How is the stealth/combat in this game? I remember the first game being unbalanced as fuck when it came to stealth vs combat.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
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XP-wise it's better. But combat itself is way worse than before. All the funs like the GEP gun and microwave shit from HR have been removed and you're stuck with boring bullet shit.
it's better than HR in both accounts
Stealth is still easy mode, combat got some powerful augs which let you survive on "give me deus ex" difficulty, xp are balanced between them but you get most from sidequests anyway and end up maxing almost every aug if you explore.
You now get XP by using door-codes you found so no need to hack every fucking thing.
All around mechaniclally improved, I liked it more than HR.
Better than HR in terms of how it feels and more balanced
HR has a better variety of levels.
MD has better gameplay.
are melee takedowns still cutscenes?
>How is the stealth/combat in this game?
Slightly better than in HR if you turn off those stupid autopilot functions. Stealth is USUALLY far more encouraged than combat because the level design often relies on VERY large, very open areas where it's extremely difficult to take out enemies without attaracting everyone in the region on your ass and overwhelming you. But combat is still viable.
I generally found it more challenging and more fun than HR because it's less about few narrow pathways and more about large, often very vertical open areas. It's harder to find less exposed paths to sneak around, and there is more angles you need to worry about: simultaneously, combat gets more overwhelming if you try that. Plus, it's kinda harder to just take everyone out with non-lethal stealth, because in large, open areas it's more risky to run out and dispose of bodies, and most patrol paths overlap more, so the odds are if you take someone down, somebody will find them and revive them again eventually.
Which is good: it's just all larger, more challenging requires more thoughtful approach.
Also, it just looks gorgeous.
That said, I'm usually doing slow augs runs, so I don't know how things turn when you don't hoard praxis points like I do.
Also, two small notes: stun gun does not take out electronics anymore, which is good.
But also, taking out enemies non-lethally still makes others think you are an asshole and act as if you were a murderous freak, which is stupid.
I have not killed ANYONE in the entire train station or Golem City levels, just knocked a few of the assholes unconscious, and they still treated me like a freak. So fuck you for that, game.
Yes, sadly.
combat: all but the augmented enemies are easy to kill with headshots and armor piercing for robots (augmented guys can have TITAN aug making them invincible, or move around fast or inivisible)
and you only meet the aug twice in the game
Yeah, the transitions are a lot smoother though
Just EMP shoot them or melee them. You can literaly melee kill an aug enemy under TITAN.
Generally get the same kind of XP now for killing someone vs. knocking them out. They even reduced the ghost bonus back to just 200.
Combat feels better overall. You don't die as fast and cover is easier to use. But as someone above me mentioned basically all the fun guns are gone and you're stuck with augmentations to fill the gap.
Characters will comment on a slightly more brutal style but I don't think it actually affects what rewards you get (unless you kill the quest giving NPC obviously)
Yeah, but you can use the icarus dash to ram people into people and turn them uncautious.
A lot less game flow breaking than shitty takedowns.
if you unlock all the skip type abilities like wallpunch, pickup heavy shit, and superjump, the game's stealth turns into easymode bypass everything.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Adam's design?
I mean, look at this guy. In any other game he would be on the villain team.
Yeah it's still a thing and it still freezes time. It really really kills the fun so I try not to use it.
I think stealth on the whole has gotten worse as you get ridiculous sums of tranquilizer ammo and you can use tesla to knock out multiple enemies at once.
He's one hat away from being any Fedoralord's wet distorted self-fantasy projection.
But his voice is GOAT.
>HR has a better variety of levels.
I don't agree, actually. HR had more variety in sheer objects, but not really in level design. It's actually MD that - despite being shorter, features more varied and different sets of challenges inbetween the levels.
You have stuff like the hub and it's levels, which are similar to what HR did with it's own hubs but far larger and eventually making things like the ground police and ambient NPC's more relevant, then you have straight up murder/sneak fests Talos'es living quarters, then you have shit like the Market which is not a hub but still requires you to blend in and mingle with neutral NPC's, and then you have the shit like the climb where you are basically solving platforming and traversal challenges in enemy-free territories.
It's pretty varied mechanically, when you think about it.
It's just that there are in total a lot less missions and less hubs.
Jensen is my husbando
>as you get ridiculous sums of tranquilizer ammo
To be fair I think the game gives too much of everything. Like so much neuropoz you can't actually use them all.
MD is longer.
>Like so much neuropoz you can't actually use them all.
I figured it was just meant to be selling fodder. That's what I did.
It's still really, really easy. I was almost completely stealthy the entire game, and I still ended the game with like 50 stun gun ammo.
> that pharmacy's secret stash
>despite being shorter,
Why do people keep saying this? The main quest is shorter but if you take time to break into every apartment and do every side mission it takes longer than HR (I did the same thing in HR)
Had 45 hours at the end of MD on record and about 32 in HR
>How is the stealth/combat in this game?
Very good for stealth. It's actually more profitable exp-wise to play through it stealthy and do takedowns instead of going gun ho on everything.
Also a bonus exp if you are never detected during the mission.
Is there any downside to slaughtering ALL the cops in Prague? I've been thinking of doing that in my NG+ playthrough.
none that I noticed.
Except ruined immersion as you do all the "good guy" stuff when the streets are littered with your kills.
recommend doing it on the last prague visit if you don't give a shit and want to save a LOT of time getting all the missions done.
None aside that it is obviously more difficult when under curfew and that people will call you "bad" and thing.
BUT on the other hand : no more controls when exiting the metro :DD
There doesn't seem to be. I've had problems with continuous ongoing panic from NPCs in Golem City because I knocked some guards out too close to them
>Why do people keep saying this?
Because they don't bother to explore the hubs, they just follow the objective markers on their map until the finish line.
Was this the aftermath of that prostitute one of the Dvali killed?
I love that they always get flustered.
>What? You think you some kind of super secret badass or something? Move ahead!
I hate stepping in the naturals line by accident
Love that mission
That "social bossfight" was brilliant, by the way. Such a damn shame they had to ruin it ALL by killing him off immediately after the dialogue regardless of how the conversation goes in such a stupid manner.
The whole Mankind Divided is a bunch of individually really well crafted things tied together into a really unsatisfying whole. And that is just sad.
Golem city in general is some of the finest level design and art direction I've seen in the Deus Ex franchise. It's almost on par with the original. It's so much fun, and so well designed.
But the game has an amazing talent of taking these great individual pieces and then somehow make them all feel bitter in the end.
it kinda annoyed me that the game had characters like this guy that looked like they were ripped straight out of Oblivion, but at the same time had overly detailed characters like this guy
There is a blanace of ugly and nice looking people.
Who cares? Go play Deus Ex GOTY Edition instead.
>45 hours to beat the game
What the fuck is wrong with you bruh? I did every sidequest, and ended up with about 20 hours of play time. That's even with restarting missions where I got discovered, so I could get that ghost XP bonus.
Some of those responses are because some weapons like the stun gun/tesla are glitched. If you use them enemies sometimes register hostile, which leads to people knowing what you did and losing bonuses like ghost.
he's blatantly the art director's self insert though
Do you need neuropoz? I thought the point of the first was that you were special cause you didn't.
Don't need to take it, it's for selling.
You never need to use it, no. I actually don't know what the fuck you're supposed to do with it. There's a character that refuses you information unless you give her Neuropozyne, but you can refuse and she still tells you her info.
Guess it's just to sell, it's worth a lot.
What no.
The "aftermarket" mods that you get in your fucking arm are rad as hell.
You get a giant PEP gun and electro wire and other gadgets right outta your arm.
At least he doesn't look like an emo kid from 2003 so it's allright.
A guy gives you points of interest for it, in total nine times.
Did my first playthrough guns blazing and enjoyed it a lot. didn't feel like I was getting shafted like in HR as using key codes now gives you exp like hacking. and the new combats augs are fun.
>specifically kill the Dvali crime boss and second in command
>game doesn't mention it beyond the boss going 'off the grid' in a news report
Is that normal or what? Normally the game is great for mentioning all those little decisions even when the game doesn't advertise them.
Mainly for points of intel and one door code
Otherwise you're pretty much giving it away for no benefit
Kind of mind blowing to put that voice in other contexts
>get to Golem City
>2 (two) characters want Neuropoz from me
>sold the two I already had
>horde it from then on
>no characters ask me for it again
That's normal. They got lazy as fuck there
I figured the game was rushed a bit at the end considering the final mission doesn't feel like one whatsoever and Golem City was built like a hub but you only go there once.
I did nothing to them (knocked out the boss to get into his room near the end) and the same thing was mentioned.
I was hoping for some Missing Link size DLC but it seems nothing's happening
I maxed out my stealth ability, and the first two columns of battery upgrades to the left (I think capacity and recharge rate) AND NOW THE GAME IS EASY STREET.
The thing is, he had a lot of corridors which is not creative, but at least it funnels you towards enemies, which can be tense.
In MD, it's pics easy one you have those upgrades I mentioned to either just sneak past everyone, or knock them out then hide the bodies. It makes having the other upgrades and even some weapons insultingly REDUNDANT.
Would I remote hack lasers if it's faster more me to just walk through while invisible? Would would I remote hack something to get high if I already can super jump? Why the hell do I need to see the sound range of my footsteps, if I crouch walk everywhere? If I get the upgrade that lets me see cone of vision, this game would be a snore.
The only weapons I ever used were the transmission rifle, and pistol with emp rounds for cameras/the big armored dude, and gas mines. - And I don't even think I need the emp pistol for ANYTHING now that I got the non lethal arm electricity thing. I'm only on main mission 11/16 though.
He should HR in that second paragraph. Damn auto correct.
How is the MD dlc anyways? I'm hesitant because I don't know if it's had actual work put into it or if it's just some shit SE forced out to make money.
Doesn't molesting the guards whatsoever beyond distractions invalidate the ghost bonus and mean you can only get the non-lethal non-detected one at best
>literally HR 1.5
I loved it
Desperate Measures was shit, I didn't bother finishing it. System Rift was fun, if unambitious.
I fucking hate having to start with a new inventory and a blank slate on my augmentations though.
mfw they still didn't fix the issues with unconscious enemies randomly dying, and i'm pretty sure that mandatory section in the tourist office with the trio of drones ruined my Foxiest of the Hounds too.