Are there any counters to the Lothar Ed build? He keeps bulldozing my entire team by himself when his hallucinations go off cooldown.
Are there any counters to the Lothar Ed build...
Other urls found in this thread:
Opera Singer Rolf can cut his damage in half if your boomerang procs just right. You can keep him stunned for a LONG time with That's My Horse, too.
These threads are fucking retarded. Kill yourselves, manbabies.
>starter edition player
t. Jimmy main
Keep crying about your shitty stun-locks getting nerfed
Wow, I did not expect a reference to that in EEnE
poison his gravy so he has the mom nightmare debuff
God this show was fucking trash
>Hey guis lets do this WAKKI WAKKI SCAM XDD
>Double Douche passive aggresively bitches about nothing all episode
>Then realizing that he adds nothing to the show, Ed blurts something SEWWW RANDUMB XDD BUTTERED MUTANT TOAST GRAVY XPP
How the fuck could anybody enjoy this tripe?
go back to Family Guy Online
Here's your reply
No surprise.
>custom music score for every episode
>characters actually evolved a little as the show went on
>none of the characters were boring
>adult jokes werent references but clever wordplay
>even totally changing the setting didnt make the show get any worse
like that
I'm quitting for king of the hill online
see ya dorks
Why is Nazz so useless? She can barely heal better than Edd and her buffs are too situational to be any good
Kevin players needed a reason to exist
Exactly, she is only useful when paired with a Shepherd Rolf build
Well that and he's the only character who can beat Johnny for speed without getting too fucked up by Plank
At what level does Ed go blue?
I am so fucking happy that these retarded threads are being nuked. These are some of the most reddit threads I've ever seen. Now, go ahead and reply to me with you unfunny randumb "jokes".
Did you get banned from Family Guy Online or something?
These threads and KotHO predate reddit you FGO faggot.
>butthurt johnny player
That plank nerf really rustle your jimmies huh?
Very funny my friendarooni XD I would upvote your comment but I can't seem to find the button....
IS this a jojo reference?
Hello newfag
Sorry dude we'll just go back to calling everything shit again. It's f-fun to do nothing but argue on Sup Forums r-right?
Who are you maining in Hundred Acre Wood Online
anyways, LFG for Big Brother raid
>defeat eddy's brother
>kanker squad sneaks in and takes the loot
I hate these overpowered pieces of shit
The problem with Ed is that his only hard counter, Sarah, is no longer viable. He'd be perfectly fine otherwise.
Too bad Invader Zim Galaxies got shut down. I loved rping as this qt.
>Lothar Ed
Why are ya still playing the first game, the sequel's been out for A YEAR NOW!
I got the quest from Ed's Mom but I still can't find all the items. wtf how am I supposed to find shit without quest markers.
We don't talk about "that" here.
Please leave.