AGDQ 2017

Now: Final Fantasy (NES)
Next: Gauntlet
After: Kabuki Quantum Fighter

Other urls found in this thread:

Cellar Dweller, get in here and try to defend yourself some more, its funny.

what's his name?

This is a funny meme and all, but just for everyone's information since a lot of people are taking it seriously, in reality he was actually grabbing a second bottle from beneath his chair.

speedrun strat seat sniffer supreme


Cheeky fella the seat smeller

>I-I was jsut getting my other water bottle.


Seat Pete and Next Your Feet.

There wpuld be no reason to bend down like that

if it was under his chair, there is absolutely no reason to plant his face in the seat to the right of his chair.

Who /11PM/ for Switch.

fuck he looks weird with no facial hair and flat head hair

yeah that's his excuse. he's done it before

so have I

tfw past my bed time

This thread is better. That one doesn't even have the schedule and is just shitposting. Go back to your containment thread you fucking faggot.

serial ladypoop sniffer

How's AGDQ going butt sniffer?

What if you guys ruin this guy's life because you spread fake news about him? Don't you even care?

OP i know you really want to be cool but we don't need two of these fucking threads

also you know with your whole being that both threads are just people going "seat sniffer kek"

>doesn't even have the schedule

Literally who gives a fuck? Use google if you need to find the schedule you dumb nigger

>just shitposting

Where the fuck have you been this entire event? Every single AGDQ thread is a shitposting thread. Get used to it.

From the last thread


Steve how was it?

Christ this run is terrible

He's just some fucking guy. No one knows who he is. No one will stop him in line at McDonald's and say, 'hey there, cellar dweller.'


Already with the fan art of the sniffer of sitters

I'm not OP though I was in your shitty thread and it was create while the other one was still going on as well.

I couldn't help it

I just love booty so much. I leaned down for my drink but I just had to

the chair was so close I almost buried my face in it

God it was amazing

>just shitposting
Welcome to Sup Forums faggot

Who makes this shit?

we have two and a half goddamn hours left

just post in the more active thread and recycle this one in the 5 minutes it takes to fill these shitty threads

someone should make a Final Fantasy esque logo with the dude sniffing the chair.

Wait he's not on camera anymore.

We all know he didn't really do it. Everyone else knows he didn't. No one would every recognize him anyway. Stop trying to ruin the fun.

Best Speedrun of AGDQ 2017 so far? Just cause I don't want to watch this shit run and I'm sure there's some good ones I missed.

OoT3D for me.


why would you sniff a chair?

I don't understand

i would
do this

What day had the best runs so far?

SEGA Bass Fishing

this is a thread about the current FF run

chairposting is not welcome

Scoop the poop troop

even IF there was a second bottle.


the "second bottle" is below his chair. so why turn right, away from it if he is looking for it?

stop defending this shit.

FF is boring and I've largely missed all of the Speenruns besides Pokemon Emerald.

Any good runs from this AGDQ I should look up so far?

i'm jelly

It only looked like his head was full in the chair because of the angle.



SEGA Bass Fishing


The only good ones I've seen were descent 2 and Sega fishing

What do chairs smell like?

I noticed more girls are in the audience today compared with yesterday.

i wanna sniff that chair

I can't stand the way she looks at herself as she's getting up. She's an average 7 but by inverse cheerleader effect she's off the charts there and knows it.

>tune in
>4 hours

And I'm going to bed


When's Undertale?


Will anything be able to top the Chair Sniffer this week?

I dunno, why don't you check the fucking schedule you fucking retard

she looks pretty hot to me

granted shes at AGDQ so she's basically there to flaunt her natural non-trans vagina and pick on some thirsty autistic betas, but whatever

Better question is, why aren't they doing Genocide so we can see the runner wipe on Sans over and over, finally breaking down?

>that tit bounce

Gonna save the cum shot for that moment after the hour of jav porn lined up

hell no, if something does my body is not ready

Why did I waste my time?


>$75 donation from "Fwooosh"

It's starting.

>Final Fantasy speedrun
This is fairly boring.

Don't know about you guys, but I'm sitting in my apartment, sipping on brandy, watching this run, and feeling comfy as fuck

No. Sup Forums is only allowed to have fun threads once every few weeks

yo he was creeping on that chick before she left, combine that with grabbing the "second water bottle", he was sniffing the chair and trying to be sly about it.

>pretending etc

its been like 20 minutes and we already have drawings, I cant believe it

Booty warrior

>She's an average 7
You wouldn't fuck a 7, user? Most men only ever get to fuck a 5 at best.

>4 hour """"""""""""""speedrun""""""""""""""""""

She looks too vapid for my tastes.

Why are these runs allowed?

how was the dark messiah run

Doesn't say that anywhere in my post. Just that she's above average.

needs a chair

It's already trending on Twitter, His life is over as he knows it.

horrible monotone commentary from a dead eyed souless runner abusing the game to the point that there was nothing enjoyable about the game anymore.

Here he is wondering what those titties smell like, too

Yeah, but if you're just hitting it and quitting it, I don't think that'd be much of an issue.

It's fucking speedrunning not slow walking why the hell is there a four hour game

I don't give a fuck if it's 99% faster than a standard run, 4 hours is far too long for a speedrun event.

Saw her in the lobby. She does have a nice ass.

Barely any kicking. It was SHIT.

probably why you should sniff a fucking chair in front of a massive audience being livestreamed to the internet

even if the person sitting in it WASN'T attractive

people have been ridiculed for far less.

it's the RPG night block. stop your goddamn whining and moaning. don't you have school tomorrow?

No ice
No kicking

0/10 see me after class

i was hype for it, but it was actually pretty boring.

Ahh, another #hype meme that will be forgotten in an hour.

>here, we're fighting a troll, or a trump supporter as our group as grown to call them

speedrunning was a mistake

>wtf why are people hating on of nazis?