Are there any games with troubled development that actually came out great?

Are there any games with troubled development that actually came out great?

gothic 2

Mafia 2
Doom 4

Uncharted 4 depending on what you count as troubled

Goldeneye on Nintendo 64

vampire the masquerade bloodlines

Dragon's Crown

the duke nukem game


Butcher Bay comes to mind

The Last Guardian
Super Smash Bros. Melee

inb4 Phantom Pain


Doom 2016. It was in development for years as a shitty Call of Duty game set in the Doom universe. Then that got scrapped and we ended up with the best FPS in 20 years.

Stick of Truth survived THQ imploding

Halo 2.

Halo 2. Kept cutting time, budget, and content. Still ended up with the best multiplayer experience of all time, and the best story of the franchise.


Not troubled per se, but Freelancer was infamously hijacked by Microsoft from Digital Anvil during development and they shifted priorities around. ironically, it's one of the cases where this actually worked out for the better as the game changed from a hardcore space sim into a light weight with story and approachable as it became a LOT of people's first step into space sims.

Thief 2.

>made in less than a year
>constant threat of cancellation looming over the project
>team was pretty much certain they'd get fired anyway as the end drew near
>still made a fucking masterpiece some consider superior to the original

Project Zomboid?

Chris Roberts wouldn't have helped either

He did the usual, "feature creep"

Microsoft was a blessing for it

That, too.

>there are people only now realizing video game development isn't just sunshine and rainbows

You have no idea how many projects straight up got cancelled during development that you never heard about.

Devil May Cry might be one.