You control both the front and the back
Just make sure the Highwayman is first on turn (the SPD number) I suggest using the Quick Draw trinket for that matter but Crusaders are usually a slower draw.
The inventory numbers feel arbitrary but it fits the games design concepts. Four dazed and reeling, stressed to high hell and back, low hit point adventures shouldnt be able to drag much more loot back than they already do. It becomes about making choices. Do I still need these bandages or do I want this gold? Should I burn through my last torches for more treasure? Something like a trinket gem bag would be cool as then youd be forced to use a trinket slot to be able to put your gems in a different inventory.
The religious idea is a good one. There should be a selection of neutral quirks like that, and heretic versions of the religious classes would be excellent.
Didnt someone finish faaram knight?
Occultist, Abomination, Plague Doctor, Jester. in this order. (Though Abom and PD switch off)
This is my favorite party so far, they've fucked absolutely everything and are my first max level party. Was this a stroke of luck or is this a decent party? They rock the shit out of everything.
ye, did it get taken down?
If so, here you go senpai
steam folder/steamapps/common/darkest dungeon/heroes/crusader
What's the doc's utility in that party? I've thought of a Weald crew that includes a second rank PD for incision, meds, and buffs for a Hellion, with a MAA guarding her.
Jester can be fun if his debuffs weren't shit
>Want to start him off soloing
>finale to the back to nuke a target
>Buff+stress heal
except he cant really nuke since low wep damage, and his debuff is more than likely to be resisted unless you get trinks that boost debuff.
I thought specific quirks activated or deactivated religious status on heroes? For example, I thought getting a unit with "God Fearing" also allowed them to qualify for religious bonuses?
By what everybody here says that team is gimmicky tier.
Saw a random youtube playthrough using a jester with his Advance 3 skill - It debuffs with -15 ACC enemies. He used it 2 times and the entire party was dodging around 80% of the time. I don't see it as a solid battle tactic but it's ok for shits and giggles
His debuff can be pretty silly when combined with similar debuffs. Antiquarian can buff dodge 10 per turn for three turns, and the Arbalest has a similar accuracy debuff to solo, meaning you can drop the enemy accuracy down -90 or so, more than enough to evade just about everything thrown at you.
I think that's just determined by class, unfortunately. It would be much more interesting the other way.
Just look at the skills. It's very hard to make a bad party comp unless you do silly shit like putting the Leper in 4th position.
Haven't kept up but just before release my favorite party was HM, Occultist, BH, Hellion. But I don't try use that whenever possible, I generally mix up my parties and go for variety. Other than those four, I used Lepers, Aboms, Jesters and Musketeers a lot in my comps, and the rest of the heroes a bit less.
It was actually determined by Quirks in the very early stages of early access - months before Cove was released as a playable area.
It sucks now that it's determined by class
They should give him a trinket that fixes that shit, like Abom's restraint lock.
Like, what if the Hellion fucks the Man at Arms to relax him or something
That's pretty much it, I have melee trinkets given to her, she only uses Incision, Disorienting Blast for stuns and body clearing, Emboldering Vapors, and only when I need it, the heal/cleanse. Jester dances between Finale, then backline buffing until he can Solo into the front to Finale again while Abom stunlocks, and when I need some burst I'll throw the PD damage buff on Abom, transform and go to town. If I end up having to transform too much in a dungeon, Jester could always heal stress, but generally camping takes care of all of that.
I haven't had a problem with them since Jester and Abom both can hurt very bad with the PD's damage buff, and PD's Incision bleeds with Abom's stunlocks and Blight are great as well, just feels flexible to me. But yeah, PD is mostly there for utility/buffs with some medium damage Incisions.
Modfag here, hellionstein is next, release date, when exams are over
Combine with MaA bolster and Antiquarians dodge buff. That way if anyone resists the debuff your guys are buffed to dodge too. If youve got enough speed out of the gate(speed trinkets on the MaA) you might not get hit at all.
Is it effective to stack Solo and Bolster? Do those synergize?
I mean, so are the brothels
Why do you think most JRPG's have female party members?
If its you for real.
You're amazing
Whats your favorite class, Sup Forums?
For me its Grave Robber. Amazing damage output and reach everywhere
Does anyone have the trap vestal sprite some user made?
They do, but my guess is there's an upward cap on dodge in the same way there's an upward cap on accuracy; it's confirmed you can only have at most a 95% chance to hit, so you might have at most a 5% chance to miss.
That said, stacking dodge to those values can make you a very, very hard target, so it's worth getting your dodge as high as possible anyway.
gender-flopped versions of EVERYTHING(so everyone gets a little something)
I want a male Plague Doctor to fawn over.
Position 2 Battle Vestal
Leper because baldwin
>mod so big guys can go to lowbie dungeons
>obliterate easy bosses with maxed heroes
Holy shit, this shouldnt feel so good.
A poet, a warrior and a sacrifice.
Nigger spells drama like no other.
also his fucking attacks hit worse than a truck fml