For Honor Beta on January 26th

Who hyped here?
Knight bros assemble!
Vikings can come too
Samurai weebs GTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>always online
>even for single player

Excited but it's 2 weeks away. Someone already pointed out how Faction war is exploitable. Unless they made more changes to valk it's still the best class. We still don't know what season pass entails. Campaign is pretty shit and I was at e3 to play it.

I mean, it'll be a fun game but nothing extraordinary.

who cares about faction war?
valkyrie a shit
season pass is literally siege season pass aka "get more shit and get characters immediately unlocked"
campaign looks comfy to me *shrug*

Unique rewards only available through faction war. Meanwhile everything else is obtainable through grinding.

>valk a shit

>season pass
There's been no announcement other than that bit about DLC being free.

That's fine that you feel that way.

Literally nobody. Go away, shill.

> muh unique rewards

just join the fucking winning faction then

do you just stand up and walk out of your job when someone tells you to?

If you switch factions mid season you don't get rewarded that season. Fucking duh.

welp,gonna join the samurai then who will inevitably win cause they will be 80% of the playerbase

Holy shit. It's like you literally haven't followed the game. The population of factions is taken into account to handle that exact issue.

Who the fuck would swing a sword by the blade?

i'm sorry for not reading up on every single thing mr shill
i thought you are being paid to fucking teach me!

I'm not the shill/OP. I'm the 3rd poster itt.
This game is a fun little time waster that is going to disappoint. I'm just part of the niche target market and enjoy the multiplayer.


You're a smart guy, huh?

Being this uninformed

Aren't knights essentially the same era as Vikings, moreover if the same region?

Vikings>Normans>medieval knights

That's a Mordhau grip

Speaking of which



You must have been away when half-swording was a literal meme.

Chivalry v2 oh boy! I can't wait for that pile of first person bullshit.

>Be hyped for this
>find out its from Ubisoft
Well well. What could've been

I watched the trailers, the story seemed interesting. But the animations aren't perfect enough.

I might have to get it to pass the time, but I'll probably regret it.

I was incredulous too but try the free beta, game's good.

>Third person combat
>Devs have to implement quick time event parrying because you can't actually read the weapon animations due to your character blocking them

It's almost as if third person games wont ever be competitive

Ubisoft is not bad......its just their open world stuff is now trash. This not being a openworld boringbox

there is actually a realism mode where UI is disabled

i really enjoyed the last beta. looking forward to this it's something different at least.
every game feels the fucking same nowadays.

real time strategy and fighting games arent competitive?

>doesnt know about hudless mode
Please, just keep showing your ass.

oh yeah that game! man i love the duels in that!
they look awesome!

fuck off pilot dave grohl

R6:Siege and Rayman show there are still glimmers of hope within Ubisoft, faint as they are.

Gonna give the beta a spin, early vids made the combat look nice....but Ubis pre-rendered vids make everything look nice initially :(

RTS is top down

Fighting games are 2d

going up against knights in heavier plate armor your blade isn't going to do nearly enough damage. the heavy pommel end of your sword will dent and bash their fucking skull in though.

what is this faction war and how is it exploitable?

I'm guessing it will be a disaster considering the aforementioned character blocking the screen but hey at least they included it for the 30 people that aren't hardcore enough to play Mordhau but not casual enough for the main For Honour experience

>Links a 3rd person game to insult a competitive 1st person title

Are you an idiot? At least link a chivalry high fov spin video, there's loads out there

dude no one is gonna buy your shitty game.

I don't think Chivalry gives you nearly as much control over your attacks and blocks.

Personally, I think this combat looks pretty sweet. If they implemented and improve the combat physics Kingdom Come is using (fairly shoddily I might add) it could prove to be pretty damn cool.


This is a full priced game right?

It seems nice but it's only about dueling with 12 characters and a minion mode.

People here are ok with this?

Yet when I talked about this game here a year ago everyone shit down my throat. Fuck all of you.

1. It's not my game
2. You're wrong

Chivalry lets you control your strike after release which M&B doesn't, I'm not knocking on M&B as it's a great game but I don't think the skill ceiling is high as chivalry's. Then again I haven't seen much from M&B multiplayer

There are single player story lines for each faction. Not sure how long each is, but they seem pretty intense.


it's a multiplayer focused game. what the hell do you expect?

>but they seem pretty intense.

Daily reminder that For Honour multiplayer is peer 2 peer, which means any griefer than wants to ruin your day can get your IP and ddos you

in this picture you see the annual meeting of all people excited for Mordhau

>at least we fought...for honor

Unlike my daily reminders your post was only funny the first time

show me your honor


This game is still P2P right?

aren't those just the same minion modes tho? From what I've seen you do the exact same thing just with bot enemies and with a cutscene here and there.

more content?
it's literally a fighting game with 12 samey characters without any gameplay costumization to them. DaS2 has way more complexity than that for multiplayer beside having a 70 hours long base game

>2 weeks away

Fug ubicucks.

Not only this there's going to be lag issues out the ass.

did you know your terrible game is actually in For Honor?

32 seconds in, there is your beloved Mordhau
why buy your shit now?

>Being offline, ever

oh shit man, your butthole is still so stretched from that joke you remember it

haha what a joke of a shill you are

it's pay 2 play, yes

im curious to see if this game will sell well.

i don't see it selling crazy numbers, but it'll probably do ok and then always gain new players from sales and such

i think it might have a fun twitch community as well, with duel and brawl tournaments and such

i actually intend to make tournaments for the community

Ive turned off the indicators since the second beta and had a winrate of 93%


Gave my friend my ps4 for christmas when I got my pro, this looks like a great game for us to play together since 2v2 is a thing online. That combined with the fact that its made by the Siege team has me rather optimistic about it.

I dunno it has a lot of normie appeal

Problem is people tend to be skeptical around ubisoft, and who can blame them

I'll have fun for the first few weeks thinking im good playing retards who don't know how to block properly.

Literally every single For Honor thread and some guy comes in spamming about Mordhau

What drives a man to such autism?


>playing ubisoft games

Didn't take screenshots since the alphas were plastered with NDA watermarks but I will be sure to do so next beta

2v2 is very fun. same with 1v1
big team modes are okay unless you end up against gankers.

>it's only 3 days

Wew thanks ubisoft.

siege is fun as fuck.

mount and blade combat is 100 times the combat chiv has ever been

The Melee Game Association is the authority in all current and future melee games.

>big team modes are okay unless you end up against gankers
so like 100% of all matches?

i'm gonna hate going from being top player in the beta to getting completely outclassed 2 days after release

sad times

>any year

No. Fuck you EA tier scam artists.

cause he knows his game will only sell to like 10000 chivalry/mount and blade fans and he needs to try and get whoever he can interested

the fuck is that autism haven

I was talking about Mordhau, not M&B. Where did you get M&B from?

Lovely thing about the combat is that at high level its functionally all mind games, as long as you get in their head you can always win


I will get it day 1 just to fuck people up with vikings.

There isnt a mechanical complexity that prevents you from fucking up someone 40 levels above you, if you both understand the fundamentals then the winner is the guy who can make the other do more dumb shit.

I dunno I find that more comforting than losing because the other guy spent more time practicing weird 1 frame combo links offline.

And I will get it day one as well to ensure I kill you in a volley of arrows with my Samurai Warlord.

my bad i have autism

This. Also, it takes it back to basic skill rather than leveled up gear and shit.

Thank god the stats mattering in duel mode was a bug, boy would that be a dumb thing to implement

fuck the viking warlord. damn i hate those guys and i thought conqueror was annoying..

>can parry every attack direction with a light attack

come on viking broooooo

Being able to cancel everything into all guard sure is scary

I don't think it's fair in games like these to have higher quality equipment for playing longer or what have you. It should be balanced. I fucking hate playing an online game and being technically more skilled than someone but getting my shit kicked in because they have 400 hours in the game and have the "top tier" equipment.

hide all ubicuck for honor shill threads

Just another reason why the 4v4 gamemodes are trash

I probably wont play them past the occasional daily quest

the equipment in this has three stats each and only one stat increase sin power while the other two decrease

it only doesn't really amount to a lot.
like a max attack sword will barely have any block defense and such and might only allow you to kill a guy one hit faster, unless he of course has a tiny bit of extra defense which then negates your attack.

also stats don't work in duel and brawl, only in the 4v4 modes where you deal with shit like power ups and feats anyway

>power ups and feats anyway
Those are fair for both teams though, and It will probably require skill to keep control of them in higher level play like runes in dota.

I somehow imagine they'll never fix the upper level problems with the game, since the core combat is too ingrained.

Too much revolves around guard breaks, and what their timing is like. Too slow and people can just counter them. Too fast and there's no penalty for abusing a button that turns off the entire combat system.

I get guarding is super easy so you need a way to get through it. If guarding was difficult, people would just abuse fast, spammy classes and keep mindlessly attacking, since all the burden of combat would be on the defender. If guarding was left as it is, without a way of stopping it, it's impossible to kill one another.

Rather than putting in a button that solves the problem, more emphasis probably should have been placed on draining stamina, feinting and comboing into ways to put someone into a defenseless state. Leading into ways to disable defenses is a much better way of handling the problem than a guard break button.

But. Too late.

For Honor gets points for using it.

But loses points for having it be a blade attack anyway, which makes doubly no sense.