>pc gaming
>have to spend 600 on new pieces every two years to play games
Fuck you for making me fall for the meme
>pc gaming
>have to spend 600 on new pieces every two years to play games
Fuck you for making me fall for the meme
I bought my computer over 2 years ago and haven't done a thing to it since
>expensive games
>no mods
>limited control schemes
>terrible indie support
>barely 1080p 60fps
>paying for online
>has less than 1% of capabilities of a PC
I'm still using the same CPU/RAM/HDD/PSU/case from 6 years ago, the only thing that's changed at all is my GPU, and that was a couple years ago.
and this is our son's room
shhhhh be very quiet. he posts platform war threads on a cambodian painting board and any sudden sounds will make him shriek violently and he will attack us. he call his mothier and i "false flaggers" until we give him enough chicken fingers and code red to calm him down again.
>tfw have a computer 4 years old that can boot up and I can play all current games at 60fps
Stop falseflagging and get out, sony fag
I've spent 400 ducats on parts in the past 8 years.
And very likely I won't have to replace them for another century or two because microprocessor power probably will be capped at double what it is now.
get out of here blackbeard
>expensive games
New games on PC cost me more than new games on consoles.
>no mods
Unfortunately it seems like only shitty games get worthwhile mods on PC. The best a decent game can hope for is a mod that makes the game run slightly better? This is fucking wasted potential and not something to brag about...
>limited control schemes
I can use every control scheme in existence on consoles. It just takes more effort, and requires more intelligence. For example, I beat Drakengard 3 on my PS3 using my PC as a controller.
>terrible indie support
I thought PS4 was getting too much indie support?
>barely 1080p 60fps
I've bought a 4K monitor and am wondering why I did so. Doesn't seem like much of an upgrade. Unlike SD to HD. Graphics upgrades should be a thing of the past, and now we should focus on gameplay again.
>paying for online
Yep this is a legitimate problem.
>has less than 1% of capabilities of a PC
This is why when I go to play games on my PC, I get sidetracked by shit like Sup Forums. When I go to play games on my console, I don't get fucking sidetracked...
>This is why when I go to play games on my PC, I get sidetracked by shit like Sup Forums. When I go to play games on my console, I don't get fucking sidetracked...
Because your attention span is to small to do something for more then 1 minutes? Do you also get sidetrcked by the ads on your console OS?
Oh yeah that's something else us PC windows users don't have. Really makes ya think
Nice bullshit, OP.
>Do you also get sidetrcked by the ads on your console OS?
I have a PS4. If I have ads on there, I've certainly never seen them.
>Because your attention span is to small to do something for more then 1 minutes?
Yes. I have AADD (Abnormal ADD) which is caused by my sleep apnea. I can fucking walk out of my room to grab something, forget what it was, go back into my room, then remember what it was, then repeat this cycle 15 times in a row on a bad day. My attention can be really horrible sometimes, and PC has destroyed my ability to play games over the past 10 years.
It may be a personal problem, but guess what. We are all people, and we all have problems.
>Not entering maximum jew mode and playing everything on Normal/Low
c-can I have your old parts user?
fuck off. i bet you dont even own a pc. you console shill. if your spending $600 every two years yoru doing it wrong. the only thing you should be upgrading every 4 years tops is your graphics card. cpu improvements have stalled thanks to intel having no competition. a 2500k is only just starting to show its age now.
>6gb VRAM Titan
>Ivy Bridge
>only 2TB system drive
I know consolefags are lazy retards, but would it kill them to at least keep their memes up to date?
>New games on PC cost me more than new games on consoles.
>New games on PC cost me more than on console
How do you even fuck up this badly, user... What's wrong with you?
Calm yourself.
By bullshitting thats how. I see these threads all the time trying to discredit pc gaming. The Sony pony and xbot shills are real. There worse than the disney shills over on Sup Forums
Alright, but you can't blame that on the PC.
>Falling for such low quality bait
>Being this butt hurt
>poor fags in this thread defending their out dated toasters
Just as bad as console fags and part of the cancer holding back gaming
We can never get games that live up to their reveal trailers until devs can make games for computers until devs can stop worrying about you being able to run it with your shitty i5 and outdated 1060
>This is why when I go to play games on my PC, I get sidetracked by shit like Sup Forums. When I go to play games on my console, I don't get fucking sidetracked...
This is a legitimate problem.
your lack of willpower is not a legitimate issue
Yes, it's much more expensive than consoles, and yes, it's much less value for the money.
But unless you have a bunch of kids to feed this should not be that much of a problem even with a modest-paying job, especially if it's your hobby.
I mean tons of people spend as much on a new phone every two years, in order to browse the same sites and play the same shitty mini-games.
Holy shit, the levels of bait. The funniest part is the driving gear. I've maybe used something like that once in my life.
Things like Gamer's Club Unlocked at Best Buy give you 20% off brand new games. Those same games would be sold on steam for the full $60. This doesn't apply to every game, but I'm fighting a generalized comment with a generalized comment. Don't do it to me if you don't want it done in return.
How does one fill one post with such amount of bullshit
1/10 for asking me reply
If you bought a 600$gpu 2 years ago ie 980ti you won't have to upgrade for a while, the fucking 970 runs any new game 1080p/60fps
Hiro's takeover increased the average shit capacity per post by 75%
By having people like you, who are incapable of accepting facts as the truth, flood the site more and more.
Do you really want me to break down that post, argument per argument, or you will read the ducking thread, or check the fucking archives, where it has been fucking done LITERALLY fucking hundreds of times
Part of the post is "muh opinionz" which means no side can win. The other part of the post is fact. Argue with it as much as you want. It doesn't matter. Your opinions isn't any more important than anyone else's. You can deny facts all you want, but that just shows how retarded you are.
>le buy a bunch of shit every two years meme meme
Dude, I'm running BF1 on ultra on a 780M
>computer is 10 years old
>could play crysis on high settings at launch
>now can barely run pixelshit indie games
is my computer just depreciating or are games poorly coded nowadays?
Games are more poorly coded. Gotta keep up that parity with consoles.
i almost exclusively play emulated retro games and indie / low-budget steam games, as well as "modern"-as-of-a-few-years-ago titles i can run very easily on high settings on extremely easily on cheap, old parts, upgrade a hilariously low prices once in awhile, i literally never ever even come close to running out of great shit to play
Both. Electronic components do wear out over time, making precision parts like CPUs work slower. There is also the problem that modern coders, either by laziness or being forced to by ever tightening time constraints, have just stop giving a shit trying to optimize their code. They'd rather let the processor pick up the slack and slog through all that unoptimized mess so they have less work to do fixing it. Its why current console publishers are whining so much about how underpowered the XBox and PS4 are.
Yeah but there's tons of gaming sites that have discounts like indie gala or G2A etc. Not to mention steam has massive sales constantly.
Just... please. You're embarrassing us. Just go back to consoles, okay? I don't think you have the patience or intelligence for PC.
Same, bought an i5 2500k, GTX 670, and the standard 8GB of RAM and all the other standard parts of the time. That was my senior year of high school and now I'm on my second year of law school and it's only know that I'm thinking of upgrading.
I can still play everything fine, but 2016 games need to be on medium settings now instead of ultra. I did get an additional 670 two years ago for $130, but SLI kinda sucks. Overall, my hardware has lasted longer than I thought and I'm hyped as fuck to get an 8 core Ryzen and Vega GPU now.
>get used POS pc
>pop used 4 year old card in
>clean up OS bsckground bullshit
>can still play any and all games new and old at 1080p, Low/Med setting at 40+fps
Feels alright
So those sites give you a 20% off every game on release? My point is that people trying to claim one is cheaper than the other is naive. There are always circumstances that would make one cheaper than the other, and it's not always in favor of PC. That means you can't consider the price of games when saying which one is better because you are guaranteed to be wrong in some instance.
You're kidding, right? PC is almost generally cheaper across the board. I've saved hundreds of dollars on most releases by using steam and it's sales or some alternative website using a Christmas discount code or something that drops 10% at the minimum. Normally on top of an already reduced price.
Please just stop embarrassing yourself.
Does anyone here actually use a wireless mouse? I remember when that was a fad a while back where there were commercials that hyped up the no wires, but I rarely see them now outside of those people who use laptops.
dual core *
memes aside, you're doing pc wrong. you're supposed to get a 600 dollar pc which is just enough to max out old pc games, such as exclusives, or last gen pc ports since current gen consoles don't have BC. Then, just use a console to buy all current gen games. That way, you'll literally never have to upgrade until maybe the next console gen.
myself for example, I have a 500 toaster with a buttload of steam games that can pretty much max out last gen stuff, with a ps4 on the side for current stuff and the occasional exclusive/japanese game. wiiu has been collecting dust and will continue to do so until botw comes out.
>are you getting a game at a discount on release?
>yes, by buying it months later
Are you a genuine idiot or just doing it on purpose? I can name other ways I've spent less money on console gaming, even to the point of paying negative $30 in a single year to play every game I wanted to play, and legally instead of stealing shit. But what is the point if you can't even get past the first hurdle?
Oh I'm sorry, are you one of those idiots that needs the latest games with his mountain dew and doritos bonus pre-order items?
If you don't have the patience to wait a month or buy your games during winter/summer sales then you truly belong on console with all the other kids.
I spent about $100 and ended up with every single game I wanted during the Christmas sales. Like 12 games. That'll last me way until the next sale and that's the price of a full single game for console in AUSTRALIA.
Also it doesn't matter if I game came out the day before, if it's around Christmas then you're guaranteed 20% off minimum any game if you know where to look.
>I spent about $100 and ended up with every single game I wanted during the Christmas sales. Like 12 games.
That's more money than I've spent on the last 30 games I've owned. Actually, that is more money than I've spent on all my games in the history of all the games I've owned. Good thing those games on PC gain value for when you resell them right? Oh wait...
>inb4 idiotic argument where anything you can do with console is invalid because PCucks can't do the same with their PC
*If the game came out the day before
Yes but were they recent titles? Because that argument is pointless otherwise. I could go to any bargain bin at a game store and pick up a bunch of shit games for a few dollars. Not to mention I now have the game permanently on my account for playing whenever I desire with mods to make it still look nice 5 years down the line.
Also that's 100 AUD, so 74 USD.
>Finally made enough upgrades to my computer to make a computer from the old parts
That other user might be flat out retarded, but the amount of games you can buy on PC for $30 months before they come out, and upwards of $15-$20 off right before/during the launch period is absurd
>Yes but were they recent titles?
Yes... That is how I save the money. Buy a game for $51.35 after taxes. Beat it. Sell it for $50 to $55 depending on how popular the game is. If I somehow feel an urge to play a game again, I can just rebuy it at a later point in time for a much cheaper price. Then you also have the few games that slip between the cracks due to having too much to play, that get sold for a cheap price on Black Friday, then shoot back up in price. I've ended up selling a few games like that for around $10+ in profit after beating them. You can also mix it up with some Gamestop foolery of bringing games back before the 7 days are up. You can do that pretty much infinitely if you are cool with the person behind the counter.
Different ways to save money on consoles, even if you want to play games when they first release. That's why I think it is a moot point to brag about how cheap PC gaming is when console gaming can be just as cheap or cheaper. You can't discredit methods just because you don't use them yourself. Also, again, this is a way to play games for free legally. It is even more idiotic to brag about illegal ways to play games.
I don't know what sorta weird ass economy your community has but that's never been the case anywhere I've lived. You're lucky to be able to sell a game for $20 less if it's already opened and used.
Also the GameStop foolery doesn't work with my local stores and yeah, you need to know someone so that doesn't really apply to the everyman.
So you seem to be a really unique case. If I could sell games like that, I'd be on console for sure. But then again, I like keeping my games.
>So you seem to be a really unique case.
You gotta live in the right areas, but it isn't that uncommon. I've lived in 10 different cities since I've started selling games and haven't had a problem except in 1 of them.
That's kinda my point though. How can you say something is a pro for PC when it is only a pro on a case by case basis, while it could be a con for someone else like me?
>But then again, I like keeping my games.
Nothing wrong with that. Good thing about gaming is that it is a hobby that can be as cheap or as expensive as you want to make it. Taking options away, like making games digital only, can do nothing but bad for the hobby.
Never again will I fall for the driving gear meme.
>Get new graphics card 3 years ago for 200 dollars not even
>can still play every console port max setting