Post console war memes


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what kind of person makes shit like this

how did your life reach this point

>it's a sony shitposter thread
don't we have enough of these already?



>If a game is open world and has a fantasy setting its skyrim

I do not like this meme.

Is skyrim really a selling point though? every platform under the sun has already had skyrim already. Whats the point of going back to it now unless nintendo also gets mod support.

>it's a sony boogeyman comment
don't we have enough of these already?

Says the sonygger, fuck off

>someone bothered to make this
>most likely OP himself in a vain attempt to validate his infentisimaly small ego
>post memes
Seriously, get off the computer and reevaluate your life

I want all sonyfags banned.


>sony boogeyman
did you even look at the OP image?

Nice falseflag sonygger

Yakuza is a shit series with more cutscenes than gameplay and what little gameplay there is isn't even any good.

That fact that sonybronies wave it around as some flagship exclusive really says a lot.


Its pro Nintendo since he gets 2 Skyrims

it's anti nintendo since it compares botw to skyrim

Fucking sonyniggers.

What's nintendo celebrating about?

And skyrim automatically becomes shit once it's announced on a nintendo platform? fuck off sonygger

Bethesda already confirmed they're not working on Skyrim for Switch. It was just PR material to demonstrate that Nintendo will be working with them in the future.


I dunno but it's incredibly ironic since Trump wants to bring back barriers against the Japanese and Chinese which will royally fuck Nintendo

Nigga, I played Yakuza on PS3 and wouldn't play any more even if it was free.

Selling over 10 million Wii Us

LoZ is a shit series with more cutscenes than gameplay and what little gameplay there is isn't even any good.

That fact that nintendrones wave it around as some flagship exclusive really says a lot.

Yakuza isn't on ps3, keep trying

They're celebrating that...that....uh...MARIO! WA-HOO!

Parroting is the highest stadium of asspain.

Maybe if you bought a slim.

3, 4, 5, 0, Kiwami, Ishin and Kenzan! are on ps3
What are you saying?

>highest stadium of asspain.
the what?

Exactly, none of those are called simply "Yakuza"

Huh, I thought he just wanted to fuck with China.


why ist playstation always that dumb fucking beanie hat?

This is weaponized autism.

probably because its a nigger hat and they are sonyggers

making a real console as opposed to media machines with cinematic experiences

Console wars are a manifestation of autism

this is the funniest and most vile one I've seen yet

I will never find the source of the bloodborne pic

Good job retardio.

No skyrim is shit period.



>Nintendrones are so desperate for 3rd party they consider Skyrim a good game

I cant even laugh at this, this is just too sad

read the reply chain again

Something about the way microsoft holds that magnifying glass is hilarious.


This is a masterpiece.

>all games sony is holding have good reviews and are green on metacritic


Having video games.

>Luigi giving Sonygger head

He means stuff like this


I mean Xbot, fuck.

We have a lot of Nintendo shitposting threads too. Sick to death of all this shit.


Enough with the fucking console wars
Haven't you false flagging shit heads worn it out yet? Or do you have more ebin Wojack hat edits to make?

Report and ignore


name 1 (ONE) thread that did this



You buy a ps4 and you turn yellow because it gets you leukemia or something?

I thought you meant nintendo shitposters, which is what I meant by sony shitposting thread



I sometimes wonder if the original creator of Wojak would come to know what it would be used for.






so is everyone just on the shit?

Sure feels underaged/poorfag in here.

It's difficult to spot the games buried in so much memery, my sony friend.

ps3 has no gaems

>xcom 2
Fucking hell

>Real console

Come on man





BTFO with a question. Oh my.

more than 6 exclusives

Good games with good stories that aren't completed in 10 hours.

Based Xbot.

Yeah like 2
Almost as many as PS4 games

this would be so much better if you made nintendo the world government.

censorship and anti-piracy