Less games are better

>Less games are better

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I, for one, like how steam's new releases are flooded with shovelware. Because more = better, can't wait to play these 6000 games per year

Are you implying that Scalebound was shovelware?

Steam has games buried under all that shit. Xbox is an empty void of broken promises from Shill Spencer.

>Less games are better
would be true for steam

It's a big budget game that looked like one

Are you implying that it wasn't?

I like how xboners can't face the shortcomings of their own platform without trying to shift the conversation to the shortcomings of its competitors

just like trumpsters

so just like any other fanbase

This only tells me "xbox gamers don't want japanese games". Scalebounds original MC was a girl and MS had them change it. This partnership was doomed from the beginning.

It looked like shit every time we saw it, so sure.

>not Trumpets/Trumpettes


How is more options a bad thing? You don't NEED to play the games you don't like.

you liberals never learn your lesson. You got a hard dose of reality cucks, deal with it

The message would probably have exceeded the 140 character limit Twitter has if it had been 'for' as opposed to '4'.

the game was underperforming, over-budgeted, the game director took leave for personal reasons, and the devs wanted more time with an indetermined timeframe.

It wasn't happening.

Then use a less shit website.

>One of the few interesting looking new IP's this gen killed

>Trumpsters can't face reality
>Trump won
>Republicans won all sections of government
>The Western world is finally fixing itself

Oh but it's the Trumpsters who can't face reality right?

I'd prefer a curated set of games that meet a certain level of quality, so I can actually look at the new releases list without being overwhelmed. As it is now I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of games I could like because 4000 games is too many to look at

My 3 biggest gripes with the game (donte tier protagonist, awful framerate and tackled in coop that felt out of place) can all be attributed to MS. At the same time, we haven't seen much of the combat and the one that we've seen didn't look good even for arpg, let alone in comparison to other Kamiya games. Some people that were supposedly shown more claim that the game had more behind it, but that's not what they've shown and therefore irrelevant to forming my opinion. I'm not going to listen to some marketing hype by people who's work depend on it. Next time Kamiya either should talk more or push the publisher marketing department into revealing more about the game, because I'm surely not the one who was disappointed by all presentations they've made.

Well, good thing Steam has a lot of options for curation like auto suggestions and Steam Curators then.

>Kamiya tries to make his dream game
>Microsoft funds it and owns the IP, known as Scalebound
>immediately forces Kamiya to change the protag
>[4 years later]
>Microsoft cancels Scalebound
>Kamiya shops it to Nintendo with original protag
>NotScalebound is a Switch exclusive

>all these triggered weebs who own twin size beds

Both lackluster options. The auto suggestion obviously won't match your tastes and what curator is playing literally everything that comes out? They can't

If it owns the IP it also owns all the assets and shit

I never said they couldn't face reality, I said that whenever someone tries to have a conversation about the weaknesses of their (our) president, they try to change the subject

Some curators are more than one person. And do you really need to play a PC port of a freemium android game to know what it's like?


so nintendo bankrolls development, just like they did with w101 and bayo

I'm pretty sure MS knew in what state was their game after 4 years. Nintendo would not want any trabble with actual MS and not their vidya department

What curators do you use then?

>do you really need to play a PC port of a freemium android game to know what it's like?

I miss Don Mattrick.

Nintendo needs to buy Platinum, Kamiya's best game is Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 is Platinum's best game.


what could they even do?

>"uhm excuse me nintendo and platinum, but this game you're making has a dragon"
>"and you can control the dragon"
>"that is correct"
>"and we kind of copyrighted that kind of game a few years back"
>"you mean scalebound?"
>"y...yes and w-we are issuing a c-cease and desist --"
>"against games with dragons"
>"b-but it's scalebound"
>"it's not called scalebound"

>I'm confident in our 17 lineup, that was all announced in 2013 and 2014

Is there ANY reason to own an Xbox One?

Sometimes no game is better than a shit game. Just look at steam indies.

>when you're a shitposter that likely tells Sup Forums to fuck off every other post but now that you've lost you're practically begging for it

it's one thing it got cancelled, it's another that xbox don't have anything interesting now, except Cuphead

platinum doesn't make enough good games to want to be bought by anyone

Scalebound looked like.garbage water, what's the big loss here?

Maybe that shit studio can be put down finally

>before cancellation
xbox won
>after cancellation
whoever thought it was going to be good is a dumbass


Well I reckon it'd be a lot harder to find potentially interesting games when the store is oversaturated with garbage western VN's that anyone and their mother can make.

Obviously normies aren't interested in their games but when they make good games they're pretty fucking good.


Nintendo would be unstoppable for patrician gamers.

You can filter out shit genres.

This, I'm sick of these brainless retards praising this pandering, instant gratification slop as if it's the savior of videogames or something

Never forget, this is what MS originally wanted for it's fans.

dream on, Nintendo doesn't care

being an xdrone fanboy and holding this opinion are not mutually exclusive
it's one less shit game on the market and one more chance to develop it properly later

Why does this guy type like a spic?

What are the 17 games

>that meet a certain level of quality,

Based on what standards? yours?

Trashbox nOne exclusives left.

It's damage control. It's obvious that Microshit wanted to force it out faster and Kamiya wanted to actually finish the game.

There must be more to the game than dragons. Providing the evidence of the similarities in their cancelled game systems, themes, characters, assets etc and new nintendo game can be pretty bad. It won't destroy the Nintendo, but it would make their game not as monetarily viable.

Assuming you meant they just rip their previous game on UE4. If you've meant recreating the whole game then it would take with new assets, changed assets, balance, mechanics and characters then it would take just as much time as creating a new game.

Most are complete shit

Nope, just any standard will do

>Metal Gear Rising
>Wonderful 101
>Bayonetta 2
>NieR: Automata

>Complete shit

He meant the game was shit, so cancelling it was for the better.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates scalebound
This was literally going to be goty 2017. It was going to BTFO BOTW.

The frame rate looked really good!


>Assuming you meant they just rip their previous game on UE4
no, that's just asking for a lawsuit

>recreating the whole game then it would take with new assets, changed assets, balance, mechanics and characters then it would take just as much time as creating a new game.
well that and letting kamiya do what he wanted from the start, which is how nintendo handled W101 and Bayo2, resulting in a better game

when the ideas are already there it's just a question of money, time, the desire to have a cool exclusive game on your platform, and the will of the developer to actually do it

if kamiya isn't completely mentally broken then it would be a near-certain success for nintendo and platinum

I used VN's as an example, there is also an oversaturation of garbage of different genres as well.


What's wrong with twin beds?

>and yet he won

Shouldn't you be crying about your arse cancer right now?


It's a metaphor.

>he's a manlet who can comfortably fit in a single

It means your alone faggot.

10 FPS should upset anyone.

>Everyone thought he was their friend
Need to buy a PS4. Nobody trusts Sony.

They killed Scalebound
They killed Phantom Dust
They killed Fable Legends
They shipped Master Chief Collection unfinished
They shipped Recore unfinished.

Why would you ever trust Microsoft?

He means 2017

what about Infinite space? no hihi on that?


It was expensive shovelware

>Defined more by what I do than who I am
>Who I am is defined more by what I do than who I am

Quality over quantity

Retro hasn't released a good game in 13 years.

there is some logic to this I mean Ps4 had one game and its the highest selling system this gen

>Liberals claim to be the position of peace between all races and color
>Immediately start rioting, burning cities, and LIBERALLY torturing a person live on Facebook due to his race and the politician he voted for when the elect from the opposite party is voted into office through the democratic system our country fights to defend

Top it all off with start of 2017 having an AMAZING gaming lineup. Fuck, it feels good to be alive now.

What is Tropical Freeze?

I wonder how many people actually know that the only work Platinum did for Star Fox Zero was art assets and music

How can poor performance be MS fault? Platinum was struggling the entire time to get the engine functional.

Tropical Dong is top 5 best games this fucking gen, retard.

But if the xbox has zero why isnt it outselling the ps4?

Yet another platformer sandwiched between the many New Super Mario, Rayman games and indie crap. It doesn't have any redeeming feature other than being Donkey Kong and existing.

>mfw Sony's 2017 exclusive lineup has more potential than PC and Xbone's combined

You really are just a poorfag AND a pleb enthusiast if you don't own both a PC and a PS4.

Honestly, the Xbone is the ONLY console this gen everyone should afford to skip. Everything else has enough software on it to warrant the purchase so long as you don't have shit taste.

B-b-b-but Halo and Gears!!!

>Yet another platformer

You say this like Platformers aren't one of the objectively best genres of games in the medium. Don't tell me you only play FPS shit and "RPG"s.

Of course they haven't (they have, but let's assume DKC doesn't exist), but that's because they completely switched out their employees.

>They killed Scalebound
It looked like shit
>They killed Phantom Dust
It was looking like it was going to be shit
>They killed Fable Legends
It was shit
>They shipped Master Chief Collection unfinished
They should have spent the ime making Halo 5 good and Master Chief exclusive
>They shipped Recore unfinished.
They should have delayed the game for a year.

I think it would be interesting if Steam implemented a universal quality filter based on positive review percentage. Like, a slider at the top of the page that represents a minimum required score, and then every game you see on their storefront, no matter where you are, will have at least that score. You might need to prevent games that haven't been reviewed enough times from being filtered this way, but I bet a system like this would solve a lot of the gripes that people have with Steam.

It would by no means be perfect, but I think it'd be worth it.

Their DK games are better than their mediocre Metroid games.

Google must be a nightmare for you.

They could have just released it in a shitty state at 30 dollars instead of scrapping it and losing all of their money.

>not Drumpfkins