>Game lets you carry over items into a new game
Game lets you carry over items into a new game
Other urls found in this thread:
>Demo lets you carry over items, levels, and achievements
Disgaea 5
Every day Hideo Kojima winds up happy clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten, Kojima takes the wind-up key and puts it in happy doll Stefanie's key slot and turns it to make her move, each turn of the wind-up key makes robot doll Stefanie giggle and jitter from the grinding and working of her ticking mechanical clockwork insides that fill her perfect automaton body. Happy silly cooing comes out of her perfect plastic doll lips and her shiny glass eyes light up with joy and cheerfulness from having her perfect mechanical doll robot body wound up by Kojima's hands. Then she gets up and goes about her day to please all of Kojima's fans with her perfect happy Stefanie doll face and clockwork Joosten toy body. Each of her moves brought by the grinding and ticking of the cogs and springs and gears and pulleys and all happy clockwork insides that fill her doll body. And all of Kojima's fans fall in love with her because she's a perfect happy robot Joosten doll and that makes Kojima happy, and nothing makes clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten happier than making Hideo Kojima and his fans happy with her smiley happy plastic face and perfect doll body. That's why she's the forever happy perfect and thoroughly mechanical Stefanie giggly robot doll.
When it comes out in November or some shit like that.
Name 200 planets, 146 chemicals, 72 car brands, 34 genders, 10 japanese names, 3 games and 2 and a half A presses that do this.
Foreverial happy clockwork
I wanna sniff Joost's fartbox!
>game lets you combine both characters' powers in NG+
garbage voice. so flat it's horrendous and a face ugly as my IBS asshole. you all deserve cancer.
Oh look, another depressed individual who can't have fun at all.
>previous game lets you import save, you keep key items and it also changes your start position in the next game
>you can import your save from that game to the next keeping all your items from the original game, faction preferences and changes your start position yet again, there are even special sidequests that require items from the first game to be completed in the new game over A decade after it was released.
>you will never be that floor
What game lets me have sex with Jewstein ?
that's my fetish
Was about to ask this
what game?
Odd. At least you're not a footfag
>it's thinly veiled joosten masturbation thread
>thinly veiled
Stay mad lol
joosen hoosen is just 7/10
But you are with all the people who walked all over you and you crying xD ^^
LOL Is she screaming for my dick or singing??
>Game lets you carry over items into a new game
>they are only just slightly better than your starting equipment
>Reminder that once upon a time, there lived an awkward Dutch weeb country girl in Limburg, the boony part of the Netherlands
>Was unapologetic about being a weaboo. Despite this, she studied hard and went to Leiden University to get her BA in Japanese
>After graduating, she moved to Japan to pursue her dream and managed to get a master's degree in Japan
>Eventually became a model as generic gaijin girl #24. Had to do all sorts of degrading, entry-level jobs despite her crippling shyness, including cosplaying in a box to sell toys for Otaku neckbeards and making lewd mocap and moans for Kojima
>Despite her best efforts, she's still treated as 2nd class citizen because she's white
>Maybe they even make fun of her hobby behind her back like Davido-kun because even the Japanese think Otakus are the scourge of the Earth
>Being a foreign model in Japan doesn't even pay that much anyway
>Lives alone in a small single bedroom apartment with nothing but her PS4
>Has to work at crazy hours, i.e. having to wake up at 2AM for a sunrise photoshoot
>Her already-limited social life suffers from her crazy work hours
>She finds it hard to find a Catholic Church in Japan to practice her faith on Sundays
>Greatly misses her dog Micky and her family daily, who are still in Holland
>tfw sleep alone again tonight
>Despite this, she still puts a brave face every morning, working really hard to continue on and to pursue her ultimate weeb dream
I had a friend who was absolutely livid that The Witcher 3 scaled enemies to your level in NG+
He seriously wanted to hack straight through enemies for a four day long game
She's married. xd
>Sequel lets you import data from original title
>extra wallpapers, extra starting items, extra dialogues from original characters, Thank-you from devs
>20 hours later
Uses your old file name for the throwback boss
This isn't a good thing. Nobody should get fucked out of content because they didn't play the previous game, or worse yet because they didn't play the game on the exact same console.
Nonono hold up. He wanted the game to show him where he shouldn't go by fucking his shit tottaly up and showing him where he should go by showing enemies who are defeatable. Or are you singing instantly Kpop in Tokyo or do you have to suck hard?
We know it's you Stefanie. Ur cool.
The Witcher 2 and 3 do that.
For that reason I'm restarting from the first game, so I can import the savedata to the 2nd, and to the third game.
Thank you so much user! Do you still jerk off to me?
Fuck off, masturbation is for losers.
No you're pure.
wizardry 6,7 and 8 there is a sidequest in 8 which can only be completed if you have an item from 6 so you would need to transfer your save from both previous games
Ironic pic for this topic, since mgsv has no concept of new game in it.