Name a more circlejerked game.
Name a more circlejerked game
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See what ever the new hyped bullshit is that modern gamers are nutting over.
The Persona series.
Literally any normie game.
I'm not denying Nocturne is circlejerked to shit and everyone who continues to circle jerk it is a faggot. It wasn't even hard so much as making sure you were aptly prepared and even then only a hand full of bosses NEEDED that preparation.
Persona 4
define circlejerked in this context please
Trail in the sky
Senran Kagura
This. I don't get you're getting at OP
Truly worst mainline
If it could even be called that considering it pretty much shat on most mainline elements to the point even DeSu 1 feels more of a mainline game
Souls series
OP got filtered at Matador and is now having a temper tantrum.
Deus Ex
Planescape: Torment
literally what
Witcher 3.
I wouldn't be surprised, but people keep replying about circlejerking and i don't understand how can people circlejerk in this context.
Agreed, though DDS feels more mainline than DeSu 1
Are you retarded? he said OP got his ass beat at Matador and came here to bitch and moan
Whatever game gets more people into the series, just like the one you posted, is OMG BAD, TERRIBLE according to the biggest Sup Forumsirgin
>muh DDS
It took 28 posts for a DDSfag to show up. That's a record.
>Are you retarded? he said OP got his ass beat at Matador
Slightly, but what is matador
pic related
user, DDS has about zero mainline things
It's literally a random JRPG with a small amount of megaten coating
DeSu 1 is basically a love letter to the first SMT
Devil Survivor or Devil Summoner
I tried playing this after IV and Apocalypse and just couldn't. It hasn't aged well.
Like the 3d graphics but there is no excuse for making you back in and out of the fusion menu to pick fusion skills. Straight up waste of time for no reason.
Also demon recruitment is way too difficult. Trying to recruit a level 7 Hua Po that I already had 10 times, saying yes to every request and she just leaves. Saying no and she leaves immediately.
People need to calm their dicks down with Nocturne. I hope at least the story is good for their sake.
That's all it took user, no need to name call
Promise me you'll try SMT II
DDS is obviously Digital Devil Saga
DeSu is obviously Devil Survivor
I just name Raidou games as Raidou 1&2 and the first Devil Summoner as DS
Let's compare Nocturne to what most people say is the best RPG ever made: Deus Ex.
Nocturne requires you to fight very single damn thing including the shitty bosses. Deus Ex doesn't requires any violence, allowing you to play the game at your own pace.
Deus Ex gives you freedom of choice in every regard, ranging from story choices to how you navigate the levels. Nocturne gives you the former, but not the latter since you have to follow a predetermined path.
Expanding on this, Deus Ex also has multiple solutions to every problem, meaning that no two playthroughs are the same. Nocturne may allow for more freedom than most JRPGs (i.e talking to demons), but it still has the potential to be as linear as it's contemporaries.
Let's look at obtaining the pass from the collector in the sewers just before the Matador fight for example. In order to obtain the pass you need so the guard at the gate will let you through, you need to get it from the collector. He'll give you it if you help him find a 1 Yen bill. Obtaining this bill requires you to break into the back room of a bar and steal it.
The problem with this is that this is the only method to get past the gate. I'm the fucking Demi-Fiend, so why can't I just beat the shit out of the gate guard or collector so I can get what I want? Why can't I buy the one yen bill from the bar owner for a reasonable price? Why can't I find a fake bill to give the collector?
Deus Ex, and most other RPGs, would let you do these things because an RPG is about player expression. Nocturne's single approach however, is just this: linear, contrived bullshit.
It has actual handcrafted dungeon crawling with puzzles so it has that going over IV/IVA.
you know that's just routine on an image board full of spineless cowards with a lot of pinned up frustration. they let it out by calling others retards for no good reason online.
>5+ yo game has flaws
stop this.
k, I'll take your word for it but I won't be holding my breath considering its even older.
That was easy.
the answer to everything you said is because these two games are different genres
But that's exactly what 'aged badly' means. The newer installments have tighter QoL, so much so that it seriously hampers the older game's experience.
Play Nocturne before IV or IVA and you won't encounter these problems because you won't know there's a better system.
Welcome to the world of J"RPG"s. They're generally rushed and focus on style over substance.
If you are hesitant on 'older', then go for Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, or Persona 2
How did nobody post this one yet?
Persona 2's gameplay is genuinely bad.
In SMT threads it's always DeSu = Devil Survivor and Raidou = Devil Summoner
Nobody ever talks about the non-Raidou Devil Summoner games and if they do they type the hwole thing out.
The flaws you pointed were pretty much acknowledged at the time of it's release. It's not like everyone thought it was great then progressively worse as the years went by
Any Taro game.
Don't post this shitty pasta please.
it's legitimately better than 4, which i couldn't even be assed to finish.
Literally the fedora edgelord of jrpgs.
Now compare the actual combat
what's better about it? this isn't an argument, I want to know. I really want to like nocturne and finish it.
Furthest I got was to the boss of the assembly of nihilo. I got right past that and stopped. Not very far. If it gets great later I'd like to know.
The dungeon design and exploration.
>goofy chuuni games
>waaa I can't press X to win
fuck off back to NeoGaf
Idk if this is bait because doing a physical build, all the way up to matador I was just spamming Attack. Spells dont do shit and enemies rarely have weaknesses.
Ocarina of Time. Yes, it's still very good and it was practically revolutionary when it came out, but I don't think that any other game in history has ever received such a status as an holy cow of vidya. At one point it just felt that people were saying that it's the best game in history just because it was expected out of you.
And the worst OOTfags still even to this day literally erupt if you even suggest that it's not necessarily the one true game to rule them all.
yes. i'd rather play wrpgs. it's like watching a movie!
I know Taro fans on Sup Forums are really devoted,but I don't mind them because they'reaware of his games' quality.
>it was practically revolutionary when it came out
Only because it was one of the first 3D games without a fixed camera that didn't have severe camera issues.
In all honesty it's not that good of a game otherwise. I'd say other adventure games around the same time were generally better even with camera issues. OOT is extremely clunky and full of padding.
That was bad during the last decade, but it has really died down during the last 6 years. Now something like Skyrim gets far worse circlejerking and it's not even half the game that OoT was and still is.
OOT isn't even close to being good enough to justify being on a top 100 let alone top 10, but I'll agree with you that it's a dozen times better than Skyrim.
SMT 1 and SMT 2 are fucking unplayable m8. It's just too archaic and boring.
I'd say that FF VII from the same timeframe is just as bad. It's understandable why they left such a huge impact by being the biggest games of the time when 3D gaming was really becoming a thing for the masses, but I honestly don't think that VII deserves its reputation as THE best Final Fantasy. One of the best for sure, but not the best, at least not by as huge margin as people usually tend to give it.
The only problem with SMT 1 and 2 is that every single area is designed like a dungeon even when they're not supposed to be so navigation is a chore. Otherwise they're great games.
Fuck it post rankings. This is the shit I've played.
>S Tier
Nocturne, Strange Journey, DDS1/2
>A Tier
SMT 1, Devil Survivor: Overclocked
>B+ Tier
SMT IV, Persona 4 arena (it got me into fighters, so I rate it pretty high for that fact)
>B Tier
Persona 3
>B- Tier
Raidou 1 and 2, Persona 4
>C Tier
Quick note. I enjoyed all of these games on some level.
>Raidou that low
Gameplay is absolute dogshit guys. The games have charm sure, but there's no way I could honestly rate them higher personally. I feel the games got the short end of the stick budget wise, even by Atlus's standards.
>SMT IV:A that low/ below Persona 4
Persona 4 says what it does on the tin. After 3, anyone could expect how 4 would be.
Apocalypse has an offensive story and plot which pretty much ignore/shits on previous games. It's a shonen anime. I don't mind shonen anime plots, but the fact that it was a mainline annoyed me greatly. Gameplay was only a marginal improvement of IV too. Not the grand overhaul some people have said it is.
All Final Fantasy games are circlejerked except 2 which is generally disliked (but still has some apologists somehow). The entire series has a reputation for quality when none of the game have been particularly good in any area besides production value and arguably FFX's combat system (which was ruined anyway because FFX was a pathetically easy game and the attempt to make it more challenging in the International version was just "throw in bosses with a billion HP lmao")
>it's like watching a movie!
So every Altus RPG where you press a button a watch a 30 monute attack animation?
the first 3-4 Sonic the Hedgehog games.
>Otherwise they're great games.
What about the horrible fucking map, the insane amounts of grinding, the incredibly primitive demon fusion, and the ugly bland samey dungeons?
give hard mode a try. totally different.
The fusion system is retarded and I don't care what anyone says. It's literally all trial and error or looking it up online, such an autistic system especially when it comes to inheriting skills. Pokemon is objectively better, the only reason people don't like it is because the games are too easy.
I really like the worlds/stories of games like SMTIV or strange journey but the combat is so annoying, it's like they couldn't find a way to make turn based battled "skillful" enough so they just threw in a bunch of bullshit.
>insulting Atlus
Dark souls
>DeSu 1 is basically a love letter to the first SMT
i think you're wrong, explain yourself
>The fusion system is retarded and I don't care what anyone says. It's literally all trial and error or looking it up online, such an autistic system especially when it comes to inheriting skills
You really don't have to look online for specific skills unless you're going against end game bosses or super bosses.
it's all part of the """experience""" user. fuck nocturne for taking those features away.
Nocturne's dungeons are shit and IV's exploration was arguably the best in the series
Is this a movie?
>mfw a pokefag comes near me and tells me how shit my RPG is
> I don't care what anyone says
then why are you posting here if you are going to disregard anything other people say to you? fucking autist
Epic bait, onii-chan
>kill matador in 1 try at level 16
>get to thor, killed the two previous demons without losing HP, and die in one turn because of lightning attacks
Have we been playing the same games? #FE is the only game with long animations. Hell in Nocturne and DDS your characters literally teleport in front of the enemy for melee attacks
Persona 3.
what did atlus mean by this?
Strange Journey
Raido games
Persona 3
SMT 4 series
that Ose looks dope af
Persona 3 / 4
Unfun dating sims being praised by waifufags
>no gameplay
Nier Automata
is a definetly 10/10 game but its seen unironically as the game of the generation.
I really hate Soulsborne fanbase.
>vince's face
every fucking time
What if i like them but i'm not a waifufag?
Well, it's currently the best game of this console gen
I'm glad mainline SMT doesn't have this shit