Her route is the canon route.
Her route is the canon route
Other urls found in this thread:
>not Shurelia
>Expecting anyone on Nu-Sup Forums to have played Ar Tonelico
Aurica was my first choice tho.
The series should've never gone 3D
wanted to go with her to have this badass motherfucker in my party but picked the other dumb slut by accident and then saved over my file before I understood what I did
This was boring as fuck to play.
How's 2 compared to this nonboringwise.
Should've went with the little girl instead.
Combat's a lot more involved.
Better, actually fun
It's actually fun to play. That's all you need to know.
Maybe I give it a shot
Use the fan translation.
So where is this series at now?
I've played a little of Ar NoSurge 2, but I really couldn't get into it. Mainly due to not knowing what the fuck is going on, the 3D looking and feeling pretty bad, and the areas being small as fuck.
There's no canon route, OP, they're all canon.
>Ar NoSurge 2
Why is the music so good in such shit games?
Pic related senpai.
It's the second game of the prequel games to Ar Tonelico.
1st game was Nip only because, fuck the west.
This game is called Ar Nosurge. The first game is called Ciel Nosurge, there's no twos anywhere.
>Wanting the girl who will die in a few years over the girl who will outlive you and not age and also has both loli and adult forms.
Shit taste my man.
>1st game was Nip only because, fuck the west.
Yeah but the first game wasn't called Ar nosurge, it's Ciel nosurge. There is no Ar nosurge 2.
No thanks. Misha best girl.
>This game is called Ar Nosurge. The first game is called Ciel Nosurge
Eh. Honest mistake considering we never got the first one.
>Shit taste my man.
To be fair, you don't get to see that until you've already made your choice. Demon Aurica also dick things to my dick.
Seriously though, is the series now dead?
>is the series now dead?
Bamco has the rights and as you're probably aware Gust and Bamco parted ways. So yeah, unless some kinda collaboration between KT and Bamco happens this is dead forever.
Why is her route canon?
>Seriously though, is the series now dead?
It's dead user.
>Bamco has the rights and as you're probably aware Gust and Bamco parted ways. So yeah, unless some kinda collaboration between KT and Bamco happens this is dead forever.
Well shit. I've not followed the companies much, this thread just reminded me about the games.
Reminder that Shurelia and Jacqli are the best girls and if you picked anyone else you're either a boring vanillafag(Aurica/Misha) or a cuck who likes being treated like shit(Cloche/Luca)
>or a cuck who likes being treated like shit(Cloche/Luca)
Well then..
>that cosmosphere level where she has Croix on a dog leash