Should I get a tattoo?
Should I get a tattoo?
if you want, just get it somewhere easily concealable
Tattoos are for degenerates, hipsters and tumblrinas.
I think the only people who are so adamantly anti tattoo are slightly depressed since on average most people with tattoos are more carefree/generally happier than most.
That being said I don't have any
>figure out what you want for a tattoo
>get it on a high quality shirt instead
You're not stuck with it, it won't fade, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper
I like mine, just be sure
A. That it is something you will always like. Not an "oh this game/movie/drug reference is awesome" tattoo.
B. That it's somewhere concealable. Cover with a t-shirt is fine. Don't want to kill future prospects because you were a retard and had one on your neck or face.
Get a tattoo of Jesus on your lower back
>waving the degeneracy flag
>on a mexican telenovela discussing website
sure, why not?
ignore these faggots
Get a swastika that covers your entire torso.
yes but only a tattoo that shows your white heritage such as the swastika or celtic cross
I'm not your fucking dad. Do whatever you want.
get the skytim logo on ur forehead
Just don't get a Zelda or Skyrim tattoo or I will personally track you down, go to your house, slap you and call you a faggot.
get insert cock here and an arrow pointed to your mouth OP. Itll save you so much daily effort
daddy tell me what to do
get the trif orce on ur hands
This. The only one i regret in on my forearm. The rest are hidden. Ive even thought about getting it removed. Even some of my others i dont care for anymore but atleast i can hide them.
I would but there is no space. It already says "Property of Jolene".
bend over the bed, take off your underwear and spread your legs bb
I'm not your fucking mom fuck off
You only live once. If you're living life to the fullest, you should be partying, getting tattoos, and having risky casual sex every day, but Sup Forums (including myself) are deep-down very puritanical and afraid. It's why we prefer to be indoors playing video games and masturbating.
same mine says "damaged:
I'm at work, but this is my tat.
Looks pretty cool. I'd probably prefer black
i love spidey too man!
People laugh at you behind your back when you walk by them.
Assassin's creed is a dope game!
You must be really antisocial if you laugh at people for a tattoo of something like that desu famalam.
No, because you most likely have shit taste and it will look awful. 99% of tattoos look awful.
And 100% of video game tattoos look awful, which I assume is what you mean to get since you posted this here.