I made a Devil May Cry thread yesterday and it was fun so let's have another. I have the HD collection for PS3 on the way. Anything I should know before playing? What difficulty should I play each game one? I plan on playing DMC2 but I'll just drop it and skip to DMC3 if I'm not having fun.
I made a Devil May Cry thread yesterday and it was fun so let's have another...
You have to beat the previous difficulty to unlock each new one, so you have to start on the normal equivalent and work your way up to Dante Must Die
Ahh, gotcha. So I'll just worry about that on replays.
Also, gonna play DMC4 on PC after.
Just make sure to use a controller, keyboard works okay for Devil Hunter difficulty and all that, but not so much at all on any of the harder difficulties. I mean there are some crazy Japs and Koreans who have done keyboard controls combo videos, but just make sure you have a controller. Playstation controllers are better for the way you want to claw it to be able to Style Swap when you're playing as Dante, and you can't do the same with an Xbox controller. You dont have to worry about it too much if you only have an Xbox controller, it's not the end of the world. Also I hope you mean the Special Edition, vanilla DMC4 is good but the extra content in the SE is worth it.
I think you have to start on Normal in DMC3, you unlock easy after you have died enough and hard after you complete it.
Also, it will ask you if you want to do it on yellow orb or gold orbI
In gold orb if you die you will start at the nearest checkpoint, or you can use a gold orb and get revived during that fight.
Yellow orb makes you restart the chapter if you die, or you can start at the nearest checkpoint or the start of the fight if you use a yellow orb.
I would say choose Gold Orb but it's up to you.
Give DMC1 a chance.
Yeah, I'm gonna use a Logitech F710. The d-pad is better than Xbox controller, at least. Less stiff. If there's any fast mashing in the game, it's a fantastic controller because the guard under the triggers hook on your index finger and steady the controller as you go crazy with your thumb. Worked great in MGR.
Good to know, I'll probably do gold then.
Yeah, I'm gonna play it first for sure.
DMC3 Start on Normal with the Gold option, after you beat it don't play hard mode, it's meaningless, use the unlock everything cheat and jump to Very Hard before going to Dante Must Die
Having Very Hard and Dante Must Die unlock at the same time was the biggest mistake of the Special Edition
nigger why are you making threads without having played them
Fuck you
I look forward to playing it in a day.
I'm gonna play that very last, actually already have it on Steam.
one thing that you can do is get a cheat engine and go to bloody palace . make all the enemies there have infinite health and stop timer so it is kinda like a ghetto practice room
why does Dante look like he own a gay bondage club?
>A room containing a large, disguisting creature hanging from the ceiling
>Enter Dante
>"Whoa, so you're the thing that's been putting my dashing good looks to shame?"
>"And who are you?"
>"Dante, owner and faciliator of the fine 'Devil May Cry' establishment. It's gotta nice ring to it, don't you think?"
>"Dante? Son of Sparta?"
>"The very same handsome. I'd offer you a dance, but you seem more like a wallflower than someone who knows how to boogie"
>"Watch your tongue, cur. I have no patience for your games"
>"And that's where our intrests conflict I'm afraid. I kill demons, ugly ones. And you my friend are very, very ugly."
>"Then come taste death!"
>"No thanks, I'm full"
Dante's always had some unusual taste in clothes. He wore a velvet jacket and pants in DMC1. In DMC2, he wore an unusual velvet coat that he couldn't possibly have bought in any clothing store. In DMC3, he literally just got out of the shower and threw on his coat after his shop got wrecked.
It looks like he got over his velvet phase and is now in his cowboy phase.
Oh yeah, there's actually some nostalgia and more to me wanting to finally play through it. I first actually watched a friend play it on PS2 around release. That friend died in a motorcycle accident about five years ago. He actually died right when I was playing MGS2 HD, which is another game I watched him play on PS2 when I was younger.
Doesn't make me sad thinking about it, just would bring back good memories which is especially why I want to play DMC1.
where is that fucking holy grail of dub? i forgot what it was called
Not even a dub really considering how DMC and RE are made to be heard in English
[Enter Donte, Demon, and Wubeth. Wubeth resounds in the background throughout.]
Donte: "Hark! Thou must be the final component of this bilious villainy!"
Demon: "Who art thou?"
Donte: "I doth be thy courtier, thou abhorrent container of refuse!"
Demon: "Who in the name of the beast with two backs art thou? BLEAUGHAUGH"
Donte: "Behold, thou hast missed the mark! And my Christian name art Donte."
Demon: "DONTE? Bastard of Sparda and Eva the concubine?!? BLEAUGHAUGH"
Donte: "Yea verily! But thou mayest address me by my title: Donte, slayer of demons! Doth it not smell as sweetly as a rose?"
Demon: "Thou seekest to slay me? Thou canst slay me! For a thousand and two hundred years I have drawn breath!"
Donte: "Humorous, seeing as thy countenance begets a creature of twelve thousand!"
Demon: "Fornicate thou!"
Dante: "Fornicate THOU!"
[Wubeth increases in volume]
[End Scene]
>I'm gonna play that very last, actually already have it on Steam.
If you're gonna bother with Donte's radical adventure you should at least do the special edition on PS4 or Xbone if possible. If not or if you don't want to drop the money for it I get it, but it does fix a few things.
Ain't most of those fixes mods from the PC version anyway?
Only have PC, PS3, and Wii U so nah.
I dunno, if so forego my previous statement.
Fair enough. Enjoy the good ones. DMC4SE is fantastic, i'd almost say wait to play that until after DMC...just to cap it off good.