What happened to our board, Sup Forums. We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry

What happened to our board, Sup Forums. We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.

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>we used to be feared & respected

ya mean back before the vidya days? yea, it's been a while.

you're too young to remember but publishers feared our sway in the industry.

Made me giggle.
Thanks user.

Tch. That was never a thing.

But don't worry - I've got an idea.

Been here since for 8 years now and I don't remember a time when anyone in the commercial game industry cared about the opinions of Sup Forums posters. Maybe a handful of indie devs too autistic to use sites that require an account. Message board posters have been belittled since the 90's and nothing has changed.

please don't shoot up a school or rape a girl

I remember Sup Forums being a lot more fun when they like anime, minecraft, and MLP.

get out!


Blame the Memegate faggots for driving the final nail on the Sup Forums coffin.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

Remember minecraft green text stories. The only big issue back then was the 8 pokemon and TF2 threads up at all times.

i had fun with minecraft griefing. that was good times.



Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that this shitty website shaped the history of gaming, retard.

>keep telling yourself that this shitty website shaped the history of gaming, retard.

You started calling everyone cucks and had conniption fits over women and minorities being featured in games.

we lost gamersgate.

>What happened to our board, Sup Forums. We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.

That never happened, newfag

They removed all the credibility, they flooded the boards with shills, shitposters literally paid to ruin everything.
They have the money, the women, the media and the drugs so they can do whatever they feel like. We are nothing.

>he thinks Sup Forums single-handedly caused SWTOR to fail

>Sup Forums causing TORtanic to fail

I'm pretty sure that The Old Republic being complete shit is what caused it to fail.

I never did get TORtanic being this thunderous disaster when they're making more money as a F2P than they were as monthly prescriptions & still producing expansions.

It had a massive budget and was supposed to be the WoW killer

Gamergate happened and discredited us as a bunch of right wing nazi losers who believe in insane conspiracy theories about how dirt poor indie devs who happen to all be women secretly control a billion dollar industry.

The last good thing Sup Forums did was shit all over EA so much they had to release a public statement.

Pepe became a lame normalfag meme and brought redditors and other cancer here in droves.

die barneyfag

Sup Forums never liked ponyfaggotry
it was so bad it literally got a containment board

Remember when Jade dissed Kiefer Sutherland in front of everyone at the game awards a couple of years ago

You missed the boat, youngling. You'll never know.




fucking kill yourself horsefucker

And 20 years later you all will still be mad.

That was because the reaction pics got out of hand. Sorry pal it was popular here, so was anime once, but that is going way back.

That's some bait.

Was referring to a time not a personal preference, but they are probably hotter than your mom.

>Was referring to a time
well you are not wrong then

>but they are probably hotter than your mom
she's dead jim

>it wasn't unpopular, its just that every board including Sup Forums hated it so much that the few vocal faggots that spread the cancer had to be penned up in a new board and the slightest mention of MLP gets a ban.

Is that Jade?

Gamegate, the fappening, and the 2016 election ruined the website.

>we used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.

>she's dead jim
Then I am correct.

we're going to get ruined some more because Sup Forums trolled the CIA into believing a fanfiction about Trump & golden showers with russian whores and reported it as genuine.

>We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.
who the fuck feared Sup Forums and when?

>all those phone posters

Absolutely abhorrent

sauce on this shit i could use a good laugh tonight

The main problem as I see it with Sup Forums is the posters who aren't willing to discuss their viewpoints. I don't care if you think the game I like is shit, at least have a conversation about it instead of just trolling gullible anons for (You)'s

Not that Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general didn't always have that problem, and there are certain threads where you can have an actual worthwhile discussion with other people who know a game or a series as well as you do, but the amount of ironic shitposting is actually annoying. I'm ready for the post-meta meta irony that is just us discussing games with each other

in retrospect I'd much prefer mlp poster than Sup Forums posters even though I despise both


I want to hug Jade Raymond

>used to be feared & respected
It just sounds like you're a newfag who heard about Sup Forums from other sites.

This board's love of (you)s have damned our board. It's attracted the same retarded children that never got any attention growing up by friends & family where they learned that only by saying outrageous or retarded things will at least give a knee-jerk response. It's the same kid that'll turn off the tv while the senpai is watching a program just to be the center of attention even for a little bit.

What makes you say this?



>SWToR has the third largest community of all current MMORPGs out.
>SWToR is profitable for EA.
>SWToR still recieves regular patches and yearly expansions.

ToRtanic did more damage to Sup Forums than Sup Forums did to SWToR.


You're so right user. I paid for it. Now I'm just waiting for someone to put me out of my misery.

>Suddenly remember her speech and being high or drunk af
Based Jade

Because that MMO literally had other fine games strangled out of existence just on the hope that these people from those games would flock to it when it finally came out YEARS later.

That's why it's a fucking joke, it doesn't matter how in the green they are, it still didn't meet expectations for them and brought them back down into reality, that's why it is at the f2p model it is today with a cash shop.

>Barneyfag shits up a discussion

That can be easily arranged.

>We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.
AHahahahahahahah, no.

>no empire of dirt

The only things Sup Forums had any influence over would be the startup games like minecraft, agar.io, diep.io, cookieclicker, etc.

What're you even talking about? No one fears or respects Sup Forums

>vidya industry
they don't care about the opinions of their consumers (especially ones from this shithole) as much as they care about making money

true. nowadays, these devs just get videogamedunkey and pewdiepie to advertise their game. It's much more effective.

>We used to be feared & respected in the vidya industry.