>People unironically want this piece of shit
People unironically want this piece of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't want it currently, but I don't hate it either. I'll wait until the 13th before I even consider it.
>people unironically post console war threads
just kys user
Idiot, why would you want this? If Chad catches you playing this, you are fucked. You would look like a complete autist
Bait like this is the only way to start a Switch thread on this awful board. I wouldn't be surprised if OP was a Nintendo fan trying to create discussion in the only way possible.
Sup Forums is fucking pathetic.
>why would you want this?
>I don't want it currently
I dont play on a side, I hate them all equally. Gaming is dead, grow up and get a capitalism book dumbfuck.
No, I seriously hate this piece of shit.
>Insecurity: The Post
>caring about what others think of your videogame preferences
You're the autismo here, friend.
Yeah so did everyone saying that when the 3DGAY came out. WHAT A piece OF SHIT. FUCK YOU SOCIALIST SCUM
leave the baord
>I hate video games
>I'm going to make a thread on Sup Forums - Video Games
>women and manchildren
the fuck you talking about?
I don't have a 3DS
good thread
Day1 buy.
So do we have an actual release date yet? I've been out of the loop.
I'm waiting until 13th to see if it worth it
If it's a cheap console then I buy it because I always have a handheld console in each generation
3DS is probably the worst handheld I ever had and I hope Switch fix the problems (like a fucking decent control that doesn't make people have tendinitis, good launch lineup, no "NEW" revision, etc)
Sonygger still on suicide watch
Xbots already dead
When will this shit end
Setember of 2019. It got delayed
I'm gonna buy one and send it to your house OP.
March 17th I think
Ill sell it for twice the amount on Ebay, thanks you nigger lovong jewfag
nobody cares what a minimum wage-cuck like yourself thinks, user
>Caring what others think of you
How insecure are you
That's good. It's around my birthday so I was considering I'd be able to sneak a "free" one from my parents.
But I am Chad. Now what?
It looks like something from 2005.
NOONE will play thing thing outside the house. Like like no one uses portable CD players or DVD players anymore.
Im maxinum wage silly goose
You're trying way too hard.
>trailer looks like Skyrim modded to 4k
>gameplay looks like Skyrim on lowest after disabling a bunch of stuff like
Why do people wait zelda so much
>Ill sell it for twice the amount on Ebay, thanks you nigger lovong jewfag
I'll just put a "not for resale" sticker on it.
First of all its not made by Bethesda.
>tfw after the announcement of this system I realized I was done with Nintendo for good
I've played a lot of quailty games from them over the years, but their business practices and being out of touch with modern gaming in general has turned me away from them. I'll still always remember the good times.
People want the games.
Just keep it docked user :)
What are your expectations for the Switch presentation? Will it be good? Bad? In the middle?
Your mom wasnt trying head last night when I was raping her
Thats another big minus desu
When has a Nintendo handheld not had a revision?
>Game Boy Pocket
>Game Boy Light
>Game Boy Color
>the SP with the better light
>GB micro
>DS Lite
>exclusively play handhelds my entirely life
>Nintendo is finally merging their markets
>I get a handheld quality library with Wii U+ graphics
>Sup Forums hates me for it
>wanting a third gimped pc "console" on the market
yeah no thanks; even if it doesn't work, I still prefer nintendo doing their own thing
Alright, playtime is over go back to
Would dock
Make me asshole
tfw I always buy Nintendo's console as a supplementary system to play their high-to-God tier 1st party releases.
Name a series that has run as long as mainline Mario, Zelda or even Metroid and maintained as much integrity and quality tbroughout. I'll wait..
>tfw I make more than enough money to afford this delicious luxury in addition to a roaring PC and a PS4 Pro.
I guess Taylor Swift was right...haters gonna hate hate hate
>wanting a gimped i-phone wanna-be instead
You know, if Nintendo stopped fighting against what the industry is right now, they'd probably get more third party support and actually be relevant again.
I don't. Until they fix the stupid huge screen frame, I won't get one. They did it with the 3DS, I'm faithful they will with this one as well.
>playing the same damn game with a new coat of paint for the 20th time
New 3D Mario leaks sound cool though.
The theme is cheese.
>modern gaming
How can you even use that in a positive sense?
Modern gaming introduced nothing but garbage.
>Super Mario Cheese World
Dear God, please be fake.
Bethseda made the best RPG in gaming history.
how is the switch anything like an iphone?
it's just a handheld gaming system, like a 3ds or vita.
"originally in development for wii u"
I believe this desu
You waited exactly a minute and then replied to yourself you sad sack of shit.
>Not Galaxy 3
Nintendo is fucking retarded these days
Because Nintendo is treating this like a console.
it's a parody site you dolts
This is fake...right?
Why bother with Mario Galaxy
That waggle shit was bad.
>expecting Sup Forums to read
You can control this entire board with Kotaku links alone.
Yeah I know now after seeing "Trump calls obama a nigger faggot" or whatever.
2 more days until the switch event.
I'll want it when theres a game I want to play. Zelda or Mario? no thanks
Only garbage? Geez user, maybe you should fucking stop playing shitty games, it's not our fault if you suck at picking your gaems.
why don't you like zelda or mario
One of those were me.
>guys, is this real?
what's it like being retarded?
That's his fucking opinion user, he has his own reasons
I might get one, but not at launch.
too skeptical about it, but the idea is solid.
Name one thing modern gaming does better than traditional gaming.
Tell me why modern gaming is so important that its something worth adapting to when its nothing but aids.
Just noticed the site title.
I must be autistic.
Zelda lost its charm since there are so many better action games out there. The combat has never been tough and the puzzles are simple. As for mario, i never could get myself to beat any of the newer ones
More like my solid shits that are really fucking hard to get out
definitely a legit leak faggot
> Insecurity the post
If you keep being scared about what society thinks of you, there will be so many opportunities in your life that you'll miss out on. If you want to date the love of your life, will you let everyone else and their mom tell you not to? NO, you GET THE HOT SUCC.
probably fake
Not really, they want the games for it.
Better game design in general. When's the last time you played an rpg with random encounters?
so is this another generation for us metroidfags to not get anything good?
yeah, kinda. It's frustrating to face the fact that Ninty, as a company, has to play it safe in order to keep themselves afloat. Making a Metroid title involves some risk, so they just avoid making them. It hurts, but that's how it is.
Good satire.
these pictures make me laugh so hard because they are so retarded
not even once