Which game is better?
Hard mode- you can judge the best port of each, whichever you consider the best
Which game is better?
3 is better by a little bit.
DKC2 is the best.
SMB 3 has more power ups, better level design, more worlds variety, secrets are actually secret, and its challenging.
SMW stages feel empty, the cape is broken beyond belief, the worlds feel all the same with different palletes, and is easy as fuck.
Is that Tony Hawk?
Hardware in SMW is of course better, but I still like the setting and bgm of 3 better.
Mario 3's levels were a bit too easy, but I think they both were good.
Gotta give it to 3.
World has better style but the level design is a little hectic
3 has better level design and power ups, and also has that sickass level with all the pipes
I give it to 3 even though World is literally the first game I ever played
Worlds only advantage is being able to save
Not enough level variety, useless spin jump gimmick,useless yoshi gimmick, gimmicky switches, same music on every stage, one new power up, no good mini games.
Gotta give the edge to Mario World in this case. SMB3 technically has more to it in terms of powerups and stage tropes, but more isn't always better. Mario World's levels appeal to me more because they have more of a sense of verticality to them. There's more going on in each stage design (after the first few worlds at least), Yoshi was awesome, Star Road and Special World were some of my favorite moments in gaming and the last boss felt way more special to me. There are a ton of little things too, like having a personal preference for the end goalposts in Mario World over the random icon selector thing at the end of SMB3 levels.
SMB3 is still pretty damn good though
factually, SMB3 is better
I prefer SMW though. Hard mode: I enjoyed Mario Advance 2 enough to not only collect all the dragon coins and beat every stage, but max out my lives and score in both SMW and the Mario Bros. port. Autism at it's finest.
Better secrets
Better graphics
More levels
Better bosses
Better level design
Better powerups (that aren't broken like the cape)
More difficult
Both are excellent games, it comes down to preference.
Which game had the better TV show?
Super show doesn't count of course, which is GOAT
World has both better platforming and level design.
I've seen little of the SMW cartoon, and from what I've seen it's pretty stupid. I've seen both the super show and the Mario 3 cartoon, and I gotta say the Mario 3 cartoon is the best out of all of them. It did a good job of actually incorporating things from the game into the show, and actually creating original plots. The music was pretty good too, and had a kickass intro.
i personaly hate super mario bros 3
>that awful hawaian sound like music
>all that time wasted with those stupid minigame like matching pairs and aligning mushrooms
>"lol what if we made a power up that's only useful on water level?"
oh and it gets infuriatingly hard near the end
call me a casual, call me a shitposter, i don't care, super mario bros 3 ain't good
Also had better character design than the SMW cartoon
This. I love the secret exits and connected map in SMW though.
You didn't like the Toad houses and matching games? they only took a second
>useless spin jump gimmick
It's pretty useful in romhacks
>awful music
That's subjective
>time wasted on mini games
They're optional
> power up only useful underwater
Isn't the whole fucking point of a power up to make specific situations easier? Either way you another completely usueful power up to use underwater.
3 has so much more variety in levels. Each world has its own unique overworld type, a sometimes unique underground type, an airship, unique castles and other miscellaneous levels.
World has samey overworld levels, boo houses, a few underground levels, and castles. That's it.
Each world in 3 feels different. The only unique one in smw was vanilla dome.
mario 3 was way better. world only had like 3 types of levels.
>Better secrets
>Literally an arrow pointing out where you should fly