RoR Thread.
I'm not hosting, but someone fucking should.
RoR Thread.
I'm not hosting, but someone fucking should.
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont have my picture i post in every thread so here's a free bump until we get a host
>I'm not hosting, but someone fucking should.
Why would I ever host someone like you?
Because you want to play?
Fucking duh.
I'll be home in an hour to host, hold onto your butts
Cool, thanks user.
Reminder that you, too, can host a Risk of Rain server in 4 (four) easy steps!
It's simple, quick, and easy to do! Imagine! No more waiting around for hosts or creating begging threads on Sup Forums! No more endlessly bumping a thread and having to constantly monitor it in order to see when a spot opens up! Imagine the praise you will receive from your fellow RoR players as you welcome them into your server!
You can do it! Be the hero Sup Forums needs. Host a RoR server today!
Why would anyone want to host pixelshit with bad netcode?
Actually, I've been meaning to fucking do this.
But, for port forwarding on my router, it's asking which specific IPs to allow in I guess?
Never had to do this shit before.
Because it's
Post desktop pic
>Private IP adress
Sounds more like it's asking for the private IP of your computer desu
That Sena is actually a firefox theme, the current desktop background is pic.
I'm fucking retarded, you're right.
>Senafag is trying to host
Ayyyyy didnt expect that one
Okay, so pretty sure port is forwarded, but the canyouseeme site is getting connection timed out for me.
Also, how do I go about banning all of Mexico?
Hold up, lemme find the guide,
Here you go.
Ugh, are we even sure he still lurks this fucking place?
Forward /your/ ports.
Yes he does
He was here literally no less than a week ago.
Reached the (probable) final boss of the game first time today.
After taking forever to whittle half of it's health off, I got careless and died.
And now again I can't get past second level as the game keep giving me useless shit for items.
One thing I dislike the game is how everything is way too bullet spongy after very easy difficulty has passed and there doesn't seem to be that many items to significantly increase damage output.
So lots of time you run run run, dodge, dodge, dodge, shoot once for 1 damage, run, run, run again. And do that for eternity, for every enemy.
Get the glass artifact or command
Ugh. Why the fuck doesn't he just live in Luxemburg or some shit with like 3 IP ranges...
He, will probably be able to host before I'm even done banning IPs. Though, I'll still work away at it. One of these days, I will host at least.
Thanks for trying anyways worst girlfag
Fucking fite me faggot.
Almost halfway done. They were fucking retarded with handing out IPs in the 90s.
Also, bump.
Does this game have a feature where, if it detects you saying something like "holy fuck, how useless item", it keeps giving you that item again and again and again.
No that's just the desire sensor going off.
Is this actually decent in non-glass
Decent for an uncommon, maybe.
Not for a fucking rare though.
Also, don't see the difference between using it in Glass or non-glass. If anything I think it'd be better in glass, since each one only heals 8hp.
>8 HP/plant
If it's not decent in Glass, it sure as hell isn't in normal gameplay. Maybe if it was an uncommon and they bumped the heal up to Medkit tier, it might be decent.
Saw that game on PSN, is it a rogue-like?
There's permadeath(on single player anyway) and random item drops, so i guess yeah
Fuck everything. Fuck Mexicans. Fuck spics. Fuck fuck fuck.
>Spend all this time entering IPs.
>Been entering them in Local addresses instead of remote.
>Can't just easily switch them to remote.
You tried user, that's good enough for me.
I'll do it someday. But just entering all of those IPs was miserable, and the thought of immediately redoing it fucking sucks.
I don't work tomorrow so maybe then.
I'll be looking forward to it user.
Did die?
host is kill
What is Sup Forums doing while waiting for hosts?
Watching super mario speedruns here
Currently, about to fap. I fucking hope someone doesn't host while fapping.
I want to like the game more, but time and time again it keeps pushing stuff that feels like bullshit on me.
Like what you do when literally every single surface of level gets filled with enemies when you trigger the teleporter.
There is no running away, can't kill them fast enough and when there is half a billion enemies on top of you, I don't care how good you are, it's literally impossible to not take damage.
The game feels like constant praying to rng gods. "Please give me good items. Please give me good enemy spawns. Please give me teleporter near the start. Please no magma worm as a boss."
Get the artifacts.
I guess that's why command is so popular, it removes that rng element.
But if you are playing it normally then rng is just another part of being a roguelike
How the fuck is Hand-E supposed to get anything done with both """"""""fun""""""""""balls and Glass on?
Seriously, get the artifacts. Though first, you'd probably want to unlock some characters besides the first 3.
Also, almost every level has decent spots to go to to stay safe and then just slowly make your way from there. Like, the frozen wastes lvl, near the bottom of the two walls are ropes and really small platforms, nothing spawns there and there are spaces that are out of range for anything to hit you. You then just jump down and kill everything at once with piercing/aoe attacks.
Don't know. Chef and Acrid have the same problem, really.
acquire skill
and syringes asap
Stack syringes. His basic attack can push even honor enemies so you can potentially stunlock enemies out of attacking
Chef is top tier tho, even with glass and spite.
Get syringes , have an escape route, and revel in your ability to one-shot everything.
Chef has an inexplicably large HP pool and Acrid's only problem is with the netcode.
I like how some OP just literally posted download links of the Wins/Linux and Mac versions of the DRM free copies of this game.
Pirated copies haave functioning multiplayer so you guys have no excuse to get into the damn servers
Chef still gets fucking assraped by spiteballs. If greens aren't open yet the best strategy I've found seems to be, fucking hide and do nothing.
With some greens like guardians heart and hopoo feathers, it's not too bad.
We hostin'.
Gonna wait for 5 minutes.
Sleven here back posting more DLs of PoR
There you go guys.
I'm pretty sure you're just bad at dodging.
I have a very tiny feeling that you are suggesting that chef with glass and spite is a little bit underpowered. This is objectively wrong and stating such blasphemy should be punished.
He just needs iframes. If you kill a colossus as Chef with no ropes near by, you're almost guaranteed to die.
Does Chef have damage? Yes, he's like the king of DPS. But literally no survivability. Best bet is literally empowering oil slick to run away and that's sketchy at best.
Closed for now.
anyone share a 100% save file?
>If you kill a colossus as Chef with no ropes near by, you're almost guaranteed to die.
Yes, people tend to die when they make incredibly stupid and avoidable decisions. Chef is capable of engaging the colossus near a rope and/or from long range.
>But literally no survivability.
Start a game on glass with every character and take not of how a certain long-range character has twice as much health as everyone else for absolutely no reason.
windows re-host in case the humble bundle link is kill.
Keep in mind that the game is considered a "roguelike," so random factors and luck, both good and bad, is part of the charm. There are going to be times when you're going to get bad spawns, or a worm at the worst possible time. That's just how the game goes.
As others have said, you might try getting some of the artifacts. The command artifact, in particular, will let you select your items as they spawn without having to rely on random luck.
I'm somewhat of a new player myself, and from what I can tell you, you get good at this game like you get good at any other: practice. Trying doing solo runs all the way through to the final level. Don't worry about looping. Once you can do that consistently, then try loops and harder difficulties.
Also finding a character that works well for you can make a HUGE difference. I was turned off at first because I hated the Commando. My first unlock was the Enforcer, and he was even worse. It wasn't until I unlocked some of the other characters that I was able to find some that really click with my playstyle. If you don't have all of the characters yet, I would try to unlock them ASAP so that maybe you can find one that you like.
Please tell me thats not what I think it is.
New link to Windows
Old Link to one thats dead for comparison
Can someone brief me on the Sup Forums specific ruleset and how these games usually go? I've played a good amount of RoR on different difficulties but without modifiers.
I can tell you that the 2p splitscreen im used to we usually get fucked for items since we always have to compete. Is there a setting to mitigate that?
Also how do Sup Forums parties typically go? Do people roll together or do faggots wander off dying alone and dc immediately for the rest of the run?
The anime fansub bluray group?
Artifacts: Origin, Command, Sacrifice, Glass, Honor, Spite, in Monsoon difficulty.
Everyone tries to not be too close because funballs.
Not many people ragequit, but people disconnect because >hotpoo.
I can't get this shit to work on mine no matter what I do on that either.
My old motorola was like cake work on doing ports, but this arris shit won't do it.
>Keep in mind that the game is considered a "roguelike,"
I prefer it when game being roguelike means that you have to adjust the way you play based on drops, rather than rng being main contributor on success vs failure.
>As others have said, you might try getting some of the artifacts.
I've only found one of those, but I'd prefer to finish the game at least once with default stuff, before going to wikis to look up on how to unlock stuff.
Why not just dmz?
Cause everyone says port forward.
Will DMZ work? How to DMZ?
I like to be off alone depending on what character I am so I can manipulate enemy behavior easier.
Also I like not having to compete/jew for items.
does this work
Why not join and find out user
Yes, and it's open again.
what happen?
Somebody planted us the crash
what now?
open once again
We get signal
Wait mofos
I can't get in
noon closes blazing fast
Either that or you put in the wrong info
game crashed, whuops
Senafag what's your RoR name.
nice, i dc'd
let me know when its open and which one. i want in too
get in here fags