I am not liking the look of these 60 dollar cartridges

I am not liking the look of these 60 dollar cartridges.

What do I do if I lose them?

who says they're 60 dollarydoos?

It's Nintendo. You'll learn to like it.

Keep track of your things and not lose them like an irresponsible 12 year old.

What if you lose your soul while sleeping?

Good news then because they're $99.99 msrp.

just wait for piracy like on the wii u.

yeah over time you'll become an indoctrinated nintendrone

You reevaluate your life.
How unorganized are you that you can't keep track of your things?

you pay up $60

>I dont like the look of this car
>what do i do if i lose it?

I know how you feel. I lost one of my 3DS games and I'm bugged I still haven't found it. Doesn't really matter since freeshop exists, but still.

Who cares you would have lost that money anyway

It's probably gonna be 40 dollars. The carts have a 16 gig limit

These, and also, don't buy nintendo products.

Will it have an account system

Do you lose discs too? Are you an autist that doesn't put games back in the case when you switch them out?

So, twice the dual layer DVD?


buy another two.

t. Regis Fills-Jams

Who said it was $60?

digital purchase your games like a fucking modern human you god damned idiot?

What if you lose your memory card?

if you lose them you buy another one and you (hopefully) learn your lesson. Part of growing up is learning to be responsible with your things, you'll get there some day.

3DS cartridges were only 1GB at launch, there are 8GB 3DS carts now.

>tfw you lost a Vita game
The pain is real.

I never bought a second Vita game after realizing Sony will leave Vita to die.

Not happening. You buy an SD card big enough and never switch it. Those aren't too expensive.

What if you lose your Switch?

>there might not be more games
>so I'm not gonna buy this game that I could still play
And more things that didn't happen.
You're supposed to complain about the memory cards if you want to complain about Vita. The games, both digital and physical, have been extremely cheap.

>actually taking it outside

Just keep them in your damn case, this isn't hard

>buying console games digitally
look at this retard and laugh

If everyone waits for piracy what makes you think they're going to keep making games for you to pirate?

>selling games
Sign that it was a mistake to buy it in the first place.

enjoy your physical DRM, I guess.

I bought THE exclusives, planning to get the multiplats later, like with my PSP.

Then I learned the Vita ports are all FUCKED. There were no other exclusives I gave a fuck about other than Kat: The Game.

*the exclusive

But isn't 'irresponsible 12 year old' ostensibly Nintendo's target audience?

Isn't flash really chep now? I can get a 64 GB SD card for like $20

>Vita ports are all FUCKED
in what ways?

>I bought THE exclusive
Is that supposed to be SSD, P4G or what?
>Then I learned the Vita ports are all FUCKED.
Go play BoI.

According to the commercials, no, not any more

Wait like 6 months for the switch to get cracked and then play all the game you want for free

the wii u had no games and piracy wasn't possible until last year. what did you mean by this?

Less stable framerate, less content, more bugs.

He does make a point

What in the unholy FUCK is this analogy?

>Are you an autist that doesn't put games back in the case when you switch them out?
That's not how autism works, user.
I mean, I figured YOU'D know, but

>what makes you think they're going to keep making games for you to pirate?
uhhh money??? because the general population don't know how to pirate games, and pirated game downloads take a while to even accomplish?

The same thing you did when you lost your 40 dollar cartridges.

These discs are so small! What will I do if I lose them?

put them in your pocket

These cartridges are so small! What will I do if I lose them?


Only times I've ever lost a game was from lending it and forgetting I ever gave it to someone.

What the fuck? Am I supposed to just pay $100 again if I lose this?

Not a single 3DS game dumb has exceeded 4 GB

Bullshit. Most of the multiplats and ports are fine.

why not?

don't lose them.

No, you're just supposed to keep it in your handheld at all times and never switch.

how do you lose something that never existed, is this babbies first philosophical question

very punny

no problems, if the switch sells decently it will be cracked in a few months and all games will be zero

which is the way it should be

Too bad the switch wont have holders to store other games or have multiple game ports to put more cartridges in.

I hope the case is the same size as the other system cases, y'know for organizing purposes

>tfw youre super irresponsible and lose something and then they expect you to have to pay for it again

I think i actually remember people saying this.

What if you lose it in your room?

>grown adult probably
>losing shit

I haven't scratched a dick or lost a catridge since the PS2 era

I lost the cart for the Japanese special edition of Fire Emblem IF, I can't tell if it's in my room still or if I accidentally returned it with a extra 3DS I was using to test flashcarts at Wal-mart

it'll turn up

that isn't possible unless your room is a disgusting, messy pigsty.

>60 dollar cartridges
source please

What did you do if you lost your 40$ 3DS/DS games?

why do you think that a cartridge should cost less than a disc?

Why should handheld games be as expensive as home console games?

Sup Forums just puts unrealistic standards to make the switch seem like a failure
>it's a portable
>but it must have ps4 power or more
>but it has to cost less than a ps4
>but the games must have mobile game prices
they are desperate for the console to fail because they don't care about gaming, just more shitposting fuel

only 2 days left user

>Have one of those 'Vita game holder' clear plastic cases
>It has all 5 of my vita games, with P4Golden in the vita
>Can't find it.

Now you're getting it goyim.

It's a home console, of course games will be $60

it's a hybrid so we don't know if they will be that price

Even the Wii U had games from $40~60
BotW will be $60
If you think it'll be $40 just because Switch is a handheld, you're stupid

>Implying nintendo is stupid enough to sell their games for 60 dollars instead of 40
>Implying their console being sub 200 dollars and their games being 40 won't be one of their major selling points.

After the WiiU debacle I seriously doubt they'll be stupid enough to do something like that.
If that fucking thing has a slot for 3DS games too?
it's fucking over.

Gee, I wonder if Switch's Dark Souls will cost less because I can carry it around

i didn't say they would be $40 you dumb fag

>What do I do if I lose them?
Buy more like the pathetic Nintendrone you are.

I'm going to guess they'll be $49.99 since the console is a fucking Leapfrog that is noticeably weaker than the other two home consoles but being cheaper could give them a good edge.

I was 10 when the DS came out and never lost a cart.

The top 3 biggest games are X&Y, S&M and Bravely Default (international version) and none of them exceed 4GB

Is it because everything else is so shit that you will be forced to like it?

I thought sony already did that

basically, you either play nintendo or watch movies

>Owning Physical media

What if you lose your anal virginity while sleeping?

Did you also lose your discs for your consoles?

I'm not irresponsible so I'd never lose a disc or cartridge but for the sake of convenience I'm considering going full digital on this one

>scratch disc
>disc can no longer be read
well there is always something user

Use a MicroSD and buy digital for cheaper.

Pokemon X is 16GB.

You have to switch them for multiple games.

>you have to switch a 64gb memory card for mulitple games