What are your favorite illegal games, Sup Forums?

What are your favorite illegal games, Sup Forums?

The only good games on that list are Psycho Waluigi, DoomRL, and AM2R.

I know for a fact that this is bait because no one can honestly recommend Uranium

it's complete garbage

AM2R was everything i wanted it to be

Did DoomRL actually get a C&D?

>Project AutisM


Been playing Streets of Rage Remake lately. Just got my first Hard 1cc the other night, and it was by the skin of my teeth. SoR2 route, miraculously beat Shiva without losing a single life. I don't know "how to" fight Shiva, so I guess he was just kind enough to not block/counter everything I did this time. I'm still terribly sloppy against Mr. X too, but I managed to clutch it out and it felt good.

Don't make fun of my custom Blaze palette, I'm terribly unimaginative when it comes to that sort of thing.

>Project M
I will never understand this in my entire life.

Psycho Waluigi got C&D'd? It's on MFGG, I think.

You need to put Pokemon Prism and Star Fox 2 on that list.

>garbage mod of a shitty game failing to be like the older game it's trying to imitate
>somehow has a worse community than the awful one of the game it's riding the coattails of

What makes it garbage?

It's a mod of a game that wasn't Melee riddled with stupid drama by autists who want to keep playing Melee despite the whole thing playing completely different and the fact that they could just play Melee.

But that's the point. It plays differently.

>entire reason it was even made was because they wanted Brawl to play like Melee
>the early name was even based on Melee

Yes? What's your point? Like Melee, but still not Melee. It's different.

>It's bad because it's not what I like

>"competitive" Smash mod by Melee tryhards

This is why I absolutely detest Snashtards, and by default Nintendrones too.

Even though it's clearly what Brawl should have been, an improvement on Melee mechanically, with more characters and features, and objectively better than Brawl and 4, they condemn I because it wasn't made by Nintendo, and in their minds, such a thing is an act if blasphemy.

I agree that the PMDT are entitled permissions cunts (Nanobuds especially), but the mod is legit good, and fucking hate you drones so goddamn much every time I see shit like this. Because I know it's not ironic. Because I've been to Smashboards and have seen autists and manchildren unironically post shit like that all the time.

It was then that I realised that Nintendo has by far the most retarded and autistic fanbase in all gaming. Nothing can top the pure unadulterated autism that surrounds that company.

But Psycho Waluigi, Project M and Pokemon Uranium are perfectly legal and never got C&D or DMCA.
Only Psycho Waluigi is good tho.

>Plays the unbalanced power-creeping everyone is overpowered but it's still fair and reasonable mod filled with crazy modes for the "competitive"-ness
What the fuck is wrong with you?


If you want to play Melee, play Melee. Don't cling to a different game and bitch.

Streets of Rage was bad.

What if I wanna play Melee with new characters? Why does that bother you, and how does it affect you?

>completely differently
Just because some things are different doesn't mean it isn't trying to like Melee.

The problem isn't that it's not made by Nintendo, the problem is that it's made by the autists that think a party game should be taken seriously as a competitive sport.

but I don't wanna play melee, I want to play PM, and you're the only one bitching here.

>in the groove
It's just rebranded stepmania isn't it? What's illegal about it?

>Why does that bother you
I'm not the one posting a reaction image and going "oh god I'll never understand this what went wrong"

No one claims it should be seen as a sport, but it is taken as a serious competitive game, or do you think all the people playing it and viewing it are all just playing pretend?

>Project M

You can play Project M however the fuck you want to. It's great with friends. Probably better with friends than any other Smash.
Or you can mod it and throw in shit like Project Ganondorf or the Ridley mod. Or whatever shitty costumes you want. The best part is that you can add whatever you want.

It's just a shame the community is a bunch of fags so the game can never update and improve.

i remember gorillion am2r threads a minute when it got released.

But Melee is competitive.

Fucking Overwatch is competitive, and that game is casual as fuck.

I agree that the series is not fighting games. And I agree that Brawl and 4 aren't competitive, and are in fact are INTENTIONALLY designed to be anti-competitive, but Melee is the opposite, and it's been confirmed to have been intentionally designed as a competitive game by Sakurai, and the scene standing the rest of time is all the evidence you need.

People wouldn't cling to Melee if Nintendo had continued to made good Smash games, but their entire modern philosophy is about casual play and broader appeal, so fuck it.

Let people enjoy what they want you autistic manchild.

Fuck, Pokemon introduced a Party-type now?
What is this series coming to?


I'm not that guy. I'm and I'm calling you out on being a fucking imbecile. Exterminate yourself, drone. Nobody loves you.

>People wouldn't cling to Melee if Nintendo had continued to made good Smash games, but their entire modern philosophy is about casual play and broader appeal, so fuck it.
>Let people enjoy what they want you autistic manchild.
the greatest irony

>there is ONE autist Nintendrone itt so triggered by PM he actually edited the OP image.

Fucking hell man. And you wonder why everyone hates you cunts so much.

>Meleefag preaching to others about letting people enjoy what they want
>one of the people who shit on Brawl for simply not being Melee, despite all its features and labeling Sm4sh as "Brawl 2.0" for again, not being Melee

>not casual
nigga you an autist

What ironic about it? Nintendo didn't give fans what they want, so fans made their own game, and let people be.

The only retard getting triggered over how people enjoy themselves here is you. Fucking kill yourself, please. Just end your life, you won't be missed you waste of Oxygen.

>Sup Forums still saying Smash isn't competitive.
>For 5 fucking years since it's been on major tournaments.

>But I want Melee to be competitive

>and let people be
sweet revisionist history bro
the existence of places like smashboards is proof of how full of shit you are

SeeIt's because of people like you that I'm done with Nintendo. I'll gladly hang out with the Sonyniggers and subject myself to being associated and having to put up with mouthbreathing retards of this calibre.

See>People don't wanna play my party game competitively, waa

>it's a PM fans play the victim thread
Brawl was trash, but mods only came about from people being vocal about it being trash

>Nintendo has by far the most retarded and autistic fanbase in all gaming
That includes you.


>Psycho Waluigi
>complaining about autists and manchildren
>intentionally went to Smashboards
>knows people on the team, singled one out
>generalizing rant about a mod because of 3 posts

Thrill Kill