Drakengard 3

Just... Why?
For what purpose?

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It's not even hard if you have a decent sense of rhythm

>action game expect me to have a good sense of rythm

I haven't played it but it's a taro game, I'd expect a 5 in 1 deal

why not

I don't though. I really really don't.

I hope he pull something like that in nier automata to see the platinum fags get mad

To lead into 4

You know some hard core Plantinum fans have some good ass rythm right?

Anarchy Reigns is full of rhythm.

Easily the best song of the game, with the best visuals, and the game's only semblance of haunting atmosphere that resembled the nightmarish imagery of the first Drakengard.

And I'll never beat it.

Who says Nier Automata is not already secretly DoD4 and the title of the game will change once you beat the first ending?

it will be drakengard 3.5 with more retarded kamiya "humor"

>Not training your sense of rhythm while counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the square button in the first game

For the same reason you don't expect to need to know computer engineering to make a sandwich

Different fields of work, different skills


That's a pretty big leap, not exactly applicable

Kamiya humor is fantastic

Because it's fun.

if you are six, sure

The only final boss that made me feel amazing when I beat it. I spent three god damn days trying and had to fall back on piano lessons I had as a kid.

That fucking phantom note outta nowhere. I got REALLY lucky and managed to get it by pure chance on the first try.

Never found the motivation to finish Drakengard 3's ending. Just didn't care anymore by the time I saw that unskippable opening animation again and again and again.

I already beat Drakengard 1. I did my time.

What? The example is completely applicable: you don't expect to need to know certain things for certain activities, just like you don't think you're going to need good reflexes for a turn-based RPG

>More Drakengard 3 styled humor in Automata.
Please no.

I thought the first Nier's party banter was great. But I started dreading talking to any of the characters in DOD3.

Your heart beats doesn't it? Then you have a fucking sense of rhythm. You should pay attention to it some more.

What was bad about it? Never played drakengard 3, but I know about that pissing scene in the beginning.

>i don't like DoD3 dialogue


Dialogue isn't as charming as Nier's and more edgy. The disciples are kind of one-note and have a shtick that they usually keep too. One has a huge dick and like to fuck, another likes to be tortured. This will be what most of their lines are about.

It's a step down but I still enjoyed it. Zero, Mikhail, and the sisters make up for it.

Nier was more dry humor with Nier and Weiss's contrasting personalities playing off of each other.

Drakengard 3 played up the wanton violence more for dark humor, and half of the characters made a sex joke nearly every other line of dialogue regardless of the tone of the situation. Which was all the more odd when Drakengard 1's approach to themes of sex and violence made the game into more of a fantasy horror story.

Not saying those games had to do the same thing, but it's a pretty heavy shift in tone.

Gotta get in the groove man

>Was always taught a punishment-based system for learning
>Had a set of small weights at the time
>Realized I was going to be in for the same amount of shit as DoD1 only worse because I can do patterns but my rhythm is terrible
>Start doing X reps with the weights per death
>Eventually have to take apart the weights and add them to one another
>It took me a week to beat the boss
>This was right before I left for college
>Leave for College /fit/ as fuck
> Return to being a fat neckbeard within a few months because of no motivation to continue after beating the game

I 2nd this opinion. DoD3' s """"""humor"""""" was forced, and not funny at all. Nier's was very nice because it wasnt over bearing, it was the characters laughing, unlike DoD3 expecting YOU to laugh. If that makes sense.

Oh man Drakengard

>Somehow end up getting Drakengard as a gift as a kid
>Go through not really "getting" a lot of the stuff like Leonard being gay and such
>That moment when getting to D Path

How do people keep an idea of rhythm when the songs were always changing?

I've never been musically oriented, so I'm genuinely curious.

Dunno, I can find a beat pretty quickly.
But I was also in both band and choir.

sounds like you are the problem m8, DoD3 was funny as fuck

Hey I like this idea.I can get fit while failing at things.


I still remember watching techtv as a lad and seeing nothing else of the game but the babies falling from the sky and eating Arioch and Leonard alive

Remembered it, but never knew what the game was called until I played Nier years later.

>Wake up Christmas (Eve) one morning
>Was able to open one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas
>It's fucking Drakengard
>Play through it, even after ending D nothing really seemed too weird
>Get to Ending E
>Jesus Christ
>It's Drakengard
>Probably spent a week of time trying to get it
>Finally beat the final "pattern"
>Be a dumb kid and run into the kitchen and tell mom I beat it
>Come back and I'm dead

I never even found out there was another note until years later when I read the lets play, and that's when I realized how fucked up everything was too.

Yeah shit was fucked up

also meant to correct myself that Leonard was a pedo

There was also that moment when I had hit Ending B path

With Ending C being a bit more eased back in the fucked up level (corrupt dragon wasn't as scary as literally psychotic screeching angel sister with her eyes going all chameleon mode) I thought it couldn't get more fucked up than that

Boy I was wrong...so very wrong...

I chuckled at the first sudden bout of "bleeping" censorship, and the gag with Accord being infinitely faster than Zero.

But other than that, most of the humor was lost on me.

>Play an instrument.
>Know what rhythm is.
It's pretty nice.

But do you just count it off in your head, or is it so natural you don't have to think about it?


Taro is such a lovable nut

>Keeps Ending E of Drakengard a secret from his own team until its about to go out
>Reveals it and they hate it
>He loves their response

I don't get it. What's the hard part. I looked this final boss up and it's just a 4/4 rhythm that slowly accelerates. I see people complain, but the patterns don't get much harder than eighth notes. Is subdividing rhythms really that hard to internalize for most people???

yes you autistic fuck???

Mostly natural, but counting with your foot doesn't hurt.
I often walk in pace with the music I'm listening to as well, but sometimes it's too fast.

>that shitpost he did after Project Re:Fantasy got announced.
He was always /ourguy/. People just didn't fully realize until 2B's but brought him up front and center.

>regarded as a frustrating joke ending
>ends up building an entire series around it

Post comfy Caim.

what shitpost?

Drakengard's the only game I can think of that gives you an abrupt good ending right off the bat and proceeds to make you work for more interesting yet increasingly bad endings.


That moment you learn...


Most devs showed their support for Atlus after they announced that they were making a traditional fantasy game.

Here was Yoko Taro's response.

>that scar
D-did something happen to Taro? Is he going to be alright?



So is redeye caim or what?

He broke his face. But he fixed it.


he kinda looks like donte here

Emil took some beating during the 8K years between Nier and Automata.

This fucking guy

For you

punished taro

>NieR is going to die no matter what
He wasn't kidding ;_;

Shut up Jail


Guys, you just gotta FEEL the music. I always do that with rhythm games.

Still can't beat the hardest songs on Project Diva or even Theatrhythm FF.

What were the loss conditions of the final boss?
I looked up a video and timed button presses to the notes and only had issues with the second to last sequence the beat was too fast and I got confused

Miss a beat

Popular theory due to their affinity for murder and the disappearance of Angelus's body.

But no confirmation.

One miss and you're dead.

Damn that's harsh.
Would definitely take me several tries.


Bit of a shift in casting.

So let me see if I get this straight

slut zero gets infected by flower that has something to do with the watchers

slut zero splits into 5 other sluts who take over the world

slut zero kills other sluts so that flower wont destroy the world or something, turns into queen beast somehow, slut 1's twin brother she has somehow starts the cult of the watchers

drakengard one happens, ending A leads to Drakengard 2, ending E leads to nier

did I get that right?

They forgot to mention the unskippable cutscene at the beginning.

The rythym isn't hard it's the bullshit at the very end.

I'm just amazed that Automata is actually a thing.

Feels like it's the only Yoko Taro game I've seen get actual attention before release.

Pretty much. Though it's debatable if Zero was actually the Queen Beast in Drakengard 1 or just became a similar entity due to the Flower's influence.

Close. Drakengard 2 is technically in its own separate timeline.
You also forgot that Nier has a fifth ending found only in a short story not released outside Japan, and that's the one canon to Automata.

Also it's not clear which D3 ending is canon. I think a short story ending might be canon to D1 but it's possible that several different endings converge? D3 played around more with the alternate timeline stuff.


>people had trouble with this
Never played an instrument or anything. I just thought the way the song flowed was natural to everyone took me 3 tries

>your ball will never be that big
why live

Drakengard 1 was a drag as far as I played it, there was hardly any plot and it was just a bad musou. When does all the interesting stuff actually start to happen?

>Drakengard 2 is technically in its own separate timeline.
Pretty sure it's meant to be an extension of Drakengard's ending A. But Taro didn't have much involvement.

D3's endings make less sense because all of them impacted Drakengard 1 in some way due to parallel timeline anomaly mumbo jumbo.

Fucking amazing, the percussion really adds to the song.

It better not give Taro any ideas, though

It has a few standout moments all throughout, but what everyone really remembers are the chapters you unlock after finishing Ending A.

Automata is looking like it might wind up being more successful than previously expected.
I'm curious to see what he does next.

Chances are he's already turned Kamiya into one of his servants now.

He probably secretly orchestrated the shit with Scalebound.

Every Drakengard 3 ending has elements that carry in over into 1. It's unclear how the hell that's supposed to work

Is there more to them other than run around killing things until you're told to go to the next pack of things to kill until the level is over? If I still have my old save, I might try to continue if so.

Originally it was ending A but I think word of God puts it separate, probably so Taro can write his own Ending A sequel when he wants.
So it's possible D4 takes place in a parallel timeline to Nier, but knowing Taro might have connections anyways.

Outside of the flying missions and being able to call the dragon while on the ground? Not really.

The gameplay is definitely not Drakengard's selling point.

Wasn't Taro's original idea for Drakengard 3 that it would be released as Drakengard 4 and be about figuring out what the hell happened in and to 3

Did he plan this in advance?

someone explain drakengard story 1-3 cause i never played and only saw giant baby.