go away gay people no one wants you


Hear hear, my boypussy is only for straight guys.


>the "society just arbitrarily picks a shitkid to make fun of" story
it totally isn't because you were a little faggot in school or anything, you just won the bully lottery


Homosexuality is wrong.

Will he draw a comic about killing himself when he inevitably does like all the other tranfags before him?


I'm sure there were more comics with exactly the same "augh, ignorant!". Post them.

i actually found the punch line funny but the set up was retarded

does piglike draw this comic now too?

sodomy is immoral

probably not dude. he'll be dead by then like

somewhat illustrative of sad things that sometimes do happen to undeserving people
exaggeration of a bias that does exist in society, but which has every right to exist
stupidity bordering on mental illness

>bullied in elementary/middle school because autism-level anger issues made me an easy target
>6th grader trips me down the stairs
>punch him in the gut
>he gets suspended
I'm certain I didn't get in trouble because the administration felt guilty about the shit I "put up" with

Having met gay couples I find is comic inaccurate

>furfags complaining about things being shoved in faces


Having met gay couples there's a big difference between a gay man and a faggot.