Gravity Rush 2


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I only play 90+ games.

>90+ games.
Paid reviews.
Have fun eating shit.

Well what?

fuck me

it just makes me want a PS4 more as the days go on

t. PCuck

I bust about 80 nuts to Kat, yeah

So it's actually somewhere between 95-100 when you add the points back that were subtracted because it's a Japanese game, right?

Better than I expected for a niche game.

It's the unfortunate victim of an insane amount of shitposting.

EDF4.1 was in my top3 last year at it got what... 6/10 on metacritic? Why should I care?

Also how is that score not expected out of the GR series? Seems pretty fitting, especially considering most reviewers think any unease with controls is bad and not intended by the developer. I'm actually surprised this game got more than a 70 due to that alone.

Just pull the trigger already and end the suffering. Isn't it pretty cheap nowadays already? And with the constant line-up happening right now + all the backlog there really is no excuse if you like jap stuff.

Give it a month, it'll die down like always. They'll all migrate to Nier threads at that point


Super good for something with cute girls and unusual controls.

garbage camera

Playstation always have such wankable exclusive protags. That's right boys Kiryu is back and sexy oh and Kat is okay I guess.

Given the circumstances (niche game from Japan), I'd say it did fairly well. I've noticed the recurring trend that basically any niche Japanese game will always land in the ~60-80 score range. That includes but is not limited to:

>Senran Kagura
>Gravity Rush
>Atelier series
>Disgaea series
>Deception series

And so on. It seems that these games invariably get shat upon by reviewers for things that magically do not get mentioned when reviewing the latest CoD or AC.

>Niche Japanese game not hailed as the savior of vidya in the west
Color me surprised.

Can't wait. The combat looks like it's still not perfect, but it still looks improved from the first game.

Just excited to explore that world again.

Super good for MY DICK but 2B and Kat should have a brown baby girl with white hair.

Will probably wait for a sale because of other releases, but excited for it.

That makes me sick looking at holy shit. What a terrible camera

The demo was great yeah combat is basic but the movement is so awesome I love flying around.

Nioh and Nier will score in the 75-85 range as well and Sup Forums will throw a fit.

As someone who hated how the controls felt on Vita, should I give the first game another try on PS4?

Haha little baby Darlington has motion sickness.


kys dumb bootleg idolm@ster poster

I think it feels and looks good on console, but others still prefer the vita version.

They found a sweet spot with Kat. She's cute enough to not cause reviewers to cry about being too cute and sexy enough to avoid being called too sexy.
Fucking IGN and even Jim Sterling listed Kat's design, personality and outfits as a plus.

So is it true she gets with Syd?

But she would just turn off gravity and the cum wouldn't touch her cervix and she would launch it back at you. Then do her special drill kick into your cock.

How long is the exclusivity? Can we expect a Steam Port in 3 months?

Gravity Rush is made by Japan Studios, meaning its coming to PC in about never.

about the same chances of bloodborne suddenly getting a port

Japan doesn't know what a computer is

You can expect it sometime NEVER EVER.

Yes add the Japanese and non-Nintendo tax and this is a 98-99 game.


Fuck, Japan has a 5th version of Monosodium Glutamate?

Exception to every rule user, also that game was fucking trash anyway

Steam port when Valve buys playstation.

same faggot, the camera was right.

Seems like people are loving the new Tony Hawk game.


>Niche as fuck game getting an 8/10 on Metacritic
You'd be surprised at what an achievement that is

The problem is that it's an exclusive. Playstation owners want the game to be a 96+ so they can use it to rub in peoples' faces, while everyone else wants it to suck because they can't play it

They aren't able to pay enough to get the score into the 90+ range of triple A big budget games with millions of dollars in marketing budgets. It is what it is and kind of yet another who cares thing that only seems to matter to Sup Forums as practically everyone knows what's up with video game review sites by now. Like honestly I just subconsciously think of video game ratings as a direct ratio of their marketing budget and leave it at that.

You dont know the first thing about budget

Nier maybe, Nioh probably less so as it's being marketed and published outside of Japan by Sony which guarantees it at least higher than 80. Then again Nier is being marketed by Square Enix which is about as good as you can do for a third party Japanese game publisher in terms of marketing budget these days so maybe it'll get pushed over the top.

I do know that an increasingly large number of Triple A games have marketing budgets that exceed their actual development costs.

add 5 points to any japanese game thats not nintendo. there is a "not-nintendo" tax that has to get added to these types of games released outside of nintendo platforms.

>Playstation owners want the game to be a 96+ so they can use it to rub in peoples' faces,

source? not even bloodborne is a 96 plus. fuck off platform warring cunt.

The other issue is how most reviewers are inherently biased against niche Jap games. Pic related is just a small example.

With tax, it's 400CAD here in Canuckland. It's been the same price since it came out thanks to our shit economy.

makes me sick

So it's basically just the first game all over again?

That's what I expected. Ad since I didn't really like the first one I'm going to have to pass.

Rollin around at the speed of sound.

Mobile Suit Gundam 5?

If anything, that's how much I spent on mine, but in €, back in 2013

Still worth every cent.

Can it really be considered a niche game?

Have you seen IGN's review of Steins;Gate? It's absolutely terrible. They seem to have entirely missed the point of the second half of the VN and interpreted one of the more iconic love stories of the modern medium as being a dating sim.


A Japanese game nobody bought on Vita gets a port and sequel due to a cult following.

Not worth 60 bucks. Will wait until it drops to 25.

So...where are Kat's feets at?

got one today for $150, timing was all set up for it

there hasn't been a single 96+ game released this generation

I bought a used one for 350 like a year ago, you could probably find them for 300 now

>intrusive dating
These people are not supposed to review games.

What I don't get is that it's objectively false. There's one date, it's not a real one and it's a plot thing. There's also only one correct ending, involving a romance built up throughout the entire VN and the game basically calls you a retard if you don't end up with it. It's not Persona. It's just a VN with a romance that ties into the plot.

makes sense why they would hate it. They just got the first and worst ending.

Enjoy your steam RPG maker games

The nips are trying hard to push Kat as Sony mascot next to Toro.

>Sony mascot
Sony doesn't have a mascot.
Individual ps consoles may have them but not the brand itself.

Seems way too slow for that file name.

As long as it doesn't have the same rating as Skyrim, I'm fine.

i only give a fuck about kiryu
>mfw we get to see him in a wetsuit

why do sony ponies keep shilling this trash?

more uninteresting garbage with your stupid waifu.

enjoy your 15fps trash, cucks.

First one was shit only praised because the Vita was starving for games but this one is actually pretty good.

>its 30fps i s-s-s-s-s-swear
your pathetic, cuck.

sonyggers hyping trash again? whats new

>its okay when sony does it
Can you losers fuck off already?

> m-m-m-m-my purchase of a pc was worth playing shitty games at 60 fps

fuck off pcuck

keep shilling your irrelevant garbage, nygger. justify pissing away 400 bucks all you want loser

Keep shitposting in threads of games you'll never get on your $1200 mistake fag

Pretty good, considering it doesn't get an automatic +15 to its score for being a Nintendo game "that's just fuuuun"

I will, because that's not true. But hey, post your flops. I'll enjoy laughing at how you say

>2017 will b-be better i -s-s-swear

Keep crying

Only crying I'm hearing is from you

>sonyggers getting games waah i'm getting nothing on my computer

>sonygger defends trash

It is because of that one shitty clickbait review that gave it 3.0 without any justification on the review itself. They could have given the game a 7.0 with the exact same text.

This only proves how shitty and inaccurate Metacritic is and why metascore shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.

>t. sonygger

>literally worse than the original
Tell me more how Japan saves 2017.

Underage plebs. Why don't you try Descent. Then you will become impervious to all motion sickness.

But why play Descent when you could play the superior Freespace 2?

Because it's not as motion sickness inducing since there isn't a cramped environment to compare your own movement to. Not to mention you only fly forward instead of all direction.

Heksville still looks like an uninteresting turd. Neat to know that they didn't improve the game at all with the sequel. Will avoid.

That's not motion sickness enough.

Make a web, where one of your roll keys are stuck down the entire time so youre constantly rolling

That will generate some vomit on some anons keyboards

Bullshit. All those games are just not as polished\good. They have limited appeal to Western fans so it makes sense critics reflect that.

You DO realize that Descent has a slower camera to angle changes, right? GR2 just spazzes all over the fucking place trying to make people blow chunks.

Looks like it's up to 2B to save Japan.