King of Fighters XIV graphics update is available

King of Fighters XIV graphics update is available

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i still can't believe theyre doing this for free, and each character gets new costume colors too.

kinda sad this is shocking in the current industry

Video so I can see the difference, please

It atill kinda looks look like shit and i dont like the new Max Mode. It is also quite dead

Pc when


Reminder that SFV got FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR over KoF14 and Revelator

critics really love rootkits and purchasing season passes for an already content starved game

I personally prefer SF ,echanics, nothing against the other games

it still looks like shit though

Wow, SNK outdid themselves. They managed to turn a PS2 game into a PS3 game. If they hurry up with the next graphics patch, the game will arrive in the current console generation. ;)

Maybe they will also remember patching in a good game.

And they did it FOR FREE.

>when you like KoF and haven't mentioned Street Fighter in 10 seconds

>PS2 game


wow, this totally fixes the shit neutral game and net code

it still looks like shit

>when you like SF and have to explain why it's better for reasons other than MUH GRAPHICS and MUH POPULARITY

This. Grow up and play KoF instead of shitposting all day.

Love it.

The new lighting doesn't match the visual style. Soft shadows like that make anime faces look even worse than they already are.

It reminds me of the neo geo kof colors.

People like SFV's graphics?





on CERTAIN characters body parts

What's wrong with them?


KULA IS _ _ _ _






>Capcom has had god knows how long working in this environment
>makes a game that looks like SF5
>SNK had no money and had to build everything themselves using whatever instructional manuals and homeless design school graduates they could pluck from train station terminals
>is able to make a PS3 quality game in the space of a year and a half or so


I really don't understand how the SFIDF is a thing. Move on to MCU vs. Capcom my man.

Is this game good for sex appeal? should I buy senran kagura instead? Should I buy games with my dick?

oversaturated color pallettes (mustard blonde hair everywhere, costumes like Karin's are extremely bright, colors clash and look ugly like on the christmas in new york stage, gives everything a "clay or "playdough" look), outsourced models to freelance artists make some characters look much worse than others and some are infamous for having some goofy looking faces. SFV is just a mess through and through, but because of brand loyalty the FGC will give it enough support for capcom to get some of its shit together to improve it. The game will probably remain shit, but maybe less so down the line.

It's just very apparent that other developers like SNK and Arcsys are more passionate about their work, and more talented as well since they've made equally or better looking games with a fraction of Capcom's budget. Which really goes to show how talentless and lucky modern Capcom is. Although the amount of outsourcing Capcom has done to develop SFV also speaks for that.


buy whatever makes you happy man

Eh I honestly like it.

I want to lick Kuluong

True last lol.

>lupus et agnus

Yeah, but I want the best game for sex appeal, ya know? I want to make sure I spend my money right.

That's fine but your taste is objectively shit and wrong, as detailed in my thesis.

pc when

>All these free PS4 themes SNK keeps handing out
Fucking BASED
Needs an Ikari Team/Leona one, though.

Where's my avatars, too?

>The fucking Yagami Team theme actually plays Saxophone Under The Moon

Still looks shit and I say that as someone who's in a whatsapp XIV group and gets matches through it

> PC mods ultra vs PS4.

And, Boring Fighter V as a shitty gameplay, nobody cares about graphic in FC.

>you can see the shape of her toes through the footwear

Not him, but your "arguments" are weak as fuck and give the impression you will come up with anything to shit on the game.

>Well, KoFXIV may look like shit, but they were on a budget and while SFV looks infinitely better, it could look even more fantastic considering the money, which is why KoFXIV is the better game visually.
>b-but the color palette
Jesus Christ.

you say that but they obviously matter a lot in getting people through the front door

after you've spent your first 100 hours playing then it doesn't matter much

face sitting is a instant ko for me

only one of these is true jiver

>nobody cares about graphic in FC
>says this in a thread celebrating the graphics update for KoFXIV
You people are completely devoid of any self-awareness, holy shit.

>while SFV looks infinitely better
I didn't say that at all. I'd say they look equally bad with maybe KoFXIV looking slightly more appealing. The budget angle only shows how badly Capcom botched the game and how, with the right amount of talent and work, developers like SNK can make an equally or better looking game.

And if you think the color palette of a fighting game is an inconsequential factor to the point where you can make it look so with your meme stuttering, you're also wrong. I don't think I've ever seen a video game that looks good that has so many piss yellows and ketchup reds.

The one who should be saying "Jesus Christ" in shock and awe is me, since you're actually defending this.

just needs collision detection, physics, and some anti-aliasing and it will look competent.

>I'd say they look equally bad with maybe KoFXIV looking slightly more appealing
In that case, you seriously need to get your eyes checked.

>"My shit is better than this shit"
Don't worry, they're both shit, just SFV loses even more points for not having any excuses to look so shit.

>shit neutral game in a kof game

and you just confirmed you don't know what that term means

SFV looks objectively better, has far more details and is far better animated. Only the blindest SNK fanboy would deny this.

more screens please

I wanna appreciate the ps3 graphics a little more.

>SFV looks objectively better
Objectivity comes with evidence, to which I at least went to the trouble of giving when I said why SFV looks bad.

Has far more details and is far better animated? Care to give some examples? Otherwise I'm just going to assume you're full of shit and wrong. Which I already did.

Only Juri and Cammy look good in SFV desu.

>evidence, to which I at least went to the trouble of giving when I said why SFV looks bad
Not really. What you've given was an opinion and nothing more.

KoFXIV has flat textures and stiff, poor animations. Meanwhile, you can make out individual veins in SFV on certain characters like Zangief or R. Mika. It's objectively better.

Don't try to school people on objective vs subjective when you don't know what they mean.

Objective aspects you use to form your subjective opinion don't make it objective.

Wow, what an amazing update

Literally a different game now, called tekken 4

I said the palette is oversaturated, which is is. The models are outsourced and thus inconsistent in quality, to which anyone who has seen Ken's, Ibuki's, and R.Mika's faces will attest to being accurate.

If I just "gave you my opinion and nothing more" I would have just said the game looks like ass and left it at that. At least SNK is making an effort at making their game less terrible looking with this patch, which is more than what can be said for Capcom despite their much greater resources and investment in the game.

I mean sure, you can still think the game with its condiment-inspired color scheme and crazy outsourced faces looks good. If you're stupid.

>I said the palette is oversaturated, which is is.
>The models are outsourced and thus inconsistent in quality, to which anyone who has seen Ken's, Ibuki's, and R.Mika's faces will attest to being accurate.
Still looks better than anything KoFXIV has to offer with their expressionless doll faces. The models being outsourced changes nothing about that.

>At least SNK is making an effort at making their game less terrible looking with this patch, which is more than what can be said for Capcom despite their much greater resources and investment in the game.
Yeah, I guess SNK needs to make an effort to sucker more idiots into buying this turd of a game. Meanwhile, apart from a few hiccups, there's nothing wrong with SFV visually.

but muh capcom tho

It's because they are working to make the engine better for their future games.

Not sure about the hit effects directly, but many particle effects have been improved.

>SJWs complained about Angel
They did? Most of the world isn't even aware KoF exists.

What? Everyone looks good. The only issues with some characters are hair and bad camera angles

>I said the palette is oversaturated
It really is not though, you've just stated it with no real back up.

>. The models are outsourced and thus inconsistent in quality,
Oh it is this guy again. A minority of models looking bad only in certain situations hardly compares to consistently looking like a PS2 game while also having bad looking models like . Plus Mika doesn't even look bad

>At least SNK is making an effort at making their game less terrible looking with this patch
Capcom has made monthly updates to the game while also supporting the competitive scene. Meanwhile SNK has done a few updates and the competitive scene is nearly dead already

>the models being outsourced changes nothing about that
It's a testament to Capcom's laziness and incompetence, especially as the main premiere fighting game right now. A game with it's presence and investment shouldn't even have so many of these "hiccups," especially games like Revelator and Tekken 7 look so much better. Although if you want to say SFV looks better than those games I have to seriously question your integrity and possibly your affiliation.

I forgot about Chun-Li, but after that my list ends.

Annoying faggot.

This is cool but did it do anything to the playercount?
Last I checked there were like ten people online

>you've just stated it with no real backup
I said red colors like Karin's are extremely saturated, blonde hair colors are too saturated and have a reputation for being "mustard" yellow, and other colors like on the christmas stage are way too saturated and clash together. That's not "no real back up." You can deny it and say it looks fine, but you'll be wrong.

>laziness and incompetence
You do realise that outsourcing models is not anything weird at all? This is who made giefs model

Look at the jobs section, they have worked on many high profile games and Hief is one of the good great models

Plus you spend 90% of your post not making any real point but moaning and saying no hiccups it should be purf. You have no real point

I'm not up to date on my social awareness memes, sorry.

>moving goalposts
The discussion was strictly about KoF and SF so far. What you're doing now is comparing SFV, a game that's almost a year old, to an unreleased game that's still being worked on and a game that's going for an entirely different look altogether (cel). That's intellectually dishonest if nothing else.

I will say though that Tekken 7 looks better.

Speaking of which, do we have a fucking release date yet?

>I said red colors like Karin's are extremely saturated, blonde hair colors are too saturated and have a reputation for being "mustard" yellow,
Not seeing it

>christmas stage are way too saturated
You mean the stage that is meant to be really bright? Seriously just stop, when your arguement is on singling out one stage and claiming the whole game is that you look dumb. Next you will complain the beech stage is sunny

>beach stage
It's a shame nobody but fraudulent Birdie players use it anymore.

You can see some comparisons in this video:

90% of the monthly updates for SFV have been adding one character and fixing their broken fucking game from glitches to their busted servers that need to go down every other week for maintenance even though they never get any better. And even with all of the character DLC, they STILL don't even have as many characters as SF4 Vanilla on console. Meanwhile, SNK put out a content complete game at launch with double the roster and they have also been supporting the competitive community and putting out patches regularly, including tons of free shit like free themes and costumes.

How alive the games are is the only thing you have to argue with which says nothing about the quality of the games as much as it does brand recognition. SFV was the worst launch of a fighting game almost ever and continues to be the worst fighting game on the market but it doesn't matter because SF and MK are the only fighting games anyone knows or cares about.

what the hell is a cough-ziv?

>SNK put out a content complete game at launch
Yeah, complete shit.

KOF 2002UM on PS4 when

>Literal who's release an unfinished game and patch in fixes later into it's lifespan
>11/10 company, would buy again!

>Capcom does the same thing

The ironing is palpable. At least Capcom was upfront about this.


>90% of the updates are adding stuff, characters and fixing things
And this is bad? From the guys sucking SNK off for trying to fix things now regularly adding and fixing is bad?

>busted servers
You are gonna try and talk shit with 14's awful online even after the one patch when they bothered to try? lol

>complete game
With only 4 colors, a story mode which was really just arcade mode, broken online, no rage quit punishment and a completely unbalanced game which even now has dumb shit like this?

And I'll bet you'll try but sfv had a bad launch, yeah we all know and they have got the game to a good place now. The only reason we don't see more shit talked about 14 is cause no one cares about it anymore

>b-b-but more characters
ahh the classic sncuck argument, more character means better game

She looked more appealing in 2D

They were going for the fetal alcohol syndrome audience

>no ragequit punishment
Didn't the devs say that those who rage quit get paired up with similar disconnect rates i.e. ragequitters getting paired up with ragequitters?

What about all the Jap and chinese events that keep taking place? There's been quite a few recently. Shit's even getting a ps4 bundle in chinkland.

there is a difference between visuals looking half baked and tweaking it later on, and the game being barefucking bones in terms of amount of fighters and the storymode being literal sketchbook scribbles