Post your favorite video game armor sets.
Post your favorite video game armor sets
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One of the few good things about DaS2.
most overused set.
Thats like complaining about swords being overused
Gods, I liked that armor so much.
Shame the other dragon ages didnt have it.
That was meant to look like the default W1 armor right?
I'm not sure what video game this is concept art for, but it's fucking awesome.
>not farram armor
Nice fucking taste
>tfw no futuristic crusade game
And the female dark elf version.
top fucking kek
>liking dull, non-sexy piece of shit like that
Are you gay or SJW?
>pink hair
>vomit fetish
see ya!
Please be b8
No one can be this new
fuck off faggot, wymyn shouldn't even be in melee classes.i bet you play as one too you degenerate crosdresser in denial.
Filling the mh quota
I-I don't understand?
come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
thanks for the (You), faggot
i'm not even that guy!
What game is this?
Kill yourself, jojobrony
dragons shouldn't be flying through the air and old men shouldn't be conjuring fire with a thought.its fantasy, negro. Maybe i like to fantasize about getting dominated by a qt barbarian.
Why is he so perfect?
Not my favorite, but I do like the design.
then at least she should look like a fucking barbarian not some fucking supermodel.
>Maybe i like to fantasize about getting dominated by a qt barbarian.
dont breed please
>Short hair
This is your tank for the night, say something nice about her.
needs a bigger shield to be a proper tank
>Needing sexy armor to enjoy it
How does it feel to be an insecure faggot who always needs to stare at half naked woman?
Is this mod?
>gets upset by slight variations in sexuality
You sure you're on the right website, pal?
It's an actual crime that the in-game set doesn't look like this.
"so... you're like a paladin healer or something?"
What Goblins?
That's not armor, that's leather vest and a linen shirt underneath.
>Best looking armor in the game
>It's low level vendor trash
>Armor in the game with best stats
>It's tacky, overdesigned, WoW-esque shit
this isnt Sup Forums /d/ or /lgbt/, go be a faggot elsewhere and take your shit taste with you
>you'll never enjoy something as much as he enjoys killing goblins
When did video games become a chore, Sup Forums?
Look at this Ebony armour.
I like the maid costume more, but this one is also good.
Goddamnit look at it.
How is it insecure to like watching at half-nekkid ladies?
Don't you think it's a bit insecure to bring everyone's sexual orientation into question by bullshit backwards reasoning like that?
No your insecure because if she isn't half naked its SJW shit user
>pajeet dyke
>swords at all having a purpose once armor development reaches that level
how the fuck is a man getting fucked by a woman gay.
Now look at this Dawnguard armour.
You're mistaking me for someone else then. I don't think it's either-or.
see because its a full armor set it must be SJW
And look at this Bonemold.
>tfw no game will ever let you just be a random guy who goes out on adventures killing monsters for fun and helping people
Why does it always have to turn into chosen one bullshit the only thing that even comes kinda close is Dragon dogma.
>how the fuck is a man getting fucked by a woman gay.
>a man getting fucked
superior armor.
ebony mail is far superior and much cooler than the ebony plate.
Looks like a shitty rip off of Dragon age origins Dwarf armor
Gay, soulless, generic fantasy armor
Most practical and realistic looking of the lot
Ugly as sin
And this Heavy Chitin.
I don't know what to wear they all look good.
What about Skyrim's Companions? Just don't advance plot.
You are a literal special snowflake in skyrim fuck off
Posting GOAT Armor set.
Read again, you twat.
ridden like a horse user. made into a tool for her pleasure. That you seem to have leaped straight to pegging makes me think if anyone is a faggot around here, its you.
Not advancing in the main plot does not stop the fact everyone calls you dovaken and all that bullshit you literal retard. I just want to be a random nobody who makes a name for himself
Is your healer dressed appropriately for this encounter?
>tfw some designer at bethesda actually thought EBONY was a mineral instead of a type of WOODWORK
I know that they said that "ebony" in the TES universe is actually a mineral unknown to ours but that was obvious retconning for correcting a seriously retarded mistake
They don't do that unless you advance the main quest, blow yourself.
Bring autoreload back capcom, I want to go break the game again.
nice try turning it smugly around m8.
im not the one who said that likes to be dominated
now pls kys yourself friendo
Try the Mount and Blade games. Either Warband now, or Bannerlord when it comes out. You're literally just some dude who has to make a name for himself. It's not fantasy so you can't kill monsters, but you can kill bandits and remove kebab.
On that note, Cuir Bouilli looks really good to me.
Do you take me for a Wazzock?!
t. 12 hours in the game
Really like FFXIV's high allagan caster set
>The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. I've never seen one before, but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm.
I think they did okay in trying to maintain the Templar armour look throughout the game. But you can see the slow progression of smooth, curved pauldrons to a sharp and spiky set.
>All these years and still nothing has beaten it
>peepee poopoo set
T13>t2 do you even crusader
My nigga
I used it through the whole game without any problem. What's wrong with it?
>Inquisition templar armor
Fucking disgusting
I really like Destiny's armor designs in general, feels really unique compared to most other Sci-Fi stuff out there. Compare it to the direction Halo went and its fucking night and day.
been messing around with a scout/archer armor set. went for a more realistic look with a bit of functionality.
it's the uniform of shitters