What year is it?

What year is it?

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Wired lan is dinosaur tech.

It's because the Switch is a fucking tablet you mongoloid.

It's an accessory for autists who can't be without a long fucking cable running across the floor to play his videogames optimally.

Perfect for Sup Forums, is this actually a shill thread?

>playing Nintendo games online

It's like an idiot tax

As long as it supports 5GHz wifi connection, who cares?

Its for the dock?

i stopped reading at "games"

Maybe if you're into soaking up waves of wireless internet.

Dumb faggot probably plays games over wifi too.

>Nintendo fans actually defend this

This is why no well adjusted adult ever takes Nintendo fans seriously.

>What year is it?

2017, did you not miss cell phones killing 3.5mm jack to purposefully charge for dongle adapters?? this is the same thing and you idiots will fall for it.

What am I supposed to do then? Use wireless?

>switch is a tablet console
>ps4 pro and xbox one scorpio
>no 3.5mm jacks
>lan adapters
>trump is president

it's like time really is moving backwards

What tablet uses an adapter to connect to the internet?

Naw, I link my computers with SFP+ on a 10gbps home network

5GHz isn't any better for gaming though

Any tablet because they use wireless by default.

>Maybe if you're into soaking up waves of wireless internet.
Crawl out of your underground bunker and go stand outside for 10 minutes.

Just because you are incapable of managing things so you don't have a wire running halfway across your room, doesn't mean everybody is.

Is this tied with the fact that the Switch trailer had people playing Splatoon like it's an e-Sport?

Might as well make a wired Pro controller.

>no 3.5mm jacks
To be honest, 3.5mm jacks are terrible and we should have switched to an alternative ages ago

No well adjusted adult spergs out over whether or not something has wired LAN.

Regular people use WiFi. Normies don't even own cables anymore.

There's literally no reason for there not to be a lan port on the dock.

So.some off brand chinese POS

>not playing over ethernet

>played over wifi for years
>finally get a long ass cat5e cable
>mfw the speed

I can't say I've ever seen a tablet that had a built in ethernet jack

Well adjusted adults understand the products they buy and how to best use them, they are a separate group form "normies" such as yourself who are pants shitting retards with zero standards.

(current year)

>What tablets use LAN adapters?
>All of them?

There's literally no reason for there not to be a lan port on an iPhone
There's literally no reason for there not to be a lan port on on the Vita

>that vid

Switch includes Wifi 5Ghz, HORI is just trying to make money from ignorant people


Out of all the times ive pkayed mk8, splatoon and smash4 online ive never had any issues with the wifi

Going backwards to when video games and America were great

>$30 for a fucking hardwired ethernet connection to be available on a home console
Nintendo is fucking DOOMED

>this absolute failure of comprehension
>throwing a tantrum over cables on a chinese cartoon forum
>still thinks he's well adjusted

>You can buy an ethernet-to-USB adapter for literally $5 online

Thats euros bro

what's the point of the docking then?

>Going backwards to when a Clinton was president

>Only certain ones work with Nintendo consoles

Then it's like $35 american LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>Well adjusted adults understand the products they buy and how to best use them
>thinking a lan cable is the best way to use a handheld console
>thinking that wired lan has any real impact if you're already running a competent wireless network
Sounds like you don't know shit, really.

2017, the year where usb to ethernet adapters are becoming more widely used, especially by laptops. Source: I've had to fix many laptops that do not have ethernet ports.

not $5 like that one guy but amazon.com/UtechSmart-Ethernet-Network-Adapter-Chromebook/dp/B00F41TWAO works with wii/wiiu and my guess switch too since their switch adater is probably another rebrand like when they went from wii -> wiiu

What the fuck is the dock for then? Is it really just a piece of plastic?

Nintendo has free online, retard.

What do you expect from nintoddlers? In order to be a modern nintendo fan you need to have such a massive level of cognitive dissonance reality itself collapses around them until the only thing orbiting their peanut brain is "nintedo good".

>people are actually defending this shit

Holy shit, whoever said this place is NintendoGAF wasn't lying.

Just try to imagine if Sony or Microsoft did this. Imagine Sup Forums's reaction.

It's good for faster downloads

Pretty much

Nintendo's next console is literally a piece of plastic.

Splatoon was a nightmare until i forked $10 to get some usb to lan adapter for the wii u
It almost seemed horribly unfair at that point because my shots would always register first.

>implying nintendo isnt trendsetting like always
>implying pc wont start doing it too after seeing how successful nintendo is

>a handheld console
You know why it's called a Switch right?
>a competent wireless network
Something the majority of people have no need for and is far more expensive to reach equivalent speeds of a competent wired connection. Why are you against choice? A cable isn't harming anyone.

Literally nobody with a brain expects the Switch to compete with the PS4 and XBone, let alone the Pro and Scorpio. If Sony or Microsoft shipped a console without an ethernet port that'd be something different. Nintendo has been very clear that this is just a proprietary gaming tablet, therefore temper your expectations. I do not expect my tablet to have an ethernet port built in because that's what wi-fi is for.

Nintendo >We want the e-Sports audience

>he thinks they're not going to start charging for online with the Bitch

Nigga, if you have an internet connection that'd be able to actually use the extra bandwidth from 5ghz I'd be impressed.

If the Switch can use 5GHz Wi-Fi like people are saying who fucking cares? Shit I use my Steam Link with the 5GHz band on my router and haven't seen a single god damn artifact or had a single hiccup.

Yeah it fucking sucks to not have the option outside of paying for it but it's pretty meh if you aren't a cheapskate and have a router that's worth a shit.

Interface so you're not constantly plugging in wires to the tablet when you want to play mobile games on the big screen. If op's shit is real, I honestly don't even know. Not like most people would give a shit, but silly to not include such a minimal costing thing.

At least wired doesn't lag and isn't prone to interference

Nintendo is really retarded for not having a lan port built in though

>It is ok when Nintendo does it!
Your post condensed down to it's essence. Kill yourself, drone. The fucking thing has a dock to connect it to your TV, yet it doesn't have an ethernet port? You're supposed to use wifi with your Leapfrog everywhere?

But the dock itself? I'd definitely expect it to have an ethernet port considering buying off the digital store. I guess it doesn't matter when half your users don't even give a shit and your store is awful.

My gaymen pc is also hooked up wired. Why?
Because I rage when I lag. Better to prevent all sources of lag on my side.

What did you mean by this? Seriously, I don't get it.

>post yfw the switch will use the same encryption keys as the 3ds
>post yfw nintendo still won't have an actual account system and will tie purchases to the hardware
>post yfw someone makes a freeshop for the switch

>Interface so you're not constantly plugging in wires to the tablet

This. I hate to sound like a fanboy but the idea of just putting the tablet into the dock and being able to seamlessly continue from where I was playing on the go to the big screen just seems cool as fuck to me.

I have hated the fuck out of Nintendo for the past 2 gens. Hated my Wii after collecting dust and hate my Wii U for doing the same with little to no games worth a shit. I'm really liking the blend of the handheld and console titles. Hoping they get their online account system working properly. Have a lot of digital titles for Wii U and I am hoping they can be transferred over in some way. But knowing Jewtendo I'll have to buy HD remakes or some shit like that.

Anyone know if the Switch will have 3DS compatibility?

>Nintendo advertises a gaming tablet
>it's an actual gaming tablet
>"wtf why isn't this a bleeding edge super computer console fuck you Nintendo"


>Just try to imagine

There's no need to imagine. Microsoft puts out products already that don't have ethernet ports.

I thought Pcfriends were the most cucked fanbase but nintendonfans take it to the next level you didnt have take enough shit from nintendo


>Anyone know if the Switch will have 3DS compatibility?

They'll come out with an adapter for that later.

Nevermind the UV radiation and cosmic gamma that batters you far more than any radio waves could ever do

>only bleeding edge super computers don't charge you an extra $30 to use a fucking hardwired connection in your own house
You and I both know they didn't advertise a tablet, they advertised it as both a home console and a handheld. In reality it fails at both roles.

i'd like to think nintendo wouldn't really be that retarded to do this a 3rd time, but i shouldn't be surprised.

anywho, splatoon on wired was fantastic. anyone who plays on wireless is selfish and makes a worse experience for everyone else.

Did you honestly expect anything less from Nintendo?

Did you honestly expect that Nintendo would include something as basic as this without making it a peripheral you'd have to spend MORE money on?

If you're even remotely surprised by this then you are legitimately retarded.

>expecting a tablet to have an Ethernet port
you guys have some serious brain damage

>they didn't advertise a tablet
Did we both watch different videos?

Those things aren't meant for wired internet connections because they're portable devices.

Is Nintendo literally retarded?

He's talking about the dock, not the device itself, retard

The dock for the Switch isn't a portable device.

i still have the one from the wii, worked perfectly fine on the the wii-u so it will probably work fine on the switch too.

What people in this thread don't realize is that this is an Ethernet adapter for the tablet itself and that the dock already has a an Ethernet port

Have you seen the stats on modern console connection rates?

something like 90% of PS4 users are using wireless.

The plastic lunchbox you have to plug it in to connect to your TV that also makes games run above 15fps is portable?

jesus christ the switch is going to be a complete failure

You know, people were calling this when the Wii got popular. They said Nintendo was going to double down on the retard market because the Wii hit a normie fad-wave and that's exactly what Nintendo's done. They don't make competitive hardware anymore, and they keep going for gimmick shit. Meanwhile their biggest innovation - handhelds are being superceded entirely by cellphones.

Nintendo fucked themselves into a corner.

That's my point.

That's a hot citation you have there.

Why would you assume that?

I'm only using wireless because I only have it connected to the internet in the first place for updates, and because it was a huge pain in the ass even getting one ethernet cable into my bedroom from the router.

Remember that thread a couple hours ago?

>Remember for the next two days, anyone can make up anything

Meanwhile everyone is taking this thread as 100% confirmed, kek

Where's the evidence it doesn't? All we have here is a picture of a picture of 3rd party hardware.


>Where's the evidence it doesn't?

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Not him, but neither the FCC documentation or the Switch patent show any ethernet port on the dock.

Also, we've seen the back and the side of the dock, there isn't an eternet port.

Why would you make a LAN adapter if it had LAN capabilities out of the box?

you know what would be hilarious?
if you could only use the wired lan adapter if the system isn't in the dock.