What are some games where you can be dominated by a woman?

What are some games where you can be dominated by a woman?

Ara Ara>=Tomboy>Sleepy>Cool>Bully>Disdain>Cold>Smug>>>>>>>>>bratty

>smug that low

lol get a taste

Smug > cold > cool > bitch > ara ara > tomboy > disdain >sleepy > bratty

>Liking the meme fetish

I bet you like it best when she has green skin, you fuck.

Better yet, what are some games where I can be dominated as a woman?


Ara ara > Sleepy > Cool > the rest

>not wanting a smug frogposting gf to bully your dick all day before letting you release all over her feet
what a gay


Why do they all have to be mean? What's wrong with a cute girl who's happy to enable your degeneracy without calling you awful names?

Even better, where are some games where I can dominate a man AS a woman?

Daily reminder that if Ara ara or Tomboy are between your favorites you're a normie scum with boring vanilla tastes and should leave.

Cold the best

I only like gentle femdom, not pegging collar shit

inb4 /trash/

bully > bratty > the rest

>tfw bully fetish

>lick pussy through underwear
What? Who wrote this?

>Not wanting a cow-tited older woman to dominate you
>Not wanting a fit qt gf to sit on your face after a work out


>Why do they all have to be mean?

It's a fucking fetish user.

because it's part of the fetish


Sleepy seems the best out of the group
to someone that isnt at all submissive at least.

Cool > Tomboy > Sleepy > Ara Ara > Smug > Bratty > Cold > POWER GAP > Bully > Disdain

I don't have this fetish but I tried my best

And muscles are gross as fuck on a female my dude. I'd much rather be bullied by a physically weak girl for the power gap aspect.


Middle-left is a lesbian, so ara ara >= smug > sleepy > the rest in no particular order > bratty.

This isn't really my thing, but I tried.

Ara Ara=Tomboy>smug>cool=bully>sleepy>disdain>cold>bratty

Cool, Cold, Smug

Sleepy, Disdain

Ara Ara, Tomboy



This is my nigga
there are many ones like him but this one is mine

Disdain > Tomboy > Cold > Smug > Bratty > Bully > Sleepy > Ara Ara > Cool

Cool>tomboy>ara ara>the rest.

I still need some assurance that she cares more than just sexual dominance.

This isn't Videogames, go back to /h/ you dickhead.

This picture needs more loomis



You can get raped by a russian military MILF in Alpha protocol
i never did not get a boner on that scene

Acceptable Tier


Irredeemable Garbage Tier

Everything else

>TFW I fucked a tomboy type once who was fit

>TFW that pic is true, she let me lick the sweat off her abs and armpits

>she didn't mind it at all because she was glad someone like me liked her and appreciated being with her

>she also did kegals so the pussy was EXTREMELY TIGHT

I miss her, she was great.

Have you heard of this website called facebook?

I think you'll fit right in

t. normie

Nah, I just don't like shitty femdom fetishes for betas.

In fact, only reason I picked Tomboy was she had tits, had nothing to do with the fetish itself.

A combo of Ara Ara and Tomboy would be the best.

man all this just reminds me how fucking empty i feel without a qt gf
who am i kidding she'd probably hate me anyway

I reccomend getting fit user. Nothing Easier than having muscles to show women that you work hard.

I want the hispanic catholic ex-FARC guerilla but now a maid type.


>Irredeemable Garbage Tier
>Everything else
Sup Forums with the shit taste

best girl

I don't give a shit about harley, just picked a random gif from my folder.

And yeah, this fetish is shit.

>got a gym membership in december
>been going to the gym on and off the past 2 years
>more time to myself means I have more time to go work out
Y'know what, things aren't so bad after all, thanks user.

>tagged "femdom"
>she doesn't put needles in your dick and fuck your ass with a strap-on
Ugh. Fucking false femdom fags ruining everything.

>tomboy > sleepy > a normal gf > > a sock > the rest

Top quality tomboy if that's her, I'm fucking jealous. "I miss her"? What happened?

>She even stays pure for her shota.

Truly a top tier waifu.


It's a spectrum and this end has a name.

video games, no video games on Sup Forums

You know dominate women don't exist right? Submissive men turn women off. Unless "She"
is a He.

moved with her dad , couldn't stay here anymore.

whatever 3D women are pigs anyway

They exist, but it's like finding a unicorn.

They do exist actually; I know this because one of them is my fiancee just sometimes they want you to be the dom too.

Yeah, he tries to have sex with her and she responds by luring him in and then beat his face into a bloody pulp while screaming that she will never follow anyone's order except her shota master who she loves more than anything in the world. She even says that she would eat dogshit for him. Best girl.

I'm ashamed that I'm ok with the cool and cold types, but not that much of the disdain one.

Doesn't make me like the fetish any less desu

Smug should be up a space or two, but otherwise good taste.

That's a damn shame. I hope you two eventually get to be together again one day.

Fucking this, I was really fit during highschool and I had several girls crushing on me, I didn't care about any one them and shut them all down. I then became fat and no girl gave a fuck about me. Now I'm getting fit again and girls pay attention to me. It's funny how getting fit can turn an average looking guy into a real hunk, just look at Chris Pratt for reference(girls usually say I resemble him) he was fat once and just got goofy roles, and wasn't considered very attractive. Now he's fit and gets AAA hollywood roles and is considered by most women one of the hottest men in the world. Being fit makes a BIG difference. Girls will approach you.

I'm no expert on 3DPD, but that sounds like a switch to me. Either that or she's kind enough to cater to your fetish without telling you that she isn't into it.

I've never heard of "Switch" as a terminology before. All I know is she does orgasm denial to me, steps on me, and has a really smug look over her sometimes while we have sex, but sometimes she goes full Yuki Nagato + Ahegao. Once I told her some of my fetishes she started telling me hers, and it turns out we genuinely have the same ones.

She's fucking dominate black men on the side, i'm sorry dude.

It's more of the fact that your muscles are literally easy to spot compared to other accomplishment like being rich or being a doctor. Being fit tells women you work hard and in today's world where most people are fat it is very rare to see fit people.

Sleepy, Ara-Ara, Tomboy

The rest are trash

I just want a girl who calls me fat and ugly and only sticks around out of pity

don't care

what is with you guys and your obsession with cuckolding

cuck cuck cuck

just stop.