>tfw third world
>tfw there will never be a game set in my city
Tfw third world
>tfw your country gets featured in a few games
>it's usually the best thing about those games as well
There's a good chance it will be if a war ever breaks out there.
>tfw second world
>tfw there will never be a game set in my city
That's even more unlikely.
Where do you live?
Doesn't stop the USA from having many games set in their cities.
My italian nigga
>game about Americans killing people in foreign countries
>your shithole city/country is just a backdrop for American exceptionalism
>also you're all brown and therefore bad guys
>epic guitar solos at the setpiece moment when the badass white American guy is rappelling down one of your monuments, the monument is older than America as a white european colony, but DOOD EXPLOSIONS
>one liner after the badass American blows the fuck out of everything
>new bad guy arrives in timely fashion
>No, I'M the real mastermind!
>it's some semi-white Russian dude
>the brown people aren't even allowed to master their own " evil " plots
>America goes to sneak into Russia
>your shithole is forgotten once more
Name one game.
I think the only game that did anything like this well was Spec Ops: The Line.
I almost literally just wrote the CoD 4 storyline in greentext mode.
at least you don't have to live with the shit that was watch dogs. it completely butchered Chicago.
The best city in South America.
Max Payne 3 is set in Sao Paulo, so anything's possible
>no picture showing a very aesthetic wall blocking the view of a hellish favela from the eyesight of foreigners as they climb off planes on their banana republic holiday
There aren't hellish favelas here you silly.
I know, I was just making funnies.
>Rockstar needs another shithole that comes close to New York
>Cleveland is so fucking bad the designers just go to foreign countries for their bad city storylines.
>DX already stole Detroit
Yeah, because you europoors have it so much better.
>first world
>like 5 AAA studios here making open world shit
>never ever set in my city
>because americans won't buy anything not set in america
thanks faggots
Is this real life?
Ass Creed is proof that you are wrong.
It's just São Paulo by name, it looks like a bizarro Rio and nothing like actual SP.
That's not the second world.
"Second world" is Russia and immediate allies. But it's a cold-War term, so it doesn't even apply anymore.
well I'll be damned Montreal is actually in AC4
I have been proven wrong
not that it pleases me since Ubisoft is shit
nevermind it's just a fucking backdrop like in Human Revolution
>tfw no game set in Phila-fucking-delphia
Half Life is set in Ukraine/Serbia/Russia-stan
so we're covered
Not to mention basically every other Ass Creed game being in not American cities.
And yeah, I wasn't upholding it as some quality series, just making a point.
>Tfw third world country and a fucking used PS3 cost 200$
American cities are soulless. The less we have them in games the better
you misspelled florianópolis, user
is that memestuck?
Yup. You know how in America, the entertainment industry skyrocketed during World War 2 due to the war economy and people seeking refuge from current events?
I think our pals over in European countries have made a practice of scrutinizing and mocking the U.S. to distract themselves from the plagues ravaging their own countries.
>A game where you drop a bomb on your own citizens
My hick town appeared in a videogame before Resident Evil 4 except I'm an American.
>tfw no games set in Moscow other than Metro 2033
I wonder what it's like playing an open world game set in a city where you live, shit must be surreal as fuck.
Trumpkins out
>tfw second world
>but somebody notices
Too comfy
I believe so
If it were up to me, there would be people from every country in the world on Sup Forums.
>Implying I didn't shred the Kremlin for a high score in THUG
There could be a game or a game segment set in WWI Latvia
Our guys were outnumbered many times and often had to pull some commando shit to push back the enemy, it'd be great
>No games set in Kent-Fuck-your-sister-ucky
Unless it's a shitty Horse Racing game.
There's a few Moscow levels in Syphon Filter 2.
Whats your city user? I'll see what i can do.
98% of the cities featured in games are New York, LA, London, Paris or Tokyo.
Tough luck for Amsterdam, Birmingham. Pittsburgh or Vancouver.
Where the German cities at
No Berlin allowed
Deflection of uninformed trumptardation
>Le brown people are bad guys when we aren't!
Maybe if the brown people actually got their collective shit together and weren't constantly killing each other, and blowing up in the name of an ancient pedophile, then they wouldn't be seen as "Bad Guys"
>first world
>from an irrelevant city in an irrelevant state so you will never see anything related to it in a game
impoverished drumpflets need to go back (to reddit)
why do you keep crying about trump?
>Shit on U.S. climate/politics
>I dunno what you guys are laughing at, have you seen what's going on in your own country?
Don't dish it out if you can't take it, europoor.
>tfw istanbul
>driver3,james bond,ac revelations
Gta pls
I just got in this thread
Fuck off Sup Forums, this is an Sup Forums thread.
Yet my point is still correct.
Got one for 100$
and 3 games
Get good at looking shit fag
You're a giant pussy that thought Hillary would start WW3, you got no point :^)
>point out the ridiculous nature of dudebro American FPS bullshit
You do realize almost all of our Middle Eastern problems are of our own design, right?
>coup in Iran
>backing English imperialism throughout the region in the 50s and 60s
>arming ' rebels ' to resist the Soviets
>having to go kill the rebels later when they get out of hand
>arming rebels against the original rebels
>selling guns to both sides at this point
>wee instability
>point out the lunacy of constantly interfering in foreign nations affairs to the detriment of all but the American military industrial complex and their paid cronies
I want to eat off matos face
>Middle Eastern
Libshits are nothing more than useful idiots.
Dont reply to him boys
>tfw Switzerland
I will probably never play a game set in my country
What are you even talking about man?
We're talking about black people, not hillary.
>live in costa rica
>the first and last game set here is a psp mgs game
>no army
>no war in the last 100 years
>most of gang are not even from here
>not even cod would set a game here
Why live?
I'm not even a liberal, but because I disagree with American foreign intervention as if we're the world police, I am seen as an idiot.
With no real explanation or rebuttal. i'm just an idiot.
Back to redd/int/ Nigel.
>No games set in Ohio.
>tfw lived in saudi arabia
>tfw my city was one of the first missions in one of the most acclaimed Call of Duty games of all time
Interesting place.
Gimme a couple years.
>Only cartels, cheap oil and whores.
Ya took the bait
Looks like I win
We'll have to make our own game
>I will never play a comfy Hitman level set in my city
>No games take place in Athens
>Not Athens, Greece
>Athens, Georgia
>cheap oil
I hope you are not squad again
>dev team from my country
>they just make burger-pandering games
Every grand strategy game.
You don't go to Sup Forums often, do you?
By that logic, my dusty Texas town must be a 3rd world country
>one shot at life
>born in a third world country
>tfw leaf
>live in literally biggest city in the country
>lots of game devs in country
>not a single game set in Toronto
Continuing our reputation as most cucked city on the continent I see.
>your country is featured in a video game
>everyone is brown and poor
>tfw third word
>tfw your people saves Hero
>tfw they get shown in one of the endings for being 'those' bad motherfuckers that slap the hero's pussy ass attitude
>First world country
>Plenty of games made and/or set in my country, though not in an oversaturated amount
Being Dutch is pretty fine.
Holy fuck this.
I paid about $450 for a USED ps4. And it was the cheapest available.
>tfw live in toronto
>4th largest city in north america
>we had a world famous crack smoking mayor so people at least know we exist
>almost every movie that takes place in new york is filmed here
>only game to ever acknowledge us is soma
i know that feel, they could at least make another crisis game and set it here,doesn't running around blasting faggots in the face sound fun?
>never going to see a video game with your culture of your grandparents and all their mythology
feels bad man
usually its other muslims destroying the thousand year old monuments because DOOD VIRGINS
>tfw i'll probably never be able to move there
there's GOTTA be something bad about that city, fuck you
>good weather (colder and rainier than most places)
>pretty places
>meme loving government social media guy
TFW your country is mentioned in a few vidya for one reason.