So was he in the right Sup Forums to do what he did?

So was he in the right Sup Forums to do what he did?

I agreed with everything that Joel did

What? Killed zombies and shit? Because that's all he did.

Last of Us was an incredibly generic story with generic characters doing what is generic for media in this decade: zombies and apocalypses.

It was polished and fun, but come on. To say it was anything above a 7 is pushing it.

So sure - he was right to do what he did. Which was be a character in a game.

Naughty Dog really undermines the supposed controversy when they go out of their way to establish the wasteland as not really that fucking bad and the fireflies as exceedingly incompetent.

No, but it was a very real human decision. The parental instinct is one of the strongest we have.

I have a 9 month old son. I'm not proud to say this, but I would watch 100 people die in flaming burning agony right in front of me as long as it meant my son stayed safe and alive. I would absolutely NOT let him die for the slim chance of a zombie cure. Nope, fuck y'all, I'm out.

It's not for the greater good, it's not to be applauded, but it's what most people would probably do. And that's why the ending was so powerful.


yeah, world was fucked anyway and needed to sort itself out without humans meddling.

you don't get it, play again.

I could understand him regarding his loss of Sarah... I'm just curious if Ellie finds out in the 2nd part

>rape Ellie
>repopulate the Earth
Only right answer.

>Fucking the world over for your daughter-fu
This is fine

>Fucking the world over because you don't trust science
This is also acceptable

>Fucking the world over because your daughterfu decided to sacrifice herself for the greater good and you don't agree with it so you override her decisions
Absolute degeneracy.

>Fucking the world over

pls stop this

>oh thanks for the vaccines fireflies you really saved the world oh what's that a clicker ripping out my jugular but muh vaccine

>taking nu-games seriously

>Falling for the reproduction jew

My daughter is about a year and a half old. You're pretty spot on. Be prepared for cuck memeing though.

>letting a bunch of failures try brain surgery

I'm sure the fireflies will somehow fuck it up and make everything worse, just like with everything they have done before.

>bro has a completely livable town going on
>even the cannibal pedo clan has a society
>bill has an entire town mostly locked down by himself
it's really only as bad as it is because people keep murdering each other over a pair of shoes

Congrats. I'm assuming you agree? That you'd let thousands of strangers die and you'd do unspeakable things to keep your daughter safe?

>paying attention to cuck memes from a bunch of fat virgins who will never even touch a real girl

t. cucks

shouldn't you be jerking off to some NTR based games?

>Tfw sterile.
>Tfw end up treating every kid in every game like the kid I'll never have.
>Tfw go absolutely fucking NUCLEAR at the end because of it.

When the cannibal fucker bossfight started I made damn sure Ellie never too so much as a hit.

Thats literally the case.

The entire game clearly shows that humans are shit. The chance of a vaccine being made was low, and Ellie had no idea that she was going to be killed in the process. They knocked her out and was going to kill her without asking her input

Why were the Fireflies so incompetent?

Surely that dumb bitch would have realised that Joel would wreck their shit for Ellie, after a five minute conversation where all she says is "Its for the great good!"

I absolutely do agree. I actually enjoy the rare father threads on Sup Forums. Helps me realize I"m not quite the shit dad I feel I am at times. Her mother and I are separated, I get to see her when I ask. Consequently, I see her every day I have off but I've got to deal with my baby's maternal grandmother's snide, bitchy comments. Shit wears you down after a time.

>implying touching real girl is achievement
>implying having sex is achievement
I can name several "nerd" things that are way more harder than something that can be bought for $100

>be retarded enough to impregnate some dumb bitch

Literally didn't say that though. I just said I agreed with their perspective on Joel and lamented a lack of threads I enjoy. Why are you being so bitter?

What got me was that they where incompetent and assholes
>they wanted to kill Joel instead of letting him walk away
>Marlene had to convince them not to
>one guard still treats Joel like crap before getting his shit stomped
and then there's steve blum with the infected monkeys

They were incompetent because they thought they could do better than the government (what what was left of it) at policing shit like bandits and protecting the populace from the infected.
They were rebelling against and old system that was working, but needed to be more proactive or else it would eventually fail.

ITT: Fireflies were fools and probably wanted the cure as leverage anyway.

Obviously not since Ellie turned into some dyke edgelord.

>>paying attention to cuck memes from a bunch of fat virgins who will never even touch a real girl
>I absolutely do agree.

>I'm assuming you agree?
This is how I know you're baiting famalama. I kinda hoped for gaming dad stories but I'm seeing that it ain't gonna happen. I hope you have a good day user.

The fireflies are fucking retarded
>lel there's fungus zombies everywhere and they're murdering literally everyone
>guess we should try to destroy the government that's managed to stay standing for 20 years of the apocalypse because they commit the heinous crime of killing infected people that would kill everyone if left alone
>lets commit terrorism because the government is like, totally evil

No, but that's what makes it an interesting story with interesting characters

murdering one child to save hundreds/ thousands/ millions others is not a morally just decision

TLOU's predicament reminds me of a short story by a (famous?) writer I don't recall his/her name atm, but it was about a utopian society whose many residents were extremely happy and living the good life, but the price was that one kid lived a life of torment and suffering hidden away in a basement

They're far more retarded than that because they know fuck all about the process of what exactly is going on anyway and assume that they could do it better.

They are incredible retards.

You're comparing survival to happiness, tho.
And a painless death to continuous torment.

Good on you, m8. Sorry to hear it didn't work out with the mother but you're already way ahead of some "fathers" by being there for your daughter whenever you can. Ignore your grandma-in-law -- bitch will be dead and you'll still be there. I know too many instances where the dad fucked off and sees his kids maybe every couple years and they don't even really know him. Shit's depressing.

Never feel like a failure, bro. If nothing else -- if NOTHING else -- you'll always be a positive memory your daughter will carry with her.

btw i have autism

>generic characters
This is bullshit. Actually go back and listen to the dialogue from the game. Listen to any interaction between Ellie and Joel. There is no point where they even come up to the point of being generic quality. At no point do they sound even close to an actual couple of human beings interacting. Every written line in the game is just dripping with numale grease.