

fuck that switch controller so much

I want to play with a realass dpad, not that bullshit

Well flip you too


i honestly think it gets better at every step (except nintendo 64 maybe)


When they fired Gumpei Yokoi. Not even half-kidding. He's the reason why the NES and Super NES controllers were the way they were.

>5 out of 7 Nintendo consoles were shit


Objectively 1/7

>real controller
>real controller

Truly fires the synapses.

>Gamecube controller
How the fuck even is that a gimmick

>Incorporating analog sticks for the first time

What a gimmick!

Please explain the gimmick behind the N64 and NGC controllers. We all know why the N64 had the 2 in 1 design.

How the fuck are the N64 and GC controllers gimmicks?


What point are you trying to make

I agree but only when the features were properly implemented and not cheap gimmicks. The switch controls look like hot garbage I really hope they're compatible with the wii/u controllers. I doubt the gamepad will though which is sad because I love that thing and was very disappointed that hardly any games used it correctly for anything more than extra menu space/bathroom mode.

>Muh innovation
Has this mentality produce something else than shitty controls and hardware?

>Nintendo hasn't been good for SIXTEEN years
>there are people currently browsing this board that weren't even alive for the good Nintendo consoles

I don't get it, the Switch controller looks just like the sides of a New 3DS, and with the Joycon Grip, it should be even more comfortable. What's everybody's hate boner for the Joycons?

If only we could erase the Wii & U.

the only controllers that are shit are n64, gamecubes, and wii.

>fucking contoller
>fucking controller made for human hands
>child toy
>retarded dog



game spot used to have people who understand that aiming your camera with controller joy sticks is fairly archaic and primitive.

>tfw I genuinely enjoy the Tablet

Thumbsticks are clearly gimmicks.

People were very resistant to analog control when it was new and dismissed it as a "gimmick." Alien: Resurrection is allegedly the first game to feature analog control.

t. autist
now they blend with background

>what is contrast

WiiU had the best controller of all time

>wanting a portable's control scheme for a console controller

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that shape-wise, it's the same as a New 3DS

Yeah. DUMBASS kill youseself you worthless piece of shit.

Not of all time
It was very good
But it was not best

Yes, everything.

Don't mind that other user, he was just making his around, shitting on every thread.

They are having a party at /LGBT/ Though.

the only real controller its GC

>it's been almost as much time since the Wii U came out as there was between the Wii and the Wii U
where does the time go

Why are Americans so gay?

SNES=Gamecube>NES>N64>Wii U>Wii