Why wasn't Shovel Knight in Smash?

Why wasn't Shovel Knight in Smash?

He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon
That's some Shantae-fag tier delusion.

He is not, because if he was there would be more porn.

Implying that Shovel Knight is THE ideal indie game mascot is just part of your bait right?

Severely overestimating yourself don't you think?

>Shovel Knight actually was America's most requested character.
>It was also in Europe's top 10
>Japs thought he was a joke request like Goku because they didn't got the game at that moment.

I love Shovel Knight. But he's nowhere near mario icon status.

>it's another retro 2D indie platformer

Why exactly do people go crazy over this game again? Because it wasn't as bad as most of the competition?

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.
He's the indie industry's version of Lightning at this point, shoved into practically every game he can.

Funny how bit trip runner got a trophy but Shovel Knight did not.

>Shovel Knight abandoned his own game and started popping up in a bunch of other games
>Latest will be Yooka Laylee in 2 months
>The rest of the cast started playing his game without him


i have no fucking idea, it's just look like a generic indie garbage.

He's not a Fire Emblem character or Toad.

It's fine to want a character in Smash. But at the same time people need to realize every character also has a chance of not making it in, and you have to accept that gracefully.

I like Shovel Knight and his game, and if he somehow got into Smash then cool, but it is what it is.

I literally think this fag is either a dedicated autistic shitposter or a delusional faggot that needs to put in a psych ward asap, kys

reminder to anyone who is sane this guy got btfo in smash 4 spec and he kept posting the same shit and is still doing it now, sage

Mario Run alone makes that impossible.

i'm still forever pissed off that glover will never be in smash

that moveset.

In fact, what's the worst-selling Mario game? Because I'm sure it alone is still more popular than Shovel Knight

Meat Boy was much much bigger.


cause he's not another sword wielding chinese cartoon character.

the game is well designed and fun to play.
that's literally the reason.

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.

>>Shovel Knight actually was America's most requested character.
Source: your ass

Yeah, Shovel Knight wasn't even released in Japan until June 2016.

>Why wasn't Shovel Knight in Smash?
B-but muh Ridley...

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point

>tfw you're not a ridleyfag but still think ridley is much less retarded than many ideas rosterfags have
>but muh patterns, muh youneek movesets, gotta represent da indeez!

Because his game was just Duck Tales and Mega Man rolled into one. Don't expect your game to be remembered for long when you just copy from old jap games.

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.
Except that he's not. He's almost like the face of indie games maybe, but Mario-tier industry icon? Not even close.

>Shovel Knight
>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.

Have we reached the point were underage is so fucking ignorant of the past that they are reenvisioning history to give their indie game shit more worth?

This is Neo/v/.

>shovel nigger gets in
>before pic related does

No way, pal!

Because it's fun.

Probably because Hackurai was told that literally who's from FE needed to be shilled, i dont clearly remember who the fuck won the first place on that voting but i'm sure as fuck remember it wasnt any of them FE fags.

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point.
You're literally comparing Shovel Knight to Micky mouse.

Shovel Knight is an 8hr tutorial before you get to play the actual game.

>Today's gamers probably have no idea why their default hard drive is C:\
>Even if they know what an A:\ is they've never even heard of a B:\

Dust in the wind.

Shut the fuck up you old fart

Creators whoring him out doesn't mean he's an industry icon.

>that one time indie shitters were trying to get Super Meat Boy in Smash and got shut down like the subhumans they are

Why the fuck would you want indie shit?

>trying to get a character into smash who wasn't even on a Nintendo system
They were such retards.

Mein Neger

What the fuck is Shovel Knight? Indie shit?

Why do people care about le retro pixel indie trash still? I wish I could sage this shit thread.

who would want this when we got real megaman. shovel fags need to stick to shantae bashing, it's the only thing they can do and even that's debatable

>doing anything besides spamming projectiles or Falcon Punches when playing Smash requires the autism of 10 chris-chans
>wanting the roster to become Indie All-Stars vs. Sonic is perfectly normal

With Beyond Good & Evil 2 coming to switch and Mario and Rabbids im expecting Rayman. Please add Rayman.

>mario tier industry icon

Not even close, fuck off shitposter.

It's because it's a pretty good game. Wish Plague Knight got more attention though, he's the better half of the game.

until I can walk down the street, knock on someone's door, ask them what they thought of the shovel knight game and get an answer that isn't "what the fuck is shovel knight?", he is not a mario-tier icon. lucky for you I have nothing better to do than to reply to bait threads.

His developers are American and not Japanese.

this guy gets it. Imma throw Paper Mario into the mix

Give me Ashley or give me death!!!!!!!!!!

it's legitimately one of the best 2D platformers I played this gen, next to Tropical Freeze that is. But I don't think the character is that popular.


>being this salty

>People taking this extremely blatant bait

>He's a Mario-tier industry icon at this point

Shantaefags accept that their series is average-okay with no influence over the industry, though. Shovel Knight fags don't accept that about Shovel Knight.

Ridley is in, though. He's been in every single Smash Bros, like King Dedede.

>Mario-tier industry icon at this point.
I guarantee that far, FAR, less young children and normies know about Shovel Knight than Mario.