She's pretty cute. Do you think she smokes the pipe?
She's pretty cute. Do you think she smokes the pipe?
Dark pipes only
Even better tbqh
this is that game with the robot dinosaurs right
are there even any men in the game, or other humans at all
It's a modern triple A game, so she's probably a lesbian.
but thats fine because it just means more cute /u/ shit
she probably at least smokes weed, maybe some meth too to get that pain numbing effect and really go ham on putting together machinery and shit
>looks like a man
>is in a game that will be probably about strong womyn that need no man
I hate Sony so much for giving money to this kind of thing.
Yes, and yes.
Why is men not needing women okay but the reverse is an issue for you betas
That is not the problem, this game is going to be a sjw shitfest, you can create independent women as characters but it is important to make sure the game does not try to point that out every single time. Bayonetta is a great independent female protag but sjws hate her because she is appealing for the male audience, probably 2B from Nier Automata will be a good example as well.
>muh overly super seshul girls are ok!
>practical looking females are sjw shit
Fuck off you fucking retarded cunt. You only hate horizon because it's sony. literally kys you worthless cunt.
could you post the black guy transparent pic
Nah, but I think you smoke the cock.
I have a PS4 you faggot, I just hate it that Sony spends their money on SJW bait shit like Horizon, at least their engine will be used on Death Stranding so not everything was worthless.
how is the game sjw
>Do you think she smokes the pipe?
I guess, yeah
the protag is a woman and sometimes the developers happen to mention that.
Have you seen even the slightest fucking bit of media to suggest this has an "SJW Agenda?" It's a fucking female protagonist, that's it. Everything shown thus far has shown her getting along just fine with people both male and female, with characters responding politely and promptly to each other. You dumb, dimwitted fuck.
Did they just steal Sayla design from Far Cry Primal?
It looks like a new girl with every screenshot.
Just pick a design and stay with it.
>female protag that is not appealing for most males
>has a man-face in order to not anger the tumblr faggots with their "muh unrealistic females only made for male gaze hurr"
>does not show one trait of femininity
How great is having a woman as main protag when all she does is act like a man?
She looks like a man and is not cute you piece of shit, that is SJW agenda, having a female protag that acts like a man. What is the fun in that?
Op pic looks like Vasquez from Aliens movie.
so gravity rush 2 and NieR Automata are sjw games
nice meme
nice buzzweords and how does she look like a man
>nice meme
I'm serious.
No, because they have female protags that act like females, they are not throwing away their cute and feminine side even when they are destroying robots and other monsters.
>Likes Kojima trash
I know where I can put this opinion
Look at OP`s pic and tell me that looks feminine. It does not, get the hair out and she will look like a soccer player.
You know I am right user, why are you defending this shitty sjw game so much?
yra you are fucking stupid
the games are nothing alike you fucking idiot
so you don't look at females at all only anime girls
Nice argument faggot.
Literally my first post in the thread
wow you idiots put that shit on anything now
you too
Yeah, that is how I like my female protags, it is not like the male leads are just like real guys as well so why bother?
Nope, she's a 5, nothing particularly wrong with her face but nothing about it stands out either.
>the games are nothing alike you fucking idiot
They're a lot alike, and the character design seems literally identical.
She was not created to be cute, she was created with a standard female body that does not make girls think they are worthless for not looking hot like her, a meh face that is nothing to write home about and the mind of a righteous man.
aka standard sjw female protagonist
>You only hate horizon because it's sony
>mentions 2B
You were better off calling him a weeb, dumbass.
Except it's been in development since like 2011. FCP was probably shat out in a year.
I'm confused. I have a fetish for redheads with freckles, but this bitch does nothing for me.
Who gives a shit? FCP came out before Horizon.
Horizon was in development before FCP was even an idea.
Awwww man, speaking of this game, I burst out laughing when I played this and it was the fucking same fucking shit as the two previous games, literally copy and fucking paste, it's not even funny, it's sad.
>"Goddess be with you"
An actual line from the game.
Feminist trash.
>Feminist trash.
Do fems believe in a god at all user? Also, aren't there a lot of goddesseseses in your japaneeeese aminaes?
>goddess-worshipping manface that never stops talking in Far Cry Primal 2 Robot Jigaloo
>feminist game aimed at a market dominated by men
I'm not defending the game. It's kinda boring desu.
Who gives a shit? FCP came out before Horizon.
Guys, isn't that Justin Bieber?
This plus "mug strong wyman with bow"
Wow never have seen this before. Such diversity
Great work. You even got the dick shadow on his leg.
Every thread the same shit with you people
>Far Cry memers
>People intimidated by fictional women
>Console wars
>That one shill who is not very good at english
I guarantee you're all the same fucking people every single time.
there are goddesseseses in real life you fucking fool
>I'm not defending the game. It's kinda boring desu
I gave it an hour of my time before dusting my hands of it, hell yeah it's boring because we played it twice before, FC4 and FCP are just expansion packs from FC3. Fucking terrible on Ubi's part.
No way.
it looks like it is i dont think anybody on here is a fan of the game its not even out yet
I don't know, I liked FC3 and FC4. FCP is... well... Just doesn't have this something.
It was clearly made to appease the bow fags anyway.
>people intimidated by fictional women
More like not interesting enough to make us care and buy the game.
>ordinary looking female protag
So we have to have balloon titted bitches in bikini armor with an abnormally small waist for it to be not-SJW?
>Female deity
>Feminist trash
It is known that among the first things people worshipped was the earth itself, which was regarded female. Most deities we're actually female before the more contemporary religions popped up. So women in pre-historic ages we're all feminists?
Makes sense for there to be female deitie(s) in this game since the civilization looks pre-historic and tribal based.
I am not saying they are bad games they just share the same formulas with seemingly no differences, I got Far Cry fatigue just like I got Gears fatigue after Gears 3 and Ass Creed fatigue at Black Flag.
ITT: upset neckbeards that don't get to stick their tiny peepee's in a vagina occasionally.
You guys should get laid once in a while. Get the poison out, you know?
>female protag that appeals to male audience
>retains her femininity and cute side even though she can fuck up robots that are 10 times her size
>is really different from a male protag because she actually acts like what would be expected of a likeable girl
>female protag appeal to female audience
>follows current social ideas on how a female should act in certain situations
>is not too cute or beautiful because if she was it would cause girls to be envious and even depressed they cannot be like her
>acts like a man to show that she is strong enough and needs no man
Yeah, it is that simple, SJWs pander to females and Non-SJW pander to males, be that whatever characteristics are being valued by each group.
I'm not sure how you think she acts like a man and isn't feminine.
Someone spoil it for me.
I can't be assed to google.
But I do that user, but it still does not make me like manface female protags that were created for insecure girls. The game is shitty and a huge loss on resources, at least the engine will end up being useful in the long run.
The main character's name is Aloy, you can spoil yourself if you have a brain.
>not a hint of grace on her walking animation
>not beautiful
>does not look feminine
>is some kind of amazon
Urushibara is 10 times more feminine than that thing and he has a dick.
>She looks like a man and is not cute you piece of shit, that is SJW agenda,
That's fucking wrong though.
Nah you're just a trolling faggot.
>All these betacucks afraid of the SJW-boogeyman
>Bushy eyebrows
>But ruined with manchin
I won't deny she kinda looks manish but not every protagonists has to be attractive i guess.
what the fuck kind of name is Horizon Zero Dawn anyway? It's just three random words that sound cool
Don't know if the second applies to this game but that description is fairly accurate, if a game has a guaranteed predominantly male audience but makes female characters that are specifically made not to appeal to guys preferences, you probably got a sjw/feminist made game.
That's one of the quickest ways to tell if the developers are sjws if they avoid beauty and femininity in the female characters.
Not everyone gives a fuck about your pol/sjw autism