What are some of the best deals you've ever gotten on a vidya related item?

What are some of the best deals you've ever gotten on a vidya related item?

I found a AGS-101 GBA SP for less than 20 dollars at a thrift store. It was pretty beat up but I swapped the shells and got a backlit SP for cheap.

I downloaded Trackmania Nations for free.


Got all of these for 20 bux at a pawn shop

Literally a near mint condition play it loud red gameboy for $20
black label CIB MGS $3
new Metroid Prime Trilogy $50 (several years after release still in store)
chipped Xbox with 250GB HDD 2 controllers and component cables $50
There's probably more I can't even think of thanks to thrift stores and CL

Gameboy player for 20$ with disc

too much shit to list in the last 2-3 years

Found a loose copy of GC Skies of Arcadia for $10

>$20 for this
>and you have to find room for it

Sounds like you got ripped off user

>not keeping it beat up

Are you gay? Beat up electronics are A E S T H E T I C as fuck.

I got Guardian Heroes and a bunch of other Saturn games for $3 each once, best find I've ever had

>replacing an OEM shell

Have fun with your Chingchong shell, I guess.

cib Duke Nukem 3D for 20 cents at a flea market

all this for $50

Hardly. They all came with that cd book, I made a profit selling off the games I didn't care for, and I got Yakuza 4 and a few other decent titles out of it.

I stole an entire N64 from the flea market near my house.

This past steam winter sail I got that valve classic collection thing for like $20 when it's normally $109

$3 for a Sega Saturn

too bad games are insanely expensive

all this was $100
i was lucky it was on a friday i was off work or else i wouldn't have grabbed it

got this in aug of 2015 off craigslist for $180

guy told me it was broken, i said i could fix it. got 2 controllers, a kinect and 3 games including GTA5. all i needed to do was reformat the HDD, had to tear apart the system though.

not damn bad at the time for a then less than 1 year old system

my favorite find
i miss big box pc games

Got f zero gx for $5 bucks at gamestop years ago.

Also, bought earthbound brand new in box for $10 at best buy in 1997. People forget how hard it bombed and was basically being given away...same with the virtual boy.

Yeah, I'm kind of old for this board.

i remember those $10 EB!

my best buy had a fucking WALL of them, ill never forget that. hurts looking back at all the shit i passed up, like a CIB final fight guy for $10 back in 1999-2000. it just had Guy instead of Cody, i hated Guy when i played the arcade version, so i said why bother since i also had the snes version.

About 8 bucks for pic related and both games for Wii.
They're both fun.

>No cases

It's no wonder you found them at a pawn shop. Worthless trash.

Glad you remember them too because it's one of those things I swear happened but no one else knows. Yeah, there were a ton of them. Damn, I should've bought all of them. But, I was a poor fucking teenager with no job. Oh well.

Glad someone shared the memory with me.

Got a Wii for 10 bucks with cables. Shit's cheap now

Got a still-wrapped copy of Super Mario Galaxy at a yard sale for $5.
That was money well spent.

I ordered Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers on NES off Amazon for $15 and ended up getting Rescue Rangers 2, which costs significantly more

Got all the Wii U games for free :^)

we had no idea man
i wouldn't have never thought this shit would have gone up in value this much

its funny, i got a price guide from back in 2006
the prices for all the retro games were SUPER FUCKING LOW

most expensive games were shit like CIB PDS for $150 or Magical Chase CIB for a whopping $250

Purchased a PSTV for 40$ and it included a 16gb card

the only thing worth about it are the controllers and theyre sure not worth 180 bucks

some kid was over here playing pokemon with my younger brother and after talking to him he agreed to trade me his pokemon ruby cart for my shiny hacked genesect in pokemon X a few years ago.

this was 2015 and it was cheaper than retail
i'll take it for $180 off CL instead of $500+ at gamestop

Did you at least sell the xbox with one controller for almost full price and kept the other controller to at least break even?

Got a Vita for 80$ at a local store

BestBuy.ca had a 360 listed with a deep discount, 6 games and a $50 gift card and I bought it within a few hours of going up. Turns out it was an error. Got about $700 worth of shit.

no, i kept the thing, sold the kinect and games. bought rare replay and played battletoads arcade with my bro

RR was worth the $30
KI is fun too, but no one wants to play that, they want to play tekken tag 2 or SC 2.

I got a Bioshock Infinite Season Pass for 5 bucks, because it was at 75 % for a few hours.

I got Ace Combat 4 for one dollar at a yard sale

Got a blue one of those at a garage sale for $10. No joke.

i got 1 of these 3ds for $3
guy thought it was an old gameboy

i love guys who clean out houses with reckless abandon.

nintendo 64 with two controllers and expansion pack, came with dk 64, monster truck madness, mario party, pokemon stadium, goldeneye

and a gba SP (shitty one) with pokemon red blue and yellow with charger for 20$

bought it from some autistic kid. kinda feel bad pretty sure he didn't know what he was doing.

Idk I got a silver SP with a first party case and MMBN3 Blue, Golden Sun 2, and a LotR game I traded to my cousin for Golden Sun 1.

Unfortunately it was lost in my mom's house because she used to hide it and one day she just "forgot."

Also got some games at the thrift store for $5 or less, like Harvest Moon (the GC one). Unfortunately I didn't realize it needed GC memory and controllers to work on a Wii.

My uncle sold me an Xbox with a bunch of games for $20, and I played Halo's campaign for over 2000 hours.

200 ps4s for 5000 dollars

I routinely buy these things for 5-10bux at garage sales, there's the occasional hardass but most people rightly see them as outdated children's toys

also I got some soccer mom to throw grandma's old working NES at me for 5bux, that was probably the ballsiest thing I;ve yet pulled.

i let people name their price, but one guy had a toploader nes and i said $20 because i felt like he would have went higher if i said $10.

i got it and some boxed games, dogbone controller and another nes controller with one of those kickass nintendo power stickers on it.

Found a copy of the original GBC Shantae for less than a dollar a few years ago. Perfect shape too.

Pretty good find.

great find
great game

glad its on 3ds VC for others to play it without spending the $350 for the cart

I got a PS2 slim in great condition with 8 games and a book for $20 at an estate sale

yeah, it was really hard to find through through legal means until the vc release.

This is the last good product nintendo ever made.
Everything after was total bullshit!

At my towns autumn fate i picked up a ps2 with everything (memory card, controller, av cables) and picked up a handful of games for 15 bucks. Felt good.
>pic related

i was gonna say, i've never seen a pink slim

then i seen your EU blue boxes...

>tfw you can now get a two-pack with Rare Replay and Gears of War Remastered (which comes with all the old games too) for $20 now
if I had a bone I'd go for it in a heartbeat

On the topic of the thread, I got a copy of Mario Party 2 with the box and everything for only $30 a couple years ago, the game itself goes for at least $50 now.

>tfw garage sale season won't pick back up for another 4 months

I got a perfect condition GBA SP at a garage sale for around 10 bucks when I was 15. Shame my bab cousin broke the screen off of it covered it in super glue trying to fix it.

Jelly of Doom and Hexen. Good find my man

That's a pretty pink. I wish I had one

It's a shame that it costs a bunch now.

I didnt know Pink ones were released until i picked this up actually.
I wasn't too big on the color since i normally have my Ps2's sitting on my bookshelf next to games. But it does look nice standing up like in my pic.

i got more later, no pics though
i got quake 1 and hexen for mac at the same place
i would have gotten more, but it was mostly shit games.

Physical copy of Ninja Five-O after it became super rare. $2.00

I got this for 100~ bucks. Love Alice, love American McGee. It's still in the fucking USPS box I got it in.

its an ok game
wish it wasn't so fucking rare

I can't ever find any PC games in their original big box, save for the random 500 games in 1 shovelware.

Yeah, but I'm a collectorfag and the slight gaudiness of it kinda adds to it IMO.

Nice. What's the game like?

no one is going to believe me and i dont really care, but here is the list i bought from a kid i used to go to school with
Nintendo DS:$5
Pokemon Pearl, SoulSilver, Black, Black 2, Mario Kart, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Bros
for a grand total of $25
plus i bought a bunch of trash xbox games as filler and to gain his trust

>What's the game like?

Played little of it. Mainly got it due to a fascination craze I was in. I also won a poster from the developers due to it. I'm not real big on platformers but the story is intriguing.

I don't want to believe you, but I do :)

Sounds right up my ally. Got a pic of the poster?

>I can't ever find any PC games in their original big box
Are they that hard to find?

I found the complete version of Baldur's Gate 2 in it's box for $5-15 a few years back.

i wouldn't have believed you if you said something actually crazy

i find shit like that at flea markets man, all the fucking time. the DS/DS games are something i find all the damn time.

i'm having trouble finding SNES games anymore, i've only seen some in the last year and a half and nothing super fantastic.

you just don't see them too often
people toss that shit out, just like nes, snes and n64 boxes, big box pc shit took up lots of room.

>Are they that hard to find?
I'm not sure if it's just my location (south east Idaho) but I hardly find any. Finding Doom or any of Id's original lineup boxed would be a dream come true.

Xbox controllers were $5
Genesis stuff was $2 for everything
N64 stuff was free because people toss this shit in the trash

All the boxed stuff I got last year


one is mac, the other is PC
both are compete too

the colour is what makes it

original game boy at a garage sale for 50 CENTS

your my hero

got legend of heroes evolution for $1 on amazon

also got orcarania of time, pokemon y,fire emblem awakening, mario kart 7, resident evil revelations, mh3, star fox, and 2 copies of soul silver from a pawn shop for $5 each

Brand new GameCube out of box, new controller, wavebird still sealed, Zelda four swords adventures box still sealed. $50 bucks. I'd say to this day that's still the best deal I've gotten.