AGDQ 2017

Now: Doom (2016)
Next: Super Mario Bros. race
After: Lost Levels race

Which Rabi would you Ribi?

xth for daughterfu

>tfw Doom was the only good "AAA" """blockbuster""" of 2016



I fucking hate glitch runs

what about FFXV?

Who here love little girls?

>cirno not running DOOM

>tfw no speed bf



D44M is the only good videogame of the 20XXs

Rip and tear but not too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself, be careful now :)

Did you play it?


Glitch (2016)

starting off the thread with pure retardation eh?


It's actually pretty nifty this run.

>it's another "out of bounds to the finish" speedrun

Stop this shit. Please.

"awesome" "games" done """""""quick"""""

I waited until 4 AM for it.
What a disappointment

thanks for reminding me I need to watch some CCS


Is someone making a tier list like last year?
I'm super sick so I keep literally passing out trying to watch runs.

shitposters work on reverse psychology, newfag

yeah, it was no masterpiece, but it was pretty good. D44M was definitely my favorite game of the year though.


I dont understand you people, you want tricks in th run to be interesting, but you dont want to see glitches

who Sup Forums here?

That's what you get for living in the third world m8

Before anyone complains about difficulty.. You can just go watch a non-Any% run, i'm sure there are a lot of videos.. Idiots, this is AGDQ.

>I'm such a weeb xD, baka brigade



Im off to fap and sleep. Fuck this garbage

>NA level
>clapping music plays


welp this turned out to be trash. back to fappin

not this one

>spend most of the time kiting zombies towards doors
>clipping through the entire level

yea i'm about to back I forgot Sup Forums is Sup Forums

I much prefer blacked threads



Good. Now suffer, dipshit.


>can't even hit purchase button

>female announcer

>submit a game to speedrun
>speedrun your game at Awesome Games Done Quick
>everyone complains you're speedrunning it

>Game and runner incredibly low
fucking agdq sound guys

>using glitches in a speedrun is homehow wrong

>"I don't know the story"
Do these speedrunners ever play the game casually? Like, maybe the first fucking time, just enjoy the game for what it is rather than autistically tear it apart the second you get it?

Am I the only one who felt cheated by the SSBM All Events run?

>95% of it was Jigglypuff using rest
>3% was exploiting shit to make CPUs kill themselves or walk into an easy kill
>The remaining 2% was actual gameplay

I don't know what I expected going in but I guess I hoped someone with skill was gonna play vs someone doing what anyone else could have done.

>retards wanting a speedrun to be a let's play

You are ungrateful apes

human lolis are for rape and gore

kemololi for impregnating and monogamous marriage

Is the commentator a tranny?


Why are you watching if you don't like speedruns?

whats going on here?

>people bitching about easy mode

its a fucking speedrun, what did you expect? bulletsponge enemies are obviously not faster

>wait for this run all day
>half of it is going to be glitches and skips

who d2g here

where my dead thread bros at

>family friendly stream
>allow game with a fucking shit ton of gore

what did they mean by this Sup Forums?

>fucks up the jump 5 times
>finally succeeds on the 6th attempt

This fucking audience.

man wtf has been up with the awful commentary this year, from both the player and couch. at least make things a little more interesting.

also, which Samus is best Samus?

give it to me

You have some fucking shit taste my man but we'll leave it for another thread

It's funny how many runners are completely clueless as soon as shit goes wrong and they have to improvise




>Sup Forums finally realises D44M is fucking shit




Nope, many wont even finish games if they think it can't be speedrun

any cum worthy girls this year

sure but the story in Doom is garbage so no one cares

Are there any people who do glitchless runs of games?

no challenge whatsoever

>Races soon

Definitely the best runs

>im such a weeb dudes xDDDD

In Eagleland blood and gore is more socially acceptable than a woman's nipple

you tell me

Right here

post-PPD EG goes into the bin

Rip and walk on the ceiling

Sup Forums is chock full of legitimate retards.

these threads aren't Sup Forums they're just crossboarders looking for a shitposting thread

This run is fucking AWESOMEEEE


When was it this shit turned into a greedy SJW event?


take your pick.

for real

Just different desires and priorities

the challenge is in the strats and going fast you dense fucking moron

No one plays a doom game for the story anyway. The entire game has less than 5 minutes of cutscenes its just there to serve its purpose of giving the game some kind of plot.

>false advertising regulations now require GDQ to call them "no-comeback one-sided simultaneous speedruns"
