>hard mode:
Don't insult my intelligence

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i kinda disagree

You are wrong.

wow what a unique opinion, you must be a special snowflake

I just started playing. It's actually pretty bad. I don't even understand why they thought it would be a good idea to implement some of their ideas.

gameplay is aight

I wanna list of the ideas you think are bad.

Not op but, what about fallout 4 do you guys like?
I like it too, but was sadly disappointed by it too

I like Fallout 4

Hey now how could anything made by Bethesda suck? It makes no sense

>Go into it expecting an RPG

Bethesda have essentially given up on making these. Instead we get sandboxes with light-RPG elements which are decently enjoyable. It's about as close to Far Cry as Fallout 1 at this point 2bh

OP here.
Look, most Bethesa games are shit I'm sorry to say. The only reason Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim get a pass is because at least the setting is cool. Fallout is just ugly, clunky, and has very poor character interaction.


Didn't like the voiced protag.
8/10 game for me.

I like the one thing everyone hates about it.

Trigger warning.

I like that it's fucking casual.

You heard me. I like the lack of level cap. I like how I can just make one character and do everything without feeling restricted. I like the exploration and action taking place over the arbitrary roll of the dice. I certainly don't like the lobotomized dialogue options, but I can get over it. Crafting is neat, loot is errywhere, and with radiant quests, respawning locations and no level cap, you can play 5ever

it would have been a great game if this was 2002 or some shit.

but fuck that nigga todd howard

Isn't it amazing you have stated something with sincere conviction but others still refuse to see your wisdom.

Fucking normies and their nu-fun amirite?

7/10 for me, maybe my expectations where too high, I absolutely love new vegas, it's in my top five, maybe that's why I was let down.

Yeah I get that, but you would technically be playing the same character Everytime you make a new one, I liked the cap because you can mess around with different styles

How new are you?

I've played the first three hours of New Vegas like ten times because I keep making new characters. I feel like if I could get past that, I would finally make some progress there.

it did suck.
it was a downgrade in completely every aspect from new vegas except for graphics

eh, it's alright, keeps me entertained, but you're free to hold your opinion on the game.

Have a good day, friend

The non-VATS gunplay is objectively better in FO4 friendo

Is this game worth pirating?

"decently enjoyable 6/10 with a horrid story, easy combat and any semblance of depth has been removed"

havent played any of the DLC's. i enjoyed scrounging and fucking cvrie and making a giant waterworld type settlement on that big island south of the fort but then got bored of the game

said the internet never

The best part is it's literally no worse than Fallout 1. The entire franchise is hot garbage.

It's a fun rooty tooty point and shooty sandbox game but a garbage RPG

random magic enchanted loot in a sci-fi game
exploring what exactly?

I've been here since 2014 newfag and Sup Forums has taught me how to not be a normie like you

said me now though

Here's a list of what I don't like about it.

Guns. It doesn't even make sense to put the ejection ports on the left side of every single gun. It was fine in 3 and NV, I can't even fathom the reason for the change
Voiced protagonist. Kind of annoying to hear him hmmm and vocalize all the time. No one was complaining about being silent except casuals.
Dialogue wheel. Springs from having above. Also causes so many more problems such as
Impossible to make actual choices. It's "more info" "yes" "sarcastic yes" or "no but they continue on anyways". There is no evil
Even more unkillable NPCs than previous games.
No durability for anything. It's the apocalypse where the guns are supposedly pieced together with wire and tape but they never degrade even though irl I have to replace springs and clean my guns every couple months. Again, unironically, casuals ruining.
I've only played like 4 or 5 hours and I'm already bored.

Gunplay is slightly better though.

I enjoyed it you didn't.
Sucks to be you.

You seem the type that has very specific taste in games so I hope you "Demoed" the game and only wasted time and not money.

It doesn't suck. It was a let down for sure.

It is a solid first/third person shooter with a generic, but not awful, story. Some of the companions were pretty cool and interesting.

It was decent. Too buggy on ps4 though. I saved up enough caps to buy that tommy gun that shoots explosive bullets, super hype, and all it did was crash the game if you unloaded with it. After like the fourth time I quit and never played it again. Fuck you todd.

It's a pretty good sandbox shootan rpg

They should have not had a voice protag or a story quest line and it would have been quite a bit much better i think so.

>very specific taste
no i just have regular standards. same as anybody with reasonable needs.

Yeah we know

Your intelligence is shit. Game is worse tho.

You had better shooters in 2002 tho. And because Morrowind, you had better open-world, too. F4 is just shit.

I am guessing your definition of what is an RPG would well thought out and reasoned with appendices and is properly annotated.

I think we should ask the more important question.
Fallout 3 or Fallout 4? Which is worse?

my expectations are pretty low. the game just doesn't have to be shit and will have few things to legitimately complain about.


Personally I felt New Vegas was the worst of the 3 modern ones.

it's a tossup

adding rooty tooty shooty doesn't justify the other 95% of the game being complete shit

>radiant quests
This system pisses me off. They're using as a crutch now so they don't have to design real quests.
FO4 was very barebones when it came to both story and sidequests.


What did you think of New Vegas, OP?



It's not a good RPG, fair enough. SO you have to rely on the gunplay and the exploration to enjoy. Unfortunately the gunplay is stiff and clunky compared to other FPS games, also don't even bother in third person. The Exploration is the only saving grace, and the setting kills it. 200 years after Nuclear war vegetaion would be back, not this ugly shit show of vegetation they give you. Basically download mods and make cute waifus and add proper weapons


Mods don't fix it. It's still shit m8


>he doesn't know

let's all just sit quietly and contemplate fallout 4's changes. think about every individual thing that makes it a testament to mediocrity.

now multiply that by at least 3, call it TES6, and imagine frodo howard on stage at e3 announcing it while fleetwood mac plays in the background.


I agree with you. Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Morrowind.

>mfw I checked the release date of Morrowind and it was 2002

>posts picture of literally a polished piece of shit
>says it's still shit

sure is

You're a fag op

Story was lame

The world was very intriguing, full of things to do. One of the best open worlds I've played in.

Personally, I felt that the moment you discover that Diamond City is Fenway was amazing, but I'm a huge baseball fan.

Solid 7.

Had a lot of fun going around killing various Raider and Super Mutant encampments, upgrading weapons, finding Queen Mirelurks, building Power Armor and settlements, exploring with waifus wielding katanas or whatever, etc.

Story was dumb and bugs and issues were all over the place, but eh. Speaking protag didn't bother me too much. Brotherhood of Steel being outright evil maniacs to make the Institute somewhat likable was disappointing, and the Railroad in general was just embarrassing though it was very fun burning them all to death.. Unkillable NPCs were extremely annoying, I massacred Diamond City and Goodneighbor after the credits and some 40% of the residents survived, absolutely ridiculous.

You can't even roleplay in this game. You have no real choices.

I liked fallout 4. The commonwealth is fun to explore, i enjoy the combat zones in dowtown boston the glowing sea and the small community areas like covenant.

Quests like cabot house and nick valentines personal quest was great. I think the main reason i enjoyed it so much was that i love the settlement building system, a lot. That combined with the fun exploration and shooting provided a buffer for the lackluster writing and godawful dialogue system.

If it wasnt for the wheel dialogue system, this game wouldnt be shit on so bad by people here IMO

I like the Children of Atom, nuking them that is.

Are you new or something?
Bethesda games being overrated garbo is the general opinion here.

You're a pleb. There is nothing to see or do in Boston. No secrets. No real adventure. It's a shallow theme park with pop out bad guys to shoot and garbage for treasure.

It just [doesnt] work


If I just hate it hard enough everyone will agree with me.
Choke on your impotent rage fag.

People like it and there is nothing you can do about it.

What did you like about the whole game being a nonsensical war zone? Even 3 relegated the war zone away from everything and filled it with purpose. Super mutants occupy DC and TBoS are fighting them.

Boston is just every enemy 3 feet from each other like everything is a free for all and society crashed yesterday. 3 actually gave gravity and weight to everyones plight.

4 is literally just two shitty settlements in the middle of a war zone with no purpose or reason.

Not to mention there isn't anything worth finding as you explore. No one to meet. Nothing is of value.

You are very easily amused. It's a shame something nice had to be gutted to appeal to people like you. Especially when dumb shooters are in abundance.

You'll always be a bohab.

>good design was too distracting


I hate how different the concept art is compared to fallout 4. Look at games like phyconaunts, the concept art with that game is much more consistent with the final product

no argument here but i kinda liked the weapon crafting system

The environments and the more open-ended areas. Some of the quests. A lot of things are decent sometimes even good, but the gear and weapons suck, crafting for settlements is just too grindy, movement and combat mechanics feels worse than games released almost two decades ago. The main quest just lost me after a certain point. Perks are fun.



but it could of looked even betttterrrrrrr than it diiiiiiidddddddd

It's not though...

>could of

you win this internet argument leave me alone

main quest was full retard all the way

buggiest game since ass creed syndicate

crap voice acting

settlement building in an open world exploration game

basically everything joseph anderson and yahtzee pointed out

not trash, but not good either

that's the popular opinion here you stupid newfag

The only objectively great "modern" elder scrolls game is Morrowind.

I enjoyed fucking shit up with the Brotherhood; other than that it was a pretty dull game.

Honestly the whole "power armor on an engine hoist" and "super modular gun modification" bits are cool as fuck.

Just too bad they're packed into such a shallow experience otherwise.

I keep thinking about what the former Black Isle crew could do with that stuff in a setting that's actually relevant to Fallout's overarching story, and some actual role-playing.

you forgot "and no open-world"

well yeah

The enemy variety is fucking horrible in this game.

90% of the mutated monsters are just giant insects. It's like they don't know that mammals and reptiles existed.

The synths and mutants are just reskinned bandits.



I loved the weapon mods. So many different pipe guns at my disposal!

its okay

maybe if your a codbabby, codloser, cod playing low IQ bafoon! the gunplay in fallout new vegas was designed with intellegent people in mind, so its understandable that you dont appreciate it... its to be espected i suppose, fallout 4 was made for little immature brats, cod playing barbarians! i fart

I liked it, but it's nothing like New Vegas

Reminder the Institute were a bunch of psychos with god complex that actively killed innocent people and made sentient slaves for no reason.

And you never get to call them out.

So, where is the GOTY edition that has all the DLC on it?

>Fallout 4 recieved no awards

i fart in your general direction!* (its a monthy python reference, doubt youd have picked up on that...)

>finish first institute mission where you take down the rouge synth
>get back
>tell Father the institute is at fault
>he says it's no different than being a gun manufacturer
Gun manufacturers don't make guns that walk, talk, and shoot people without being controlled by a human.

I haven't played the game since 2 months after it came out because I've been waiting for this inevitable version with everything on it.

It's the only AAA 70 dollar game I can think of that's worth it's salt in value.