This motherfucker walks into your dream and slaps your dolls ass. What do you do?

This motherfucker walks into your dream and slaps your dolls ass. What do you do?

Slaughter him, obviously. Why, what did you do?

Sounds like the oven timer's dinging. Better whip out the Pizza Cutter.

Pick up what's left of my doll.

Slaughtered him. I only posted this because I finally beat him after burning through about 25 insight summoning valtr and taking a break to level some more. Geez. I thought OoK was bad.

I don't understand how whirligig works. Maybe it's just cause I don't have it leveled passed +8 but holding L2 doesn't stagger whomever you're attacking with it.

Is Laurence THE main villain of Bloodborne? He's responsible for the entire outbreak.


*unzips whirlgig*
*quicksteps behind you*
pshh, nothin personnel...

It's not really for staggering even if it can be good at that. Beast pellets help a ton though.

Lady Maria is the superior dollfu

>using the piercing rifle

Is it any good? I heard it was trash

Not my screenshot.

Laurence was still manipulated by the Moon Presence, though he was the one who beckoned it in the first place in exchange for more power. It come down to personal interpretation after that, whether the Moon Presence is the main antagonist because it drove Laurence and everyone else into doing all that bad shit or if it was Laurence's pride that invited it in and all the blame should be on him.

I beat him for the first time yesterday, NG+. It took me maybe 100 tries over the course of two months. I finally felt free to fight Orphan, who took me 4 tries to kill.
Sorry, Doll.

I've been playing through BB the last two days, does the setting ever turn less gray, dark and edgy? It all feels so samey. I had just beaten Rom before I stopped.

is this bait? the setting changes drastically after you beat rom

No, it's one of Bloodborne's flaws.

Things got a bit brighter, but it's all still the same gloomy dark boring alleys, from what I've seen so far.
I constantly see people praising it but it feels easier than other Souls games, the setting is bland and I feel there are a few questionable design decisions, which are hindering my enjoyment a bit.

>tfw save data got corrupted

No cloud?

nope because poorfag

>Running through Chalice Dungeons.
>Now woefully overleveled in main game.

I fucking HATE the Undead Giant with ball/chain on his back. Wasted so many vials on the fucker.
I also got grabbed an embarrassing number of times by the brainstealer in the central Hintertomb dungeon

Yeah, orphan was a bit easier I'd say. Once I got used to dodging into his attacks and not being greedy it all went okay. But Laurence, geez that last phase was rough. I just spammed blacksky and got a hit in every once and again when I had the chance.

Orphan can be parried during the whole fight, and some of his attacks give you enough time for a backstab. I was doing over 3k of damage with each visceral attack.

Using what?

Threaded Cane and the 10% and 20% Clawmark runes.

>not using buffed chalice gem-pimped whirligig saw
>implying this nigger is hard compared to anchor sharks

*Blocks your path*

Beat him on my second try
L2 is good for his no-legs phase, not really the first phase.



Lady Maria sits on her big fat butt all day, the doll only does it when she occasionally rests; Maria is lazy! Lazy!

take that back!

pop some blood bellets,empty phantasm shell and whirliwig + 10 his ass with my 0 insight beast/arcane build in all beast hide armor.

gg ez

No one compares any boss to anchor shark fucks because we all know they are the Great Ones of Great Ones

>getting the Rakuyo

I hear tale that Lady Maria is like a pizza; easily cut and rather flat!

>finishes his flaming combo of 1000 attacks
>immediately jumps back half the length of the room
>immediately starts up another fucking combo

I hated this boss.
