This is my wife, Hana Song.
Say something nice to my wife, Hana Song.
This is my wife, Hana Song.
Say something nice to my wife, Hana Song.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to blast my baby milk right into her ovarian tubes
fuck off retard
I want to fuck you while she watches
Pedophilia is punishable by death/medical castration/life in prison
I think your wife would prefer a real man with real equipment, white boi.
You will die alone, a miserable kissless virgin, after decades of crushing loneliness. They will find your body amid old fast food bags and cum-stained body pillows. The handful of people that go to your funeral will be annoyed by it and leave as early as possible.
But hey, keep fappin to anime chicks until then!
안녕하세요, 송하나야. 뭐해???? 나가고 저녁을 먹고 싶어요???? 갈래?
eat shit op she's mine
cuckposters begone
cuckposters begone
cuckposters begone
I'd much rather put my mouth on Mercy than that Korean fapbait.
Please, she prefers "mommy".
>Hana Song
Is it pronounced Hannah like most white girls with this name, or "Hah-nuh"? (rhymes with Ana from Frozen... or Ana from Overwatch for that matter)
I always pronounced it the normal way but my friend who is a D.Va main has been using the latter pronunciation and it's bothering me.
it's phonetically ha-na in korean (like the english form
I imagine the second one would be more likely for an asian name.
That's not DVA
This is DVA
Kids dont get married you silly user
Shes not even Arab
I want to kill her with my penis
Now I really want a Power Armor skin for Mercy.
Best girl isn't even a character.
Mercy would benefit from having a lot of different skins.
>40kid has to dump his autism in this thread
Don't you have some EMPEOROR XD HERESY????? XDD TRUMP GOD MANKIND XD memes to be making or something, kid?
>wapanese name
>gook family name
The cuckoldry is real.
I don't even play Overwatch but I have a folder.
very qt3.14
dumb frogposter
>40kid screeches cause he's called out on forcing his shit meme setting into every other fucking setting possible
That could be cool
Visible nipples under plugsuit is my fetish
Shes fictional, like your relationship
Dumb frogposter
>forgetting Korea used to be under Nip administration
love that itty bitty cameltoe
He could do with less ironic shitposting, but he's right, seeing 40k injected into shit it doesn't belong is tiresome, to put it lightly.
Because this is such a vidya quality thread...
>autistic screeching about some dude posting a random image related
calm down chris-chan
no bluly
she gets rawed by zarya every night
You boys need to cool off.
Dumb Frogposter.
Sauce. Style seems familar.
my fetish is having sex with Mei while she says Mr Freeze's one liners
If only fat worked that way.
>I'm allowed to set this part of the house on fire because this part of the house was already on fire!!!! WHY ARE YOU MAD I'M CONTRIBUTING TO THE FIRE? OMG AUTISTIC XD
Furthermore, if he wants to do a 40k dump he can do what the other memers do and just make a quasi-related OP about their shit setting and turn it into the usual shit. Hell, they can just do a one line quote from one of the games and get 534 replies, 120 images.
Hana is japanese stupid jjokbari blizzard writers stole
No hurtning or make slap slap yuou
Ice to hear it, user!
dumb frogposter
Artist is John Doe. NSFW obviously.
did you know that reddit users breathe air
sounds like you should stop breathing my man
>tfw no Dva microdick to lock in chastity
More Mei, I need more of her in my life.
dumb reddit apologist
>reddit in the nutshell
It's 'in a nutshell'. Don't worry user, those kind of mistakes are a diamond dozen.
>medical castration
As oposed to nonmedical castration?
how can I cool down when she heats me up
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In this day on edge where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake; disguise the limit.
>dva waifu
dumb frogposter
Shouldn't her tail come out where the tailbone is and not from her asshole?
Have a think about what you just said user and what the alternate to your problem is. I'll give you a few mins to work out what that picture is implying.
>led's and rivets and shit on the base
>electronic gadget right on anus level
That should really make you ponder.
>Korean character
>stole plugsuit from Eva
>stole mech from Sakura Taisen
>stole name from japanese
Wow... really make me :thinking:
>not a loli
>is in one of the worst games ever made
>is korean
there's nothing nice to say about her, you have shit taste
It just doesn't look right
>>stole plugsuit from Eva
It's practically a type of furryposting at this point, user. Take it to /trash/
Would u prefer a sharp rusty knife?
Dumb frogposters.
Hi Ms. Song, please tell your husband to stop making stupid spam threads on Sup Forums.
It doesnt look right if you go in with the assumption that its a real tail.
Its not a real tail user.
Can you guess what it is though?
I love dvas design but SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY
I mean shit the closest thing to a "character" she has is a parody meme gamur gurl thing, which never even existed until the fans had to give her something to work with
No you
I dont mind as long as its a cute girl doing it.
*autistic screeching
>implying the libertarian left and right aren't the same as authoritarian left
This is a new level of fetish user. Sup Forumsermins never cease to amze me
>ice-based character is the hottest in the game
Was Blizzard aware of the irony?
I can't guess for the life of me, man help me out. It doesn't look right
That is some next level irony coming from a polshitter. Or is it some Reddit meme you picked up on The_Donald?
>Naked girl with bodypaint
>makes a character from china, a country where being fat does not exist, obese
they don't have a clue and they have been shit since the actiblizz merger
Fun fact. A derogatory term for Koreans is zipperhead. This is due to the fact during the Korean War tanks would drive over Koreans and would leave a zipper like appearance on their face.
Its also really hard to find actual content of it.
You take what you can get.
i thought zipperhead was vietnamese
she is very stinky
Alright, what is some stuff that could be inserted in her rectum?
Mei's not obese! She's pleasantly plump!