Start up steam

>start up steam
>0 new invites

Other urls found in this thread:

i can be your fwend user!

keep your 200+

i have none

post steam id famalam

>no friends
>expect invites


too shy..

>Game has Coop
>The online is dead
>Try to play it solo
>it's meant for 4 people to beat
>It's way too hard alone
>Give up
This is a metaphor for something

What games do you play, user?

i play all kind of games!
except sports or racing games i guess..

I'll be your friend op

Reminder that steam weebs are cancer even among weebs.

That's no fun.
You gotta have some favorites, right?

Friends thread? Friends thread.
Looking for chat buddies and occasional co-op

>furry avatar

i'd tell you to kill yourself but even hell is too good for you

yiff in hell furfag


I hope someone you love dies.

holy samefam

you came to the wrong neighborhood friend

>doesn't know how to samefag check
kill yourself furry fuck

well..i always liked FPS and RTS games..but i enjoy everything as long as its a fun game!

who are you?

>it's another "turbofags, furries, """shy""" s-stuteringfags and autistic ERPers join a Steam friend thread" episode

Sazuga Sup Forums.

Listen here friendos, I don't normally play co-op shit, but im always down for a nice chat. Add be up amigos.

>adding people with more than 50 friends
It's like you WANT to be part of their collection

>adding people with more than 10 friends
It's like you enjoy being worthless.

I've got less than 10 and I still hardly speak to any of them. I need help.

What do ya'll want to talk about?


This is why everyone doesn't like you

Yeah well, maybe if they wanted to talk about boys...

I know a few. They're alright.

Do any of them want to date another boy!

One did. But I just wanted to be friends, so he stopped calling.

Would he want to date me!

somethingsomething VIDEO GAMES

To games? Friend invites?
I thought steam was a platform used for gaming.
If you'd like to play a game OP I'll play one with you. I bet we have a MP game in common. Give it a shot.

Actually the invite extends to anyone. I'll add you and play a game (assuming I already own it, I aint buying shit) with you.

No you're obnoxious.

video games, I guess

what's your id dummy?

I'm not giving you my id, I'm an aspiring normie. you wanna play a game? You post id.

pls b chill

Who knows. Haven't heard from him in years.

Would you want to date me!

>no sega all stars racing
no wonder you have no friends
post id I'll play games with ya

add me fuckers
[email protected]

>Have an online group of friends
>Talk every day
>Fall ill, vanish for a couple of weeks
>Nobody noticed I'd left

I guess 8 people is a lot to keep track of in a group.

I got an invite, I just left it there

>tfw discord meme killed steam group chats

That's exactly why I hate group chats. It feels like you're invisible and no one cares about you.

I can't do normal chats though, it's too awkward. Group chats I can just drop in on an ongoing conversation. I don't have to message anyone in specific either, so I don't get paranoid that I'm being annoying.

I just thought we were a little closer.