Why does Sup Forums hate musou games?

Why does Sup Forums hate musou games?

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i liked that one piece game

It's all the same shit. Music always is top-notch though.

>Why does Sup Forums hate musou games?

I love em, but my hands don't.

this The only thing interesting about these games are the player character's movelists. The enemy ai is garbage and their nothing but crowds of bots standing and waiting to get hit most of the time. How does that stay fun? For some reason I can't help but remember the guys who said DmC's style system was great because of how easy it was to pull off high ranks and it makes me think Musou fans must be just like that, destroying garbage ai.

Reskinned characters fighting in the same game as ever.

boring and repetitive, i'm sure the only people that actually like musou games are high on the autist scale

musou games are literally bottom-of-the-barrel tier action games

blandest levels you could ever find
terribly boring enemies and "bossfights"
really little combo variety with absolutely no depth
bad graphics and designs except for the playable characters

I love the Sengoku Basara series though. Fuck Capcom for not bringing them over anymore.



mommy me want milky!!!

I feel like most Musou-haters haven't played one in a while.

With DW8XL, SW4 & WO3U musou has really evolved, I'm enjoying the newer games a lot.

Musou sentai game when?

There rehashed harder then CoD and EA sports games combined.

doesn't matter if its dmc or bayonetta and ninja gaiden, hell even games like mgr and god of war are simply superior and far more enjoyable than any musou

What an absurdly outdated opinion.

I think the biggest offender is musoufags liking these shitty waifu roster games that has nothing to do with historic things

Sup Forums has TWO (2) musou threads!

It's called Ranger Cross and it was fucking horrible. Eighting/Namco said if BatRide War sold well, we'd get a legit Sentai musou, but we're on our fourth BatRide game...

Because it still feels like I'm playing a ps2 game and braindead horde killing is for autists

Waifufags will still buy though, cause they like to be spoonfed girls with forced sex appeal approved by 60 year old business men

Be honest with your feelings Sup Forums, you'd play the newest musou game just because of the music.

>Complaining about repetitive, boring enemies in a beat-em up game.


One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 and 3 Super Hard isn't like that. In 3 the giants can damage you heavily, have long range and only certain attacks will break their defenses even with max lvl on your character. Same goes for mid-bosses and bosses that can kill you pretty easily if not careful.
In OPPW2 it was worse, guys like Crocodile, Blackbeard, Moria or Akainu in SuperHard could defeat you with 2 specials attacks even if your character is max level.

>in SuperHard
yeah dude just put it on the top difficulty haha xd

I like the EMpires games because I love political battles. I just wish the games weren't so idiot-proofed and forced me to make harsh/shitty decisions to defend my progress. Also, I wish that I could just send my allies to go take territories and not have to supervise literally every single fight.

tfw Hyrule Warriors is objectively the second worst game I own for the Wii U yet it's the one I have the most hours in by a landslide

The only time Sup Forums will like a musou game is if it's tied with another IP, like Zelda. That, and I doubt most people here have the patience or the will to look up the history and source material of the DW/SW games. That actually gives you more of a reward playing them. I'm currently watching pic related and intend on buying the novel eventually. Musou titles at heart are still games, and that could also be a factor. Too game-y, not enough flashiness (Both are present in fact).

If you want more strategy try RoTK or NA. RoTK has duels between officers/bandits and debates between officers/merchants about policy or foreign relations. They're more strategy games with deeper mechanicss but no third person hack and slash like the empire games.

I like them
They are not the most indepth game out there, but it's mindless fun

I don't but I only like them for about 5 hours, then I play another one about 2 years later for another 5 hours of enjoyment.

Liu Bei touchdown scene made me watch the entirety of Jiang Hu

>jiang hu subs started to come for the 720p bluray rips

Time to rewatch that series soon.

historyfags are cancer desu, lads

But I do like musou games.

Musou games are the few games I know will usually keep me entertained for a prolonged period.
Just recently finished Orochi 3 Ultimate, story mode was ridiculously long with near 100 stages.

>there will never be another Gundam musou


Reminder Liu Bei was a villain that betrayed literally everyone that took him in and assisted him, Zhuge Liang was a liar that took credit for winning battles he was never at, and both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were drunken louts with piss for brains that mistreated their men so often that they were betrayed for it

cookie cutter game, is the CoD formula of weebs

I like Sengoku Basara games, when are they bringing Xavi back tho?

Zhao Yun was the real deal at least.

Ma Yunlu when?

I'll never understand why people would play a musou instead of something like DMC, Ninja Gaiden or Onimusha. Though these series being dead and musou being alive and well might have something to do with it.

/eagg/ regular. They don't. Even in Japan, Guan Suo and Bao Sanniang ranked lower than Dong Zhuo.

Where's the other one?

That's the key word, no one is forcing anyone into choosing one or the other, you can play both with no problems.

They want to pretend that they're above listening to the dick.
What they don't know is that you can't beat the dick.

Musou is flashy and is based on real history and even if it's presenting a heavily dramatized version of it that history is still interesting
I don't think youll find a single musou fan that hasn't started reading about the 3 kingdoms era

I love serious action games, but musous have a special place in my heart. They are good timesinks that don't require any real investment or focus. You can play them mindlessly with a friend/partner and unlock stuff together.

My girlfriend and I have like 400 hours in Hyrule Warriors together

This, even in japan where they asked random people which characters they want; most of the responses we're from historyfags

On Cheng Pu:

If Han Dang has appeared then this person should too! (20's man)
I'd like to play as him while using his Iron Snake Pike! (30's man)
Because he's an important person from Wu (Teenage boy)

Dong Zhuo is based. Lu Bu was autistic and didn't understand that Diaochan wasn't worth losing all of china for.

I can, but I would never choose to play a musou.

Then what? Hard mode is okay for you? Because if you start playing the game the first time hard mode can wipe your ass, because mid-bosses and bosses in PW3 will go after you and can spam specials like madmen. Moria's chapter can be annoying because of Moria's final fat form. And taking down Oars will take too much time, even in normal.
In some chapters certain characters cannot be defeated early on. Mihawk is an example, the only way to defeat him so early is breaking the game with Sanji's R1(or R2) attack without failing, otherwise he will defeat you in a strike. Whenever an admiral appears you have to run away, because he will hunt you down and take you down like nothing.

But Sanniang is cute, CUTE!
Maybe if they gave her a personality that isn't "muh Guan Suo" she'll be received better.

Maybe after Saban dies.

Bao Sanniang wasnt even real, she's trash. We could have had an actually relevant female character like Gan Shi or Mi Shi. Hell, even Xiahou Shi would be better.

Han Dang had no reason to appear before Cheng Pu in the first place.

Diao Chan is fictional and Xing Cai is a composite character, they haven't been following history or RotK to the letter from the very start.

Bao is unneeded. But I wouldn't cut her at this point. Everyone has a favorite.

There are a lot of viable women to pick from, it's how KT will portray them that counts. Xiahou Ji will be another gal pal for Bao and Yinping, and Bianshi could end up stifling Cao Cao like Chunhua did to Yi.

point me to a musou game that isnt plastered in fanservice and then maybe, it seems they go hand in hand

Gundam musou is almost all robots but even then that's a kind of fan service

How will Zhuge Shi, Xi Shi, and Li Shi fit?

All musou with licenses are pure fanservice, but some people only associate the term with ecchi.

No innovation.

I think DW9 being open world could be huge, not sure how it will actually work.

Define fanservice.

Collab games are fanservice in the first place, and DW/SW didn't even start getting racy with their females till the PS3/360 era.

>mfw fucking Lacus made it in as a playable pilot before Ridden



>they actually removed Johnny from later games
>and his custom Gelgoog

just ain't right

Some of them are listed here, but again it's how KT portrays them. Their actual history blurb is a good way to go, but they tend to do the opposite of that to fit some narrative the design team has. Xiahou Ji was a rape baby, for one and make Zhang Fei look bad.

sexy characters, noone thinks collabs when fanservice is brought up now days

Too much gameplay

Seed was a mistake

Guys I'm worried, Fan Yunfeng is unnaturally popular in the polls yet she did literally nothing. The only thing known about her is that she didn't marry Zhao Yun. How the fuck would she even work as a character?

>noone thinks collabs when fanservice is brought up now days
??? There are different kinds of fanservice you know. Look at the two recent Jojo games. People only like those for how in depth they go with costumes and panel references. Keep trying to bait though.

Not sure about Sup Forums because it's all over the place about everything but they are essentially just reskins of the same formula that latch on to already trendy licenses and brands and that'll get you a fair share of flak.

Because they recently felt the need to make Sun Quan not a faggot like he's suppose to be.

I play both

What does that make me

Troy Musou.

But that was shit.

let's do this

so whos buying berserk

Fawning fangirl, of course! Works for 90 percent of their other female characters.

One of my worries is that they will someday decide to revamp the Nanman and change the dynamic of Meng Huo and Zhu Rong's personality since they don't fit with almost every other DW/SW couple. They already removed them from one game due to the JP fanbase not liking them not being your generic teenage loveydovey girly girl and girly man couple.

I don't hate them I just feel like they get boring more quickly than other games and stuff

Diao Chan is still a popular mythical figure, Sanniang is not

Only one that looks interesting is Sengoku basara, and those don't come to the west anymore, so whatever.
i did have a great time with Dynasty warriors 4 on PS2 though

>DW4 was the clunkiest game with the lowest enemy count of any PS2 game
>people still say it's their favorite

I'll never understand it, and I started with DW4.

Do the opposite of what you stated: Make her a tsundere. Worse-case scenario; she becomes Shu's Wang Yi without the coldbloodness of Wang Yi.

Well, you could argue that Diaochan was based off one of Dong Zhuo's nameless maids iirc, so she's not fully fictional.

What really pisses me off about Bao and Suo is that not only are they entirely fictional, they're not even in the book, just in RotK opera fanfic. Very different from the likes of He Qi who actually existed despite being dropped from the book.

They're fucking trash. Literally 0 challenge, depth or complexity. Just mash square for 100 hours to grind for no reason with the same story thats beent old literally hundreds of times. Doesn't help the story is even more boring than a fucking high school history lesson.
Only half decent one is Sengoku Basara, but fuck ANYTHING koei has made. They're Bethesda-tier in pure garbage.

Play something CUHRAYZEEEEEE and feel what an actual real game is like, musoubabies.

That's the thing, she never even joined Shu. She just fucked off after Zhao Yun turned her down.

Stalkerish yandere that joins Zhao Yun's battles uninvited?

>It's all the same shit.
Generalizations like that can be applied to just about any franchise.

Sup Forums doesn't retard, the makers of said threads are just intelligent enough to move them to /vg/.

With the exception of you, evidently.

>that semen daemon
wtf I love musou now!?

>it's not challenging
>set it to challenging

i think people play them more like diablo, simple games and you see the numbers go higher when you level or get better gear.
it's not really about the combat or the story.

theres different kinds of fanservice, but the first thing people think is tiddies and ass type and a lot of musou games have that

>99 percent of videos I see of people playing Musou games have them on beginner difficulty

No shit you'll get bored if you have the AI nearly turned off and their stats at near 0.

So they're objectively shit? Just carrot on a stick bullshit with no merit at all.
God damn, musoubabies can burn in the deepest fires of hell. Thanks to you fucks we'll never get Berserk Souls or Platinum Berserk.

I like the waifus
I know the combat/gameplay is trash but mowing down ai dummies by the hundreds is kinda theraputic, it's like the junk food of action games
I also enjoy ancient chinese superhero fanfiction, it's kind of a thing for our period dramas to be overflamboyant and dumb

It's probably because the battles felt like actual battles, where things were happening all over the battlefield instead of just where your character was. That's something that 7 & 8 have been bad at.

Your favorite game is repetitive babby tier trash

for many people, seeing a number get bigger is enough satisfaction.
that's why MMOs, Clicker Games, certain RPGs are so popular.
the best thing in an RPG is to level up and spend skill points to unlock new stuff to then get more point faster etc.

Musou was at its peak during the PS2 era + DW7. It was simple pick a character, pick a stage, murder a bunch of dudes.

Then DW8 went full fucking retard. Adding like 5 different currencies. 3 different weapon upgrading mechanics. Some rock-paper-scissors bullshit. Forces you to grind to do anything. Need to grind each character with some nonsense order mechanic to use bodyguards instead of unlocking at a certain level like every other game. Grind to find these bodyguards. Grind just to unlock the ability to upgrade weapons. Then grind more to get the materials to upgrade weapons because you can't just use gold. Can't even grind to get these materials in Story or Free mode and have to grind the garbage side mode. You also can't upgrade a weapon in story and have to back out to a different menu. Upgrading a single weapon requires an absurd amount of grinding considering how many weapons there are and that you need a minimum of two of each. It's all completely baffling. WO got weapon upgrading perfect. Why couldn't DW do the same?

It's like they didn't realize the appeal of these games was how easy they were to just pick up whenever. And instead attempted to make them more complex by adding half a dozen crappy systems and mechanics that all boil down to forcing the player to grind grind grind.

>Berserk souls
Have you played DS3? And you still complain about musou games being the same

Come back when you can handle a game with enemies that actually fight back, you casual piece of stupid shit. DMC4 is like fucking rocket science compared to your shitty baby toys.

Once again, so they're objectively shit. Just trash for lowest type of common piece of human trash.
The equivelant of MLP for games. Mind numbing garbage with no point, depth or merit. Just mindless shit to consume.

You mean a game with mechanics, depths and, get this musoubabby... enemies that actually fight back and possibly kill you?

I guess all that is lost on people who can't fathom the idea of a game that needs you to do more than mash square against thousands of ps1 men with no AI.