This is the best GTA game

This is the best GTA game.

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I thought so too but now after playing GTA: Online for a few weeks I have to admit V is the best. IV is closely behind, its just missing some of that polish.

Sonic 2006 is a good game.

anyone else think its weird that everyone loves this game now? what the fuck happened?

Only after installing the GTA5 car handling mod.

no op but


I always loved it. Sup Forums isn't one person.

Sup Forums unanimously shat on when it first came out

I don't care what Sup Forums thought

go back to tumblr then

V>San andreas>Vice city>II>Chinatown Wars>IV

never been there. Maybe you should start forming your own opinions instead of letting everybody else think for you.

>Awful unrelatable whiny protag
>unlikable supporting characters
>repetitive missions that consist of Go Here Kill X
>awful police search radius
>terrible gunplay
>shitty designed city full of chokepoints on roads
>story has no focus until the end
>severe lack of interiors
>GWFL integration on PC
>Post GWFL performance on PC still poor
>awful driving physics where SUV will almost flip if going over 5MPH during a turn
>All vehicles are fitted with TCS


nice projection

This thread will lead to final conclusion that GTA I is the best in about 2 hours.

Thanks for your participation.

gta 1 is the best

Now you're not even making sense faggot. Keep parroting Sup Forums. Your brain is the size of a gnat.

not an argument.

The shooting in this game is so fucking bad when replaying it.

Holding LT in cover doesn't aim the gun like pretty much every TPS. All it does it disable the blindfire. So when you actually press RT to shoot, you have to wait for Niko to do his "peek out of cover" animation before you can even do anything. Your honestly better off not even using the cover system at all because of how clunky and sluggish it is.

IV had best atmophere and characters. GTA V is normie trash.

>playing with a controller

why the fuck would you play any 3d gta on a mouse&kb?

The exact same thing applies to the PC version, except with RMB instead of triggers.

>Using a keyboard to control vehicles


>muh dark, gritty atmosphere

Also every single GTA game is "normie" by definition. They are all among the best selling games of their generations.

Good for you.

Still undecided between IV and V for me, some good feels and great moments in both. Probably leaning towards V for the more fleshed-out characters and stories.

Could never really get into the PS2-era games.

6/10(one point removed for those shitassed fucking flamethrowers)

>Probably leaning towards V for the more fleshed-out characters and stories.

Nigger what? IV and it's episodes were 100x better than whatever fuck up of a story V had.

No, it's not.
Sup Forumseddit is applying the Zelda cycle.
Since it's no longer the latest entry of the franchise, it's an automatic masterpiece.
Happened with MGS too, with people now unironically saying MGS4 is good.

When GTA VI comes out, people will say GTA V was the best GTA game, and everyone will say that they loved it from the start, with all the people who ''loved'' GTA 4 nowhere in sight.
Sup Forums doesn't have, and will never have, legitimate opinions.

Yes neckbeard, you completely rebelled against the system, and you are very interesting because you have an unpopular opinion.


but let me guess, hes a flawed character right? hes SUPPOSE to be a shitty written character right? fuck right off.

GTA 2 was perfection man. The absolute thing was there

The "previous version is suddenly good" effect is because Sup Forums wants to see another game fail because they willed it again, just like TOR. Older entries are now accepted because shitposters are expending their energy on current releases. So you're now free to talk about 5 year old games without kids who get a rush on being contrarian thread-ruiners and people who's opinions are 100% second hand.

GTA 4 has to be one of the most boring videogames i've ever played.
The aesthetics are fucking awful, everything is gray, the missions almost always consist of driving someone somewhere and that's it, maybe sometimes you shoot someone.
There's just no variety.
Secondary content is borderline non-existant, the map is cluttered crap, it has absolutely no personality...
Not to mention that somehow GTA 4 runs worse than GTA V.

Also, Niko

The only entertaining part of the game is gearing up inside the hospital and hold against the cops as much as you can.

Boring, uninspired and ugly.
One of the most forgettable games of the 7th gen.

God no. Even if you're a fan of its weird driving mechanics, there's still so many things they fucked up

>The story missions take ages to actually become fun (you don't even get a gun until like the 10th mission once you meet Little Jacob), >the weapon variety is mediocre
>the plot is poorly written and feels stuck in an endless loop of "do work for shady guy, kill him, start doing work for his associate/higher-up, kill him, repeat" for the entirety of the 2nd act
>the radio is the worst in the series, yes even worse than V's
>color palette is disgustingly gray, and not in a good "artistic vision" sort of way.
>non-existent side content. Only fun thing is the vigilante missions in cop cars that I wish were brought back in V

I don't care about how amazing Euphoria is. It impresses me about as much as QWOP does.

>hes a flawed character right?

Actually yes, Niko was a hypocrite.

I feel like V is too bland and generic to be remembered as a masterpiece. It didn't take any risk and comes out as too safe and politically correct. The gameplay is nice and the map is huge but the game simply isn't memorable.

Meanwhile you can still revisit older GTA games and still find something interesting about them.

than hes a shit character thanks for proving my point

>politically correct

Shit gunplay, shit driving, shit walking, shit melee (though V is shit too in that regard), shit drab visuals (impressive technology though, some of which V lacks), shit guns, small vehicle selection of mostly shit vehicles.

I'm exaggerating but the game is hardly a masterpiece and has severe faults. GTAV is worse in its story and TECHNOLOGY bits but better in everything else.

>comes out as too safe and politically correct
You have a TV show in the game called Republic Space Rangers that makes fun of them all the time, and in the news they have a section dedicated solely to liberal outrage.
You have a mission where you literally blow the head of Mark Zuckerberg, and you even Michael's son is a representation of all the dudebros who do nothing but play Call of Duty and neither study nor have a job.
Then you have Franklin's aunt, who is a feminist, and who he considers a fucking nut, and then Trevor straight up telling her to shut the fuck up.

The entire game is basically a collective turd on american society.

2D games
Chinatown Wars > 2 ( never played 1)

3D games
San Andreas > Vice City > III

HD games
IV (with both DLCs) > V

>worse technology
It tones down some of it, but it has a shitload of examples of technology.

>water washes blood from the ground
>weapons shoot themselves when they hit the ground
>pouring more gasoline in one place making the pool bigger and bigger
>your clothes only get wet in the parts that the water touches
>different glasses tint the screen in first person view, and that tinting slowly fading a bit as if his eyes got used to it >characters going up stairs climb each step individually instead of treating it as if it was a ramp like almost all games do >following random people will eventually make them call you out for stalking them
>shooting one of the other three characters houses as another character (like shooting Michael's mansion while playing as Trevor) will make them call you and tell you to fuck off
>greeting random NPCs might make them tell you the entire story of their goddamn lives, and stuff like unique dialogues to random people, like the Epsilon outfit
>NPCs comment on your car if it's one of the high end ones, and maybe taking a picture of it, but if it's broken or dirty they will also comment on what a shame it is that such a car is in that state
>Grove Street Family members will compliment Franklin if he's wearing green clothes
>bodies dead in the water will make them float for a while and then start slowly sinking
>characters in water will die if you shoot the stun gun in the water nearby
>clerks in stores will recognize you if you go there usually, and they will also be afraid of you if you robbed the place earlier (unless you killed them)
>SWAT NPCs will communicate with hand signs instead of shouting
>NPCs like police, react and get shocked if one of their allies dies next to them
>they will grab and put injured friends in cover
>explosions near them will make them dizzy
>if you get stars while in a vehicle, getting in another vehicle will make the police's cone of vision much narrower

I'd say you're just wrong all around. It's IV except they decided making a fun game instead of a depressing grey mess with a neato physics engine was important.
No idea what you mean about it being safe and politically correct either. Seemed right in line with the rest of the games. Even went a bit further considering one mission has you torture an innocent man for the government.

>bushes actually work as hiding spots
>firefighters of course, will try to put out fires, but if the fire is in a place where the firetruck can't reach, they'll come out and put the fire out on foot with extinguishers
>the boats you find around the map either stationed on land or being towed by a vehicle, can be put into sea, by carefully towing them into water, and then you can use them
>the back hatch of truck trailers can be broken open, and you can enter the trailer, which may or may not be filled with stuff >light is reflected in droplets of water that get splashed
>cars with more trapped air than others sinking much slower than others (which also means if your car is open, for example, if it has no roof, it will sink much faster)
>backfiring onto a pool of gasoline will ignite it
>rain affects car performance
>cars get dirty if you go offroads, and that dirt gets cleaned if you shoot it with the fire engine of a firetruck
>wheels can get obstructed by car deformations and thus not move

>puncturing the gas tank of a car will make it run out of gas and stop moving
>the gauges of cars all work, and if the gas tank is punctured, the gas gauge will start going down
>if a car has no gas, apart from not being able to move, it won't explode if you put it on fire
>electric cars won't blow up if you put them on fire either
>a gas trail left by a punctured gas tank can be shot and put on fire, which might make the car blow up
>those gas tanks are placed differently in each car
>if the car has a digital radio with a screen, it will show the name of the station you are in
>if you scrap your car against another, it will leave the other car's paint on your car, and that paint will have the color of the car you scrapped against
>if a car's window glass is slightly broken, it will break if you close the door hard, which happens if you get in a car while sprinting
>the sun looks different depending on which character you're playing, because the way eyes recieve light is different depending on the anatomical structure of each individual
>it has a full moon cycle

sam houser?

>>NPCs like police, react and get shocked if one of their allies dies next to them
>>they will grab and put injured friends in cover
See, I heard of these things but in my many hours of playing I never actually saw it happening. Police always seemed a bit stupid to me.

san andreas

Put V at a 7/10 and I think that's about spot on. For it's time though, both III and VC were 10's.






nigger detected

3D games got better and better, and 4 was a boring turd with a snoozefest of a story that made no attempt at making me care.
It was baffling when I got the ending where Roman dies and the game tried to make me care about him.

>when it first came out

Sup Forums shits on everything when it first comes out. It's never exclusively hate, but negative threads over power the few positive ones. If you haven't noticed, this place in general is predominantly negative

>Sup Forums shits on everything when it first comes out
And then praises it when a newer thing comes.

In 5 years Sup Forums will praise GTA V and MGSV.

I tried to replay this a few weeks ago but got bored as fuck halfway.
Early game is boring as hell. Niko was stupid, but then it reminded me how annoying is Roman. Fucking hell, that dude only lies and blames people for his mistakes and he barely changes through the story. He even accepts the girl he likes to hang another old fat, until Niko just says "fuck no, you dead" and then Roman blames Niko for everything when it was Roman who messed up with the debts and dangerous people in the first place.
Story-wise Packie and Jacob were fine, but everything else were a bunch of backstabbing little shits, or like the trailers said back then "everyone is a rat".
At least GTA 3 felt like a mafia thing around, VC mafia in the 80s, GTA SA was gangsters and corrupt cops, 4 was slavs and...? What? 5 was a story about a 2 dudes that stole shit decades ago with a black guy in there for no reason, at least CJ had a damn point for being the MC.

>Niko: Ok I will do that job for you that means to kill people, but war sucks killing is bad, muh traumas
>Niko does the job but the boss backstabs you because he doesn't need you anymore
>happens a bunch of times, even with that black cracked dude in liberty city
>Niko gets mad because he was used again for the 1000x time
>Niko makes same mistakes until the end of the game

Niko was a fucking retarded. He deserved to die in the end

the police system overall is quite bad. the best way to avoid cops is to stay near the ones which have spawned, because if you drive away from them the game just spawns more in your path. plus shit like murdering a lone hiker on the top of a mountain, getting a wanted level and having a police cruiser spawn on the side of the mountain

I think it also has to do with people playing those games right now are able and willing to post here

My main problem with V is that every single character is either quiet and boring (Franklin) or a loud obnoxious stereotype (Trevor, Lester, Michael's family, Lazlo, pretty much every character that appears only for a couple of missions). Michael seems to be the only exception to this.

In San Andreas and IV, you had characters who went through realistic struggles and experienced actual moments of friendship, despite the dramatic tone difference between the two games. The characters had lots of quirks, but aside from a few exceptions (like that stupid bitch Catalina), they felt very genuine and relatable. V tries way too hard to be zany and over-the-top and it comes off as forced and disingenuous, and that's why I can't consider it the best GTA game despite having the best gameplay. The story just isn't fun to play through, and to me, the quality of the story and characters are what these games live or die by.


i have seen nothing but praise for the new miku game though

>In San Andreas and IV, you had characters who went through realistic struggles
Yeah, all ghetto niggers can identify themselves when CJ had to steal a jetpack from not-Area 51 to steal what was probably a biological weapon from a train, or when he had to steal a Harrier to destroy a flotilla of ships.

>V has polish over IV


>The story just isn't fun to play through, and to me, the quality of the story and characters are what these games live or die by.
This is the kind of person that's killing videogames and who should be completely ignored.

I'll admit the game gets a bit silly once you leave Grove Street, but the dynamic between CJ and his brother beats the hell out of any character development that happens in V.

are you retarded? all the GTA games are filled with stereotypical characters

Niko is a Serb, that's close enough

You can only shoot at pedestrians and cops for so long before you get bored and go on missions.


Or are you just talking our your ass?

Except the entire thing is replicated through Franklin and Lamar, except this time Lamar actually realizes that the ''hood'' was keeping them down.
While in GTA SA the game ends and things stay pretty much the same as they were.
Everyone ends up back in the hood again.

were you not around during 2008?

They were handled better in past games. In V, almost everyone is a loud California liberal type and that shit gets old really quickly. You can tell they were trying really hard to pander to stereotypical millenials.

We are going to forget that GTA 4 when it came out was full of bugs, specially the PC version which is so bad that up to this day still has a shit ton of bugs and runs worse than GTA V?

I think IV was the most immersive GTA.

>tfw riding a taxi around the city during a thunderstorm.

>You can tell they were trying really hard to pander to stereotypical millenials.
>when the game does nothing but shit on milenials
Michael's son is basically a middle finger to what's pretty much the GTA Online audience.
Michael shits on him and even calls him a millenial too.

>almost everyone is a loud California liberal type and that shit gets old really quickly
Which ones?

Everyone says that Niko is very hypocritical. But when does he actually say he doesn't want to kill anyone? At the most I can remember him being hesitant, or wanting to spare lives when he can. I don't remember him ever making a commitment to not killing anyone. When was that?

Did you even play V?

Actually he's Croatian.

If he was a serb he'd be muslim.

>tfw your cute FBI gf leaves you and is never mentioned again

I felt like Lamar was borderline retarded and really didn't learn anything from his experience, and Franklin was the one just trying to keep him in line like a dog on a leash. Lamar clearly would have fallen back into his old ways if Franklin just left him to his own devices. CJ gains a lot of money and power while his brother is locked up and it sort of goes to his head, and Sweet has to reel him in and make him remember why he started fighting back in the first place.

Neither story is exactly a literature masterpiece but I feel San Andreas handled it better.

Not an argument

The only thing I remember from GTA 4 is the game being very gray, the game starting very slow and that there was a jamaican.

If he was Croat scum he'd dead, thankfully

Considering you are saying the game is full of ''liberals'' when the game doesn't stop laughing both at liberals and conservatives, that's my deduction.

Muslims are rather violent.

You can have a cast of characters who are mocking liberals by being giant exaggerated stereotypes of liberals, but that doesn't make them any less obnoxious. You're right in a way though, the game is just overly-political in general and it gets old quickly.

>it starts slow

everyone likes to forget that SA started the slowest out of all the GTAs. The first few hours are fucking BORING missions doing jack shit.

Because that's what GTA has always done, laugh at absolutely everyone.
Nowadays people are getting more sensitive, so GTA V took the opportunity to attack them harder.
Because they can, Rockstar knows they are untouchable, that they don't need to pander to everyone, so they do what everyone wishes they could do, shit on everyone.

might that be because of monetary visions of Rockstar? like wanting the game to suit anyone so they can sell more?

oh right no it can't be because you are a fucking delusional faggot who believes devs give any shit about (you)

I guess it's just more annoying to me because it tries really hard to be relevant to modern times. IV is much more dramatic and tragic than satirical, and San Andreas is set in the 90s so it's a little bit more removed. Still, I think V lacks the tact of those games and tries too hard to agitate the player in order to make a point about a certain group of people, and to me it just ends up backfiring.

I don't think I have any idea what you were trying to say.

the game is making fun of both conservatives and liberals and other shitgroup of whatever people, because they want everyone to like the game and brag about it to their friends, every single player is a single unit of income to the dev.

Jokes are professionally intentional in GTA games, not for fun or your neural pleasure at first place. get it?


Precisely one of the themes of V is that catching up with modern times is a waste.
Hell, the final quote said in the game is
>I'm getting too old for this shit...

And I think it has to do with the Houser brothers also getting old, and the game ends up being, in part, their view of the world, how fucking retarded everything is nowadays.


>the game is making fun of both conservatives and liberals and other shitgroup of whatever people, because they want everyone to like the game

The opposite, actually.
They know you are going to buy it and like it anyway, Rockstar knows they are too big to fail, hell GTA V had a bigger budget than any Marvel movie, so they took it as an opportunity to open fire in all directions, because everyone will gladly take those bullets.

>Suppressors don't work. Killing a cop will give them your position even with a suppressor. Why were these added if they no thought went into them?
>Police ai is worse. They are even more unrealistically aggressive than in 4. Their spawning is even more spammy when in 4 they already spawned in ridiculous amounts.
>Helicopters spawning is noticeably worse than Gta4's choppers and Gta5's ground cops
>Police have use the same "tactics" that were present in Gta3 when the player is in a Rhino (they mindlessly ram it until it explodes).
>Police will always path to you when able to. In 4 it was possible to hide from them.
>Most of the map is useless wildlife. The city is forgettable and small (only exaggerated by the horrendous police)
>If a police car touches your car in a chase, you temporarily lose steering control.
>Police accuracy is even stupider than in 4. It is possible to edit the accuracy of the individual cops so Rockstar had to have thought that aimbot cops were acceptable
>Every mission is over scripted trash. This game is a good example of an interactive movie.
>Each protagonist is just bad. Trevor is just reddit-tier lel-wacky to the max whose aura of intimidation feels very contrived. Franklin and Michael are just dull on their own. With Llamar and Trevor respectively they become insufferable.
>The story is just dragged out and a mess. The thing about an agency wanting funding was never fully expanded. The rest of it just blends together into a jumble of forgettable, scripted heists, and a Trevor mission or two where you don't get paid.
>Character movement is less responsive. First person is not only bad but disadvantageous too
>Animals could call police at launch.

GtaV is bad game. Its only good point is performance ONLY because Gta 4 was a butchered port. It is obvious less care went into it compared to the rest of the 3d games. It was most likely made with multiplayer microtransactions being the primary focus.

there is no hope, right?

whatever the reason would I ever argue over a dead industry though.
GTA is great, go for it. yay.