

You are buying best girls game, right?

Other urls found in this thread: censored

>Buying censored Denuvo shit


Who? Also, I'll buy both Berseria and Nier.

>playing console games on pc

Gravity Rush.

>Tales garbage above anything. censored

Thankfully people warned about the censorship, paying for this when it's referenced many times in the game including the ending?


I'll wait for cpy release, pirate it and uninstall immediately after

in the meanwhile I'll be playing gravity rush 2, nioh and nier

Ya im getting all of them. After i finish saving for my pc ill end up re buying TOB and NA.

>pirate it and uninstall immediately after
You have a problem. Seek help.

t. paid shill

Ya i dont understand that? Like does he think hes cool for doin that?
>we assure you, there's not going to be any censorship
>actually there is censorship because muh ratings

Besides that, I'm not going to buy a game with Denuvo.
Steam is already DRM, why the fuck isn't it enough? This is just like games with limited installations (e.g. Two Worlds II) or games with GFWL (that sure worked out fine, didn't it?): the developer is essentially adding DRM upon DRM and I don't like being treated like a potential thief.

So yeah, a censored game with two layers of DRM can rot in the Steam store for all I care. I don't even care if it's good.

Of course.
I refuse to pass on one of the best Tales games.

Demo is out in case anyone wants to see how it runs

Game runs well. Dropping people into battle with 20 arts that also change direction depending on button mapping is a mistake.

The demo ran fine, it's just the game is a steaming pile of shit

That design is fucking retarded.

Sorry, I like edgelord cuties, but Velvet's got nothing on this hind.
Unless you have proof that Velvet's rear is superior somehow?

Samurai guy is pretty cool

he could potentially beat out Raven for best Tales character

Tooby butthole!

Velvet's rear is pretty weak but she counterbalances it with other assets.


I choose Makoto's game.

Sorry senpai, I love respectable udders, but they mean nothing if the bottom isn't at least up to par.

>implying I'm not getting all three
Get on my level.

>implying Magilou isn't best girl either

I love that ass! I really love Tooby ass!

>I refuse to pass on one of the best Tales games.
So you're passing on this right?

Also this though I'm also getting Nier
Shame that spoilers killed most of my hype for P5.

>neir has turned into waifushit

just end me

Didn't know we were talking about Zestiria.

You better! An ass like this deserves nothing but worship.

>the best

Vesperia was a long time ago.

2Bs design is clearly just a pervert throwing all his fetishes into one character and I fucking love it

that fucking outfit

Yoshida (the designer) himself said that he always begins by drawing the hips/ass when designing a character.

It fucking is. It has the dumb ugly dungeon concept so many Japanese games have. It's basically just hyperdimension will live mediocre combat and a terrible locking system