He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
Playing a game for the gameplay is like taking a shit for the toilet paper
Depends on what type of game
What if you have a really awesome spoon and you just want some random soup to use it with?
>it's another food analogy thread
The soup would be the story though. The spoon and gameplay the are both the delivery method to get the soup/story to the consumer.
Is he gay?
clips.twitch tv/theattack/DoubtfulCoyoteWutFace
when i was in high school when he said this, i was mad triggered
but now i truly understand
story aint shit if the game aint fun
A good story can make a game fun.
no it isn't
the story is just the motivation to even do what you are doing
>save the princess
>girl has been kidnapped
>friend is locked up
>evil aliens invading
the gameplay is the everything else. story really isn't that important
He's right, you know.
the spoon in this analogy would be the box, or disk, or maybe even the controller.
it'd be better saying playing a game for the story is like eating soup for the nutrition, if the flavour is the gameplay.
and suprise, people eat soup for nutrition.
So what soup analogy would you use if you like playing a game because you like the controls?
not if the game is trash
no game has a story worth playing a shitty game for
So story is hunger
Gameplay is soup
And controls is spoon
Not comparable since controls are only there so you can interact with the game world. You already have perfect control of yourself in the real world, where you're eating the soup.
Is there not a way to criticise games without using food analogies?
lol dude
its not the 80's anymore
Games have the capability to tell stories now
>shitty video game plots
video game plots are far and large the dumbest and most half-assed thing of any medium
only slightly behind anime
yeah, real compelling stories bro
go read a fuckin book sometime
Then why are story heavy games like TWD and The Wolf Among Us so entertaining and good?
We're not not exactly talking DF tier gameplay here.
Food analogies are useful since everyone has experienced eating.
I do not understand if he is right or not, can an user explain their opinion using food, besides OPs picture
That's the dumbest shit I've heard in a long time but damn, I still lol'd.
Soup is a drink, not a food
Whatever happened to this guy?
You're conflating "story" with "writing." Everything that happens in a game is part of the story in that game.
I don;t see how narrative is anything like a kitchen utensil.
Isn't it more like playing the game for the controller?
>anime pleb
>play story book numale genre
Makes sense
What is it with people making food analogies for fucking video games. Every single time.
>another debate that leaves out genre
story doesn't mean shit in games like fighters and sims but is important in games like rpg's
If that's the case, then why do fighting game sequels have stories that continue or build upon the last?
Checkmate, tourneyfags.
>talltale games
>no choices matter
>everything funnels into the same ending
>nothing you do effects later episodes
>everyone is mad at you no matter what you do
yeah bro, real good games
Go suck a dick sometime, faggot.
People like video games having a story that goes beyond a couple of boxes of text at the start of the game.
literally who?
>playing fighting games for the story
wew lad
Playing a video game is entertainment and people are entertained by different things
This argument is equivalent of saying "lol bro u fuck in missionary wut r u gay ?? xD"
Gameplay = broth; serves as the base for which everything else is built upon
Artstyle, audio and music, story, etc. = all the shit you put in the soup; as the soup cooks, flavors from all the fixings mix into the broth, and vice versa
Controls = spoon; the means by which you interact with the game
Platform = bowl; the means by which the game is delivered. Its shape and size also determines what kind of soup can be made
Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.
I wonder if these people know about books.
Now those, some of those have some pretty good stories I gotta say. Game feel is kinda shit though.
That makes no sense, gameplay is a core part of a game and so is the shit when taking a shit. Playing a game for the DLC would be like playing a game for the toilet paper
Then you haven't been here long, newfag.
People will continue to say stupid stuff like this until they learn the difference between plot, writing, and story.
You're checkmated.
I am all for a game having a good story but first and foremost, it must have good gameplay to accompany it.
Do you watch movies for the camera work and lense filters, m8?
>arguing semantics
"i have a masters in english" detected
The same can be said about reading a book because you like the authors stylistic choices, or a musician because of their voice - it doesnt make your enjoyment of the piece any less legitimate.
It's almost as if people have different tastes and priorities when it comes to media consumption... What a fucking concept
In this analogy Heavy Rain is one of those JAVs where they spend forty minutes talking, ten in foreplay, and only one minute with what you actually came here for.
actually yes, many do
but that because cinematography and writting go hand in hand in film
unlike video games, where the story is not remotely as important
We used to call those people neo-Sup Forums.
this. huuuuu this. This SO HARD. upboat!!
>STOP that.
>Food Analogy
good vidya story gives context, thats all it needs to do. anything else is fluff and wank.
literally who
It is the prerogative of the individual to enjoy their entertainment for whatever reason they please, and it is the business of no other man to tell him how he ought to engage with his medium of choice.
Absolutely, great gameplay is the foundation of a great game.
Pretty much this, the gameplay is the tool to deliver all the game content, including story, playing a game with a great story but shit gameplay would be like eating great soup but whit a shitty broken spoon.
Where is he now?
the story doesn't mean fuck all, most of the revered games of all time have literally written-on-a-napkin plot
Maybe in a shooter, VR boy.
I see so many people go on and on about story, but for me I care more about premise than anything else. If it sounds interesting or unique I'll look into it.
Well I'm an architect so actually im often looking at sets and cinematography, but I think my original point might have been lost on you, or your joke didnt land on me.
What I'm saying is that if story is the most important part for people, there are mediums where it is objectively better at conveying stories.
>food analogy
you guys....
>>Do you watch movies for the camera work and lense filters, m8?
>actually yes, many do
The only people who do that are the people who think Roger Ebert is a god.
Which really puts this entire thread into perspective.
fighting games
puzzle games
run & gun
beat em ups
The broth, maybe, but soup is a food.
cum on, you know you love the co/ck/ :3
post roger's stupid, broken fucking face
Say what you want about video games, but lay off the soup.
>i don't know fuck all about film
thanks for the notice bro
but some of us actually have other hobbies that don't have bottom of the barrel writting/music/voice-acting
he has a podcast last i checked
>some of us actually have other hobbies that don't have bottom of the barrel writting/music/voice-acting
Except you're talking about film, not theater/radio.
underrated post
I just want to drop in to say that Kevin Pereira is a fucking faggot. He's responsible for TechTV turning to garbage and he doesn't know shit about video games.
A story only makes the game better you fucking fucktards.
Go die.
I must object
Go read OP, m8. This is a bait thread mocking the idea that a story is important in a video game AT ALL.
Not that story is somewhat not-important. Not kinda not-important. Not yeah it's there but shouldn't be important. That story shouldn't exist AT ALL.
Are YOU watching movies for JUST the backgrounds and not including the actors, dialog, music, sight-gags, special-effects, etc.?
>food analogy
A more accurate analogy:
So then yes, playing a game for the story it's like eating soup for the soup, it's more appealing in a beautiful cup/now and even better with a good spoon
ah that's the stuff
Oh well no shit im watching the actual movie, I was just saying that I am perhaps more aware of those aspects than an average viewer. That would be like saying movies should have no sets or something.
A piece of media transcends the sum of its parts. Story can elevate a game or drag it down in some aspects, its not the most important aspect but it can for sure add to it.
Deus ex wouldn't be nearly as great without the story to complement the gameplay.
here's a better analogy (for you -cool- Sup Forums browsers)
>playing a videogame for the story is like dating a woman because she has a great personality. You're just blowing smoke to sound deep and thoughtful but when all you're trying to do is get her in the sack as frequently as possible
The story shouldn't be a detriment to the gameplay MGS4 but a good story can only make a game better
I'm sure pong is the great game ever made because it has no story.
No story = better game