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Oh my just look at the time
She looks like an irish seahorse i met
get out
Go away you ugly cunt
>ywn be her toilet slave and swallow her divine waste
Sure, where's your sister though?
dead in a ditch
Shut up and show me them pits
I said go away
Her game is decent and she's one of the best females of the series.
I prefer fat girls through
Actually, Toriyama and Kitase asked people about FF13-2 and the majority said yes.
> Wearing panties without Fang's permission.
Tut tut!
Has Sup Forums got over having a strong, assretive, independant woman as them ain character of XIII now?
Why is she so perfect?
Her design and XIII out fit a re pretty cool, really distinctive, miles better than Noctis 'everything is black' standard gear
Thank Odin you're finally here! Maybe you can fix FFXV
What's an "ain character" user?
Also, Lightning is far more fleshed out than Noctis.
Let's be honest, Noctis is middle of the road above average protagonist. He is the weakest member of the group in FF15 and Ignis, Promto and Gladious are the thing that holds the characters together.
>Let's be honest, Noctis is middle of the road above average protagonist.
Don't need to convince me. I prefer XIII to XV
Noctis is obviously likable, but he's a really boring protagonist because he's not even really challenged laong the way, even when his father dies, he gets over it aftert he outburst in the tomb and we literally timeskip a week's worth of grieving of Luna.
Lightning goes from 'bitch' to someone willing to fight for her friends.
"unzips pants"
>Noctis is obviously likable, but he's a really boring protagonist because he's not even really challenged laong the way,
All of the characters in XV are likable, but the story is boring, and they have no depth or growth at all. The Luna death is a perfect example of how not to write. We have no clue who she is, just that Noct is supposed to marry her.
1) Is Light yandere for Hope?
1) she's brace but would she be ready for Freddy
>All of the characters in XV are likable
Well, the main 4 are, I'm honestly not sure anyone else in the game manages to qualify as an actual character, ist here anyone who even gets more than 30mins of combined screentime? Because if so, sure as hell doesn't feel like it.
Talking about Luna's death, how hilarious was the death of Talcott's grampa? A guy we knew for five minutes, dies offscreen, that's basically the story of XV really.
Luna failed as an indirect main character. Serah did a far better job.
>Lightning will never give you CPR
She looks like she really enjoys a good pounding.
I saw her at the mall once. She's actually very tall in person.
I think you might want to review your notes on counting.
It's a fucking joke that we were supposed to feel sorry for Luna or Noctis even when the formerg ets shanked, it speaks volumes that everyone felt legitimate pity for Ignis after he gets blind because we connected with him.
One thing I don't get about XV, do cell phones exist in the universe? If so why didn't Luna and Noct use it and not that retarded notebook..
I think Lunafreya was being held down by the Imperial army so she had to go incognito. Especially since she was on borrowed time.
You're saying in the what, 10 or so years they were apart they communicated in small paragraphs to each other by a book?
You're a small guy.
If I seem to recall, the Niffs had hold of her after the so called 'meeting' back in the Kingsglaive movie. From then on, she didn't have any real way to communicate.
Serah's hotter though.
Yeah, but they were apart much longer than that? What exactly made them fall in love? From what I gathered about KG, the marriage was a mere condition for surrender, how is that a basis for giving even a single fuck about it?
Good, get the fuck out of my series now.
I recall that they met as kids, then they went to an private area where they were attacked and Luna got captured:
So yeah, in other words, the game tells us that they're supposed to be married and apparently love each other despite not seeing each other since Regis peaced the fuck out of Tenebrae when they were kids?
Basically yes. It's weak connection, but at least it explains why they could only communicate through notebook.
Is there a greater smugmug? I think not
I'm still not convinced though, Luna had numerous scenes where it was just her and Ravus or Hilary Clinton, I'm guessing she had loads of oppertunities to do it they just didn't.
Either way, she is missing a fuck ton of scenes to build a connection with her and the player.
>people in this thread acting like XIII is better than XV
I love you Lightning. I love you so much.
Every day that we're not together is suffering. Without you, I feel incomplete.
Your smile makes my soul soar higher than the highest cloud and your smile delights me more than mere words could adequately describe.
Your beauty and your grace makes me glad to be alive and there's not a day that goes by when I don't think about you.
I love you so much Claire. I always will.
At the very least you got to know all your characters and you got to know what kind of person someone was before they were offed so you felt SOMETHING.
Luna's death felt like fishing for another Aeris without understanding why it affected so many players.
You found a commissioner for that daki yet Badonkadonk?
Some of us are counting on you
>At the very least
Wait, do people NOT think the stagger and paradigm system was better than XV's spammy ass combat?
Is there even a boss as hard as Barthandelus or Cid in XV?
It is.
Not that XV sets the bar particularly high. Paperboy for the SNES was better than XV.
The two combat systems are just two different kinds of shit. I'd rather not think about either of them.
>stagger and paradigm system
Oh yeah I love watching the characters do everything by themselves while occasionally switching jobs for them. So fun and interactive.
Yet you had even LESS to do in the PS1 FF games and I bet you're all over that shit.
For one, making a set of good paradigms with certain characters ism ore thought than you will ever put into any decision on XV, secondly, switching between them in the middle of battle is more strategy and skill than most games in the series offer.
>button mashing is top of the line gaming
>Yet you had even LESS to do in the PS1 FF games and I bet you're all over that shit.
I hope you're not talking about games like FF6, FF7 and above because that would be utterly retarded.
With the paradigm system you literally don't do anything but watch the characters play. All you do is switch jobs waiting for the stagger, end. Disgusting.
XIII's party ai was more competent than XV's which was absolute shit in fights where it counted.
>you will never be a young boy accompanying Lightning on her travels
Lightning Returns was alright. It became godlike when I got Lightning in the cat costume.
Story and character wise XIII was better. Gameplay wise XV is better.
Don't get me wrong, both games suck
>I hope you're not talking about games like FF6, FF7 and above because that would be utterly retarded.
You'll have to define above, because for me, 6/7/8/9 are all 'attack' spam, occaisional cure, at least status effects are useful (integral even) in XIII, you can say all you want but if XIII's battle system is shallow and easy then XV's is shallower and easier.
I'd rather hang myself than be Hope.
Holy shit I can't even begin to imagine the horror that XV must be then.
You hear about everything important ever from other characters or on the radio, and nothing matters until the game takes away your freedom to explore.
>nothing matters until the game takes away your freedom to explore
Nothing matters before that point either
Sounds to me like we need some best pairing in this thread
Yeah, what even happened in Chapters 2-8 again?
uhhmm Ignis drove around?
Iris's panties
>le button mashing meme
At least you actually were in control of your characters in those games.
New recipes, fishing and hunting.
Are you in control of your characters in VII? Because I can't seem to dodge Supernova in that one.
>two monsters making out
Lightning's face looks about to burst in tentacles and tendrils like a Thing monster
Digusting fat pig
Also I dont have ps3 fuuuuck I want to play. Lets talk about why turn-based was actually good, and simply the best in tactics and x-2, and who decided it was a good idea to make ff7 a qte action rpg where the other party members run solely on ai
Sure I am, I can decide all of their actions and actively protect myself against supernova.
Like the way you can tell your friends in XV to move out of the way of your own magic aoe? kek.
FFXV combat system can be summed up like this
Press circle
Press Square
You mean using defend on all chars? Or maxing luck and evade? All your choice.
go away you bitchy whore
Funny I thought we were talking of FFVII here, but by all means keep shifting the goalpost. kek.
>press square
>dont press soft
I miss squaresoft
Maybe he means casting Shell, which is obvuously superhard to do in XIII. :^)
>Or maxing luck and evade? All your choice.
Only you and the other guy are talking about VII. The rest of us are saying that XII has a better combat system than XV
See second posts above yours tryhard
>Gameplay wise XV is better.
I still dont understand people who thought that XV has good gameplay, what the fuck is wrong with you?
XIII not XII everyone knows XII was the last good FF
You do realise there are random battles that are more involved in XIII than some bosses from the PS1 era FF games, right? Especially if you don't get the first strike on the world map.
Never said it was good. Just better than 13. I also said both games suck. Please get some reading comprehension